100字范文 > 超声可视观察产程 Ultrasound visual observation of the middle way英语短句 例句大全

超声可视观察产程 Ultrasound visual observation of the middle way英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-14 09:31:05


超声可视观察产程 Ultrasound visual observation of the middle way英语短句 例句大全

超声可视观察产程,Ultrasound visual observation of the middle way

1)Ultrasound visual observation of the middle way超声可视观察产程

2)ultrasounic observation超声观察

1.Theultrasounic observation of zusanli acupuncture in treating gastroptosis;针刺足三里等穴治疗胃下垂52例超声观察


1.Ultrasound observation on the change of gallbladder in acute icteric hepatitis急性黄疸型肝炎胆囊改变的超声观察

2.Empirical Study of High-frequency Ultrasound Observing Sciatic Muscle Coup Injury;超声观察重物打击致家兔肌肉损伤的实验研究

3.Empirical Study of High-frequency Ultrasound Observing Sciatic Nerve Injection Injury;超声观察注射致坐骨神经损伤的实验研究

4.Study of the Pacemaker Wire and Lead by Real-time Three-dimensional Echocardiography应用实时三维超声观察心内起搏导线的研究

5.Color-coded duplex sonography of cerebral bridging veins entering into superior saggital sinus上矢状窦引流桥静脉的彩色多普勒超声观察

6.Research and analysis of gallbladder ultrasonic changes in HLD肝豆状核变性患者胆囊异常的超声观察与分析

7.Clinical Observation on Effect of Ultrasonic Needle for Intercostal Neuralgia超声针治疗肋间神经痛的临床观察

8.Anatomical observation of the achilles tendon and?its significance in ultrasound diagnosis跟腱解剖学观察及其超声诊断的意义

9.The study of angle closure glaucoma with UBM闭角型青光眼的超声生物显微镜观察

10.Observation of Eyes with Narrow Angles by Ultrasound Biomicroscopy超声生物显微镜对窄角眼房角的观察

11.Dynamic Survey the Model in Rabbits of Pulmonary Artery Embolism with the Use of Echocardiography;家兔肺动脉栓塞模型的超声动态观察

12.Observation the Effect of Focused Ultrasonic Treatment on Cervical Erosion;聚焦超声治疗子宫颈糜烂218例观察

parison of ultrasonography,CT and pathology of thyroid masses甲状腺肿块的超声、CT与病理对照观察

14.Curative effect of focused ultrasound treatment on chronic cervicitis (Report of 225 cases)聚焦超声治疗宫颈糜烂225例疗效观察

15.Investigation on effect of focused ultrasound on chronic cervicitis聚焦超声治疗慢性宫颈炎的疗效观察

16.Observation and Nursing of Ultrasonic Guide Puncture Hepatic Biopsy超声导向肝穿刺活检术的观察和护理

17.The Use of Snovue in Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Prostate Biopsy声诺维提高超声活检前列腺癌敏感性的观察

18.Clinical Observe for Torsional Mode Phacoemulsification扭动模式超声乳化白内障摘除术的临床观察


ultrasounic observation超声观察

1.Theultrasounic observation of zusanli acupuncture in treating gastroptosis;针刺足三里等穴治疗胃下垂52例超声观察

3)parturient process observation产程观察

4)Dynamic ultrasonography超声动态观察

5)viewing angle观察视角

1.In this paper, we also gived some discussions about how to design thelight road to obtain largeviewing angle and how to choose taking parameters to obtainhigh diffraction efficiency.在拍摄时应注意光路的设计,以获得较大的观察视角。

6)stereo vision observation体视观察

1.With the development of the technology of military affairs, the chariotwhich do battle in the water want to do the exactly observation of theunknown circumstances before landing, the driver and the observer in thechariot have to do the periscope observation for 3D image on the land, thispaper designs thestereo vision observation system by the technology of 3Ddisplay for the requirement.随着军事技术的日益发展,在水陆两用坦克战车进行登陆作战时,为了更加准确地对陌生的作战环境进行观察,车体内的驾驶员及观察者希望能够在登陆前于水中通过潜望观察来获得陆地上的立体图像,本文正是针对这种需求借助立体显示技术的成果,设计了体视观察系统。


