100字范文 > 峰会 summit festival英语短句 例句大全

峰会 summit festival英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-23 12:14:53


峰会 summit festival英语短句 例句大全

峰会,summit festival

1)summit festival峰会


1."The sixth summit of "Shanghai Five"上海五国第六次峰会

2.Summit Meeting on Drugs [Drugs Summit]关注毒品问题高峰会议

3.It is formally known as the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development.此项高峰会的正式名称为联合国世界永续发展开峰会。

4.Reporters Without Borders was also excluded from the summit.无国界记者组织也被高峰会排除在外。

5.At its conclusion the summit published the Accra Declaration.此次峰会最终发表了阿克拉宣言。

6.The two countries agreed upon the peace formula at the summit conference.两国在高峰会上就和平问题达成协议。

7.Summit Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement不结盟运动国家高峰会议

8.Earth Summit Plans for a Better Planet地球峰会规划一个更美好的地球

9.Scientists at the Earth Summit said,在地球峰会上,科学家指出,

10.The Chinese officials at the Earth Summit,在地球峰会上中国官员提出,

11.Andean Summit安第斯集团峰会(拉美国家)

12.I wish the next summit meeting a full success.我预祝下次峰会取得圆满成功!

13.Environmental groups said the summit was a failure.环境组织表示这次峰会是一次失败,

14.All this leaves America with few allies at the G8.所有这些使得美国在峰会上变得孤立。

15.such as floods and droughts,@ he said at the summit.如洪水和干旱,”他在地球峰会上说。

16.This newspaper article glanced at the summit.报上这篇文章简略地谈了这次峰会。

17.Around 100 heads of state will attend the Earth Summit大约百名各国领袖将出席地球高峰会

18.Reform compromise concludes marathon EU summit欧盟高峰会达成改革协议


summit(conference)峰会 极峰会议

3)G8 Summit八国峰会

1.G8 Summit Climate Change in ;八国峰会气候变化动向


5)East-Asian summit东亚峰会

1.The opening of the firstEast-Asian summit sets up a platform for the cooperation in East Asia.首届东亚峰会的召开,为东亚区域合作搭建了一个新平台。

6)ET summit ConferenceET峰会


A峰分子式:CAS号:性质:质谱图中的一个峰,其元素组成只含最高天然丰度的同位素。有时也称A峰(A peak)。
