100字范文 > 重金属生态风险 ecological risk of heavy metal英语短句 例句大全

重金属生态风险 ecological risk of heavy metal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-20 17:06:56


重金属生态风险 ecological risk of heavy metal英语短句 例句大全

重金属生态风险,ecological risk of heavy metal

1)ecological risk of heavy metal重金属生态风险

1.The obtained datum also show that there is a potentialecological risk of heavy metals in Xiamen Bay,because ∑SEM:AVS ratios are greater than 1.利用AVS归一化的方法评价沉积物中有毒金属化学活性,结果表明大多数站点∑SEM/AVS>1,沉积物∑SEM-AVS的差值均0<(∑SEM-AVS)<5,说明该区存在潜在的重金属生态风险。


1.Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Elements in Urban Soil of Harbin哈尔滨市城市土壤重金属生态风险评价

2.Assessment of ecological risk of acid-volatile sulfide (AVS) and trace metals in marine sediment of Xiamen Bay厦门湾海域沉积物中酸可挥发性硫化物与重金属生态风险评价

3.Heavy Metals Pollution and Ecological Risk Assessment of Urban Soil;城市土壤重金属的污染和生态风险评价

4.The Status and Ecological Risk Assessment of Soil Contaminated by Heavy Metals in Harbin哈尔滨市土壤重金属污染现状与生态风险评价


6.Assessment of the Potential Ecological Risk of Heavy Metals in the Farmland Soils in Yucheng City,Shandong Province典型农业区农田土壤重金属潜在生态风险评价

7.Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution Using Potential Ecological Risk Indexes in the Shen-Fu Sewage Irrigation Regions沈抚污灌区土壤重金属污染潜在生态风险评价

8.Study on Ecological Migration Risks of Heavy Metals in Uranium Tailings Dam铀尾矿库中重金属元素的生态迁移风险研究

9.Pollution assessment and ecological risk evalution for heavy metals in the sediments of Bohai Bay渤海湾底质重金属污染及其潜在生态风险评价

10.Speciation of the Heavy Metals in the Sediments of the Jinpen Reservoir and Their Assessments of Potential Ecological Risk黑河金盘水库沉积物中重金属形态分布特征及潜在生态风险评价

11.Pollution of heavy metals in the sediments from Qingshui Stream in Chongqing and its potential ecological risk assessment重庆市清水溪河流沉积物重金属污染及潜在生态风险评价

12.Investigation on Heavy Metal Contaminantion in Soils and Risk Assessment of Eco-environment in Honggu Coal-Mining Area of Lanzhou, Loess Plateau in Northwest China;黄土高原地区煤矿土壤重金属污染调查研究及生态风险评价

13.Distribution and Risk Evaluation of Heavy Metals in Greenhouse Vegetable Soils;设施菜地土壤重金属的分布特征与生态风险评价研究

14.Research on the Ecological Risk Assessment Model of Heavy Metal Pollution on the Farm Soil Near the Mine矿山环境农田土壤重金属污染潜在生态风险评价模型研究

15.Distribution of heavy metal in two types of beach soil of Rechange the cropland into lake in Dongting Lake and assessment on its Potemtial ecological risk洞庭湖退田还湖滩地土壤重金属分布与潜在的生态风险评价

16.Assessment of Potential Ecological Risk of Soil Heavy Metals in the Sewage Irrigated Area of the Huafei River,Kaifeng City开封市化肥河污灌区土壤重金属潜在生态风险评价

17.Heavy metal characteristics in sewage sludge and its potential ecological risk assessment for agriculture use in Guangzhou广州城市污泥中重金属的存在特征及其农用生态风险评价

18.Heavy metal contents analysis and potential ecological risk appraisal to sediments of large and medium-scaled reservoirs in Guangdong Province广东大中型水库底泥重金属含量特征及潜在生态风险评价


heavy metal elements risk重金属元素风险

3)risk of heavy metal pollution重金属污染风险

1.A field experiment was conducted to assess the impacts of integrated fertilization with commercial organic manure and chemical fertilizers onrisk of heavy metal pollution and quality of agricultural products in rice-rape cropping system.通过田间试验研究有机无机肥配合施用对水稻—油菜轮作体系重金属污染风险和农产品质量的影响。

4)health risk assessment of heavy metals重金属健康风险评价

5)potential risk of heavy metal重金属潜在污染风险

6)Ecological risk生态风险

1.Persistent Organic Pollutants(POPs)distribution and potential ecological risk on sediment in Lake Taihu and slurry stockyard;太湖底泥和疏竣堆场中持久性有机污染物的分布及潜在生态风险

2.Evaluation on the potential ecological risks of heavy metal pollution in sediments in the main course of Haihe River and Dagu Drainage Outlet;海河干流、大沽排污河沉积物中重金属污染及潜在生态风险评价

3.Effects of road on landscape and its ecological risk assessment:A case study of Lancangjiang River valley.;道路对景观的影响及其生态风险评价——以澜沧江流域为例


