100字范文 > A/O处理工艺 A/O treatment process英语短句 例句大全

A/O处理工艺 A/O treatment process英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-08 13:34:06


A/O处理工艺 A/O treatment process英语短句 例句大全

A/O处理工艺,A/O treatment process

1)A/O treatment processA/O处理工艺

2)craft of A~2/OA~2/O处理工艺

3)two stages A/O water treatment process二段A/O水处理工艺

4)A2/O technologyA2/O污水处理工艺

1.Together with sewage disposal byA2/O technology, the paper shows experience of energy saving and emission reduction in Guilin Fourth Sewage Plant.本文结合A2/O污水处理工艺运行的情况,就桂林市第四污水处理厂节能减排的效果谈谈个人体会,以供同行参考。

5)Treatment process处理工艺

1.The treatment process of gas compounds of nitrogen and oxygen in hydrometallurgical process;金、银湿法冶炼过程中氮氧化物气体处理工艺的可行性选择

2.Evaporation treatment process of refuse landfill leachate;垃圾填埋场渗滤液的蒸发处理工艺

3.Impacts of wastewater treatment process on AOB and bacteria communities污水处理工艺对氨氧化菌及细菌群落的影响


1.unconventional heat treatment of mould模具非常规热处理工艺

2.X20CrMoV121 Fan Plate Heat Treatment ProcessX20CrMoV121扇形板热处理工艺

3.Investigation of Steel 15CrNi3MoA Heat Treatment Process15CrNi3MoA钢热处理工艺探讨

4.Research on the Technology of Pretreatment Process and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cassava Dregs木薯渣预处理工艺和酶水解工艺研究

posting treatment technology is an enhanced biological treatment technology.堆制处理工艺是处理油污土壤的一种强化的生物处理工艺.

6.Research for Treatment Process of Nitrogen-Containing Wastewater from Military Chemical Enterprises军用化工企业含氮废水处理工艺研究

7.the new technology of microprocessor微型处理器的新工艺

8.Pharmacy wastewater treatment by combined process of EGSB-CASSEGSB-CASS工艺处理制药废水

9.Parameter Research of Marine Products Wastewater Treatment by RSSPRSSP工艺处理海产品废水工艺参数研究

10.Treatment of Tanning Wastewater with Pretreatment,Chemical Precipitation and Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process(SBR)预处理-化学沉淀-SBR工艺处理制革废水

11.Treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater with "pretreatment+hydrolysis+SBR" process预处理+水解+SBR工艺处理制药废水

12.metal transformation process (rolling, forging, extruding, heat treating)金属加工工艺(轧制、锻造、挤压、热处理)

13.Study on Constructed Wetlands in Series for Treating Polluted River Water;人工湿地组合工艺处理污染河水研究

14.The Application and Research of SBR Process in Wastewater Treatment;SBR工艺在污水处理工程中的应用研究

15.Analysis of Engineering for Treatment of Wastewater from Wool-washing in Qinghe County;清河县某洗毛废水处理工程工艺分析

16.Development of the Researches of the Micro-electrolytic Technique Dealing with the Industrial Wastewater;微复合工艺处理工业废水的研究进展

17.Research on Two-step A/O Process for Chemical-industry Wastewater with High Concentration KN两段A/O工艺处理高氮化工废水研究

18.Construction technology of the cement injection pile in soft soil foundation treatment粉喷桩在软土地基处理中的施工工艺


craft of A~2/OA~2/O处理工艺

3)two stages A/O water treatment process二段A/O水处理工艺

4)A2/O technologyA2/O污水处理工艺

1.Together with sewage disposal byA2/O technology, the paper shows experience of energy saving and emission reduction in Guilin Fourth Sewage Plant.本文结合A2/O污水处理工艺运行的情况,就桂林市第四污水处理厂节能减排的效果谈谈个人体会,以供同行参考。

5)Treatment process处理工艺

1.The treatment process of gas compounds of nitrogen and oxygen in hydrometallurgical process;金、银湿法冶炼过程中氮氧化物气体处理工艺的可行性选择

2.Evaporation treatment process of refuse landfill leachate;垃圾填埋场渗滤液的蒸发处理工艺

3.Impacts of wastewater treatment process on AOB and bacteria communities污水处理工艺对氨氧化菌及细菌群落的影响


1.Effects of different alloying elements on TRIP steels were described in detail and theprocessing applied respectively to hot rolled and cold rolled TRIP steels was introduced in order to offer information for trial production of TRIP steels.为了给TRIP钢的试制提供参考,对各种合金元素在TRIP钢中的作用进行了描述,并介绍了热轧和冷轧TRIP钢的处理工艺。

2.The solidification structure and mechanical properties under different ultrasonicprocessing are analyzed through metallographic structure and the test of their mechanical properties.通过金相组织分析和力学性能实验,研究了不同的功率超声处理工艺对Sn-Sb合金凝固组织和力学性能的影响,分析了功率超声空化和声流在凝固过程中的作用情况,得出了功率超声最佳的处理工艺,并对超声波的空化和声流作用在金属凝固过程中的变化情况进行了论述。

3.Surface residual stress distribution of duplex phases titanium alloy(ZT4) castings in the case of different successiveprocessing are investigated.对两相钛合金ZT4(Ti-6Al-4V)铸件在不同的后处理工艺条件下表面的残余应力分布进行了研究。


处理1.处置;办理。 2.指定刑;处罚。
