100字范文 > 协同研发体系 synergistic R&D system英语短句 例句大全

协同研发体系 synergistic R&D system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-12 02:01:05


协同研发体系 synergistic R&D system英语短句 例句大全

协同研发体系,synergistic R&D system

1)synergistic R&D system协同研发体系

1.The necessity and importance of the construction of automobile enterprises′synergistic R&D system was studied from the point of time dimension,spatial dimension and resource dimension.论述了时间维、空间维和资源维保障对于汽车企业协同研发体系构建的必要性和重要性;分别从敏捷重构机制、远程异地合作和资源缺口补偿等角度探讨了3个维度的内涵、内容、具体体现及实际运用;得出了柔性决策、事件触发、快速试错和联合预警共同构成汽车企业协同研发体系的敏捷重构机制;远程异地合作机制由终端界面、底层服务和对外接口3大部分构成的软件平台实现;资源缺口补偿由存量与增量、实体和虚拟补偿、显性和隐性补偿,以及直接和替代补偿4种方式构成。


1.Analysis of Guarantee Dimension of the Automobile Enterprises′ R&D System汽车企业协同研发体系保障维度分析

2.Research and Implementation of Cooperation Protocol of Forwarding Elements in OpenRouter Architecture;OpenRouter体系结构中转发单元协同协议的研究与实现

3.Study on Establishment for Synergetic Development System of Mining Areas and Cities Coupling System;构建矿城耦合系统协同发展体系的研究

4.A Research on Coordinated Development of Commercial Insurance and the Rural Social Security System;商业保险与农村社会保障体系协同发展研究

5.Discussion on Concept of Coordinated Development of Comprehensive Transportation System under Synergetics从协同论角度论综合运输体系协调发展的内涵

6.The Research on Architecture Frameworks of Navy Cooperative Warfare Simulation System海上协同交战仿真系统体系结构研究

7.Research on Architecture and Security Technology for Web-based Cooperative Product Development System;基于Web的协同产品开发体系结构及信息安全技术研究

8.Architecture of Agent-Based Tele-Collaborative-Product-Development Systems;基于智能代理的异地协同产品开发体系结构研究

9.Research on concurrency control method of train working diagram compilation system based on group coordination基于群体协同的铁路列车运行图编制系统并发控制方法研究

10.A Study on the SOA Based Software Architecture of Computer Supported Cooperative Work System;基于SOA的协同软件体系架构研究

11.The Research of Multi-source Cooperation Techniques in P2P Media Streaming System;P2P流媒体系统中多源协同技术研究

12.Research on Synergetic System for Logistics in Tobacco Industry Based on the Theory of Supply Chain基于供应链的烟草物流协同体系研究

13.Research and Development of Collaborative Design System Based on PDM;基于PDM的协同设计系统的研究与开发

14.Research and Develop Drawing Inspecting System Based on Computer Supported Collaborative Design;支持协同设计的审图系统研究与开发

15.Research on Concurrency Control in Cooperative Graphics Editing Systems;协同图形编辑系统中的并发控制研究

16.The Research and Development of Application System of Collaborative Business;协同电子商务应用系统的研究及开发

17.Research on Material Collaborative Supply System;物料协同供应管理系统的研究与开发

18.Study on the Technology of the Network Collaborative Design and the System;网络化协同设计技术研究与系统开发


collaborative production design协同式产品研发

1.This article studies how to adapt mass customizationcollaborative production design infrastructure through virtual enterprises from enterprise s viewpoint.企业为维持竞争力与满足批量客户定制化的服务,在专业分工的趋势中,有必要转型成以项目形式而聚集合作的虚拟企业型态的协同式产品研发与生产。

3)Customer coordinated development客户协同研发

4)research and development system研发体系

1.By learning from Taiwan′s agricultural technology experience,several suggestions are put forward on how to impulse the innovation ofresearch and development system of Fujian agricultural science and technology.介绍了台湾地区农业科技研发体系架构、组织特点及农业科技投入机制,分析了台湾地区农业科技研究立项的策略导向作用,提出借鉴台湾地区农业科技方面的经验,积极推动福建农业科技研发体系创新的若干思路。

5)Collaborative development system协同开发系统

1.Collaborative development system based on cashmere production support the enterprises to work effectively cross different fields and areas, and could raise development efficiency of cashmere production greatly.羊绒制品的协同开发系统能有效地支持羊绒制品开发团队跨领域、跨地域的协同工作,极大地提高了羊绒制品的开发效率。

6)UV/O3/H2O2 combined systemUV/O3/H2O2协同体系

1.The photodegradation of Lannasol OR inUV/O3/H2O2 combined system is studied,compared with the degradation effect in O3,UV and O3/UV.讨论UV/O3/H2O2协同体系对兰纳素橙OR的光降解情况,与O3、UV、O3/UV的处理效果进行了比较,研究了pH值、O3、H2O2对兰纳素橙OR光降解的影响。


