100字范文 > 心脏病类型 types of heart disease英语短句 例句大全

心脏病类型 types of heart disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-26 17:20:51


心脏病类型 types of heart disease英语短句 例句大全

心脏病类型,types of heart disease

1)types of heart disease心脏病类型

2)rheumatoid heart disease类风湿性心脏病

3)Hypoxic heart disease缺氧型心脏病

4)chronic cyanosis heart disease紫绀型心脏病

5)Heart diseases心脏病

1.Study of the correlation between intraoperative complications during transcatheter closure in children with congenital heart diseases and anesthesia safety;小儿先天性心脏病介入治疗术中并发症与麻醉安全性的相关分析

2.Supervised learning based data mining technology with its application to heart diseases risk detection;有指导的数据挖掘在心脏病风险评价中的应用

3.The delivery outcome under different heart diseases;妊娠合并不同类型心脏病的分娩结局


1.International Society and Federation of Cardiology国际心脏病学会和联合会(心脏病学联)

2.Palpitation is a warming of heart trouble.心悸是心脏病的预兆。

3.of or relating to or used in or practicing cardiology.属于、关于心脏病学的,在心脏病学中使用的,或从事心脏病学的。

4.A patient whose heart has stopped beating, as in cardiac arrest.心脏已停止跳动的病人心脏已停止跳动的病人,如患心脏病

5.My friend died of a heart attack.我朋友因心脏病而死。

6.Resulting from a disease or disorder of the heart.由于心脏病而发生的

7.obstructive pulmonary cardiopathy阻塞性肺原性心脏病

8.athletic heart syndrome运动员心脏病徵候群

9.He is just getting over a heart attack他患心脏病刚复元。

10.Apparently a heart attack.显然是心脏病突发。”

11.International Society for Federation of Cardiology国际心脏病学会联合会

12.because he has a history of heart trouble.因为他有心脏病史。

13.Rethinking Treatments for the Heart再思考心脏病的治疗

14.He fears that he is about to have a heart attack.他害怕心脏病要发作。

15.Have you ever had any heart trouble that you know about?你知道你得过心脏病吗?

16.She died of an heart attack.她死于心脏病发作。

17.She had a return of the heart attacks.她心脏病又发作了。

18.He was carried away by a heart attack.他因心脏病发作而死去。


rheumatoid heart disease类风湿性心脏病

3)Hypoxic heart disease缺氧型心脏病

4)chronic cyanosis heart disease紫绀型心脏病

5)Heart diseases心脏病

1.Study of the correlation between intraoperative complications during transcatheter closure in children with congenital heart diseases and anesthesia safety;小儿先天性心脏病介入治疗术中并发症与麻醉安全性的相关分析

2.Supervised learning based data mining technology with its application to heart diseases risk detection;有指导的数据挖掘在心脏病风险评价中的应用

3.The delivery outcome under different heart diseases;妊娠合并不同类型心脏病的分娩结局

6)Heart diseases心脏疾病

1.The heterogeneous distribution of I_to in hearts is involved in the cardiac electrical conduction and the occurrence of heart diseases.瞬时外向钾电流在不同种属、同一种属动物不同部位中的分布存在着差异,因而产生了瞬时外向钾电流的异质性,这种异质性与维持心脏正常电信号传导及心脏疾病的发生都有很大关系。


心脏病心脏病heart disease,cardiac disenase心脏的器质性病变。分为先天性和后天性两类。
