100字范文 > 生态系统敏感性指数 index of eco-sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

生态系统敏感性指数 index of eco-sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-13 09:59:47


生态系统敏感性指数 index of eco-sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

生态系统敏感性指数,index of eco-sensitivity

1)index of eco-sensitivity生态系统敏感性指数

2)the coefficient of sensitivity生态敏感系数

3)the sensitivity index of hydrodynamic coefficient水动力系数敏感性指数

4)coefficient sensitivity(CS)敏感性指数


1.Change of Insulin-sensitivity index(ISI) in male diabetes mellitus 2(DM2)with gout and its meaning男性2型糖尿病合并痛风患者胰岛素敏感性指数变化及意义

2.Research on Reliability Analysis of Dam Slope Nonlinear Strength Stability and Parameter"s Sensitivity非线性指标坝坡可靠度分析及参数敏感性研究

3.HSDI:A Framework of Human Sustainable Development Indicators Involving Environment Factor;HSDI:植入环境敏感性因素的人类可持续发展指数

bined β-Crosslaps and BGP,the diagnosis sensitivity was improved to 77.2%.联合检测两指标,诊断的敏感性达77.2%。

5.Sensitivity Analysis of Drought Indices used in Shaanxi Province干旱指标在陕西省应用的敏感性分析

6.The Concept and Substantial Calculation of the Susceptibility Coefficient of Sales Expense and its Effectiveness Index;企业销售费用敏感系数和效用指数的实证研究

7.A Study on Parametric Sensitivity of Fuzzy Reasoning Based on Similarity;基于相似性推理中的参数敏感性分析

8.To render insensitive or less sensitive.使降低敏感性使不敏感或降低敏感性

9.gender-sensitive data bases对性别问题敏感的数据基

10.Permeability Coefficient Sensitivity Analysis in Earth Dam of Yanshan Reservoir燕山水库土石坝渗透系数敏感性分析

11.Analysis of Air Cushion Vehicle"s Seaworthiness and Sensitive Parameters全垫升气垫船耐波性参数敏感度分析

12.Calbration and Sensitive Analysis on the Parameters of the WASP ModelWASP模型参数率定与敏感性分析

13.Sensitivity Analysis of Design Parameters of Excavation Support基坑支护结构设计参数的敏感性分析

14.A calculation and study on sensitivity of geometrical parameters of control surfaces for submarines潜艇操纵面几何参数敏感性计算研究

15.Change of Some Physiological Characters in the Fertility Sensitive Period of Two Types of Temperature Sensitive Male Sterile Wheat Lines两类小麦温敏雄性不育系育性敏感时期生理生化指标的变化

16.Effect of promoting blood circulation therapy on insulin sensitive index and tumor necrosis factor-α in fat tissue of supernutrition obese rats活血化瘀法对营养性肥胖大鼠胰岛素敏感指数及脂肪组织中肿瘤坏死因子-α的影响

17.A Study on Sensitivity of Clinical Periodontal Index and Subgingival Pathogen of Fixed-orthodontic Patients to Metabolite of Lactobacillus;乳杆菌代谢产物对于固定矫治患者牙周指数和龈下菌群的敏感性研究

18.Study on the Index"s Sensitivity of Radio Wave Penetrating the Outburst Dangerous Zone of Zhe Coal Seam;电磁波探测煤层突出危险性指标敏感性研究


the coefficient of sensitivity生态敏感系数

3)the sensitivity index of hydrodynamic coefficient水动力系数敏感性指数

4)coefficient sensitivity(CS)敏感性指数

5)Sensitivity index敏感性指数

1.Aiming at the motion equation of underwater vehicle,a hydrodynamic coefficient sensitivity index is introduced.针对水下航行器操纵运动方程,引入水动力系数敏感性指数的概念。

2.Based on the motion equations of the submarine,a sensitivity index is introduced.基于潜艇的空间运动方程,引入了敏感性指数的概念,选取水平面z型操舵机动、垂直面梯形操舵机动和水平面定常回转运动三种典型运动形式作为研究对象,就水动力系数对操纵性影响进行了评估,并通过对某型潜艇的仿真计算,验证了该评估方法的可行性。

3.One QTL controlling tolerance index(TI)was detected on chromosome 1 and five QTLs controlling sensitivity index(SI)for photooxidation tolerance were mapped on chromosomes 1,1,6,8 and 9,respectively.利用由127个株系组成的来源于籼稻品种窄叶青8号和粳稻品种京系17的加倍单倍体群体,以耐性指数和敏感性指数为指标,采用QTL Mapper 1。

6)ecological sensitivity生态敏感性

1.Grey relation projection model for theecological sensitivity.;生态敏感性的灰色关联投影评价模型及其应用

2.Analysis ofecological sensitivity of planning mountainous zone of Chongqing Olympic Garden;重庆奥林匹克花园山地规划区生态敏感性分析

3.Integrated assessment onecological sensitivity for Beijing北京市域生态敏感性综合评价


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
