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湍流积分尺度 turbulence integral scale英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-25 19:49:28


湍流积分尺度 turbulence integral scale英语短句 例句大全

湍流积分尺度,turbulence integral scale

1)turbulence integral scale湍流积分尺度

1.In this paper,the fluctuation characteristics ofturbulence integral scale and wind speed spectra of near ground typhoon are studied based on the four sets of long time record of wind speed and wind direction during the passages of typhoon.基于4个台风过程中的长时间序列风速、风方向观测数据,分析研究了近地台风的湍流积分尺度和脉动风速谱等脉动特性。

2.Theturbulence integral scale is smaller than that of the AIJ recommendation.对结构高度为492 m的上海环球金融中心大楼顶部所测得的两个时间段的良态风速样本进行了分析,结果表明,湍流度随平均风速增大而减小;阵风系数随平均风速的增大开始有减小趋势,之后基本保持不变,随湍流度增大而增大;脉动风湍流积分尺度比日本建筑荷载的建议值小;两个时间段实测得到的阵风系数与湍流度之间的线性拟合结果较为接近;纵向、横向脉动风功率谱和Von-Karm an谱比较,在低频段略有偏差,而在高频段符合较好。

2)turbulent integral time scale湍流积分时间尺度

3)integral time-scale of turbulence湍流时间积分尺度

1.14,1990),the turbulent characteristic vectors including the turbulent parameters, the Eulearian-time correlation, theintegral time-scale of turbulence, the turbulent intensity,the friction velocity and the Reynolds stress in the surface layer have been calculated under winter light wind condition in Chongqing so as to understand the surface-layer turbulent characteristics of the city.利用1989年12月16日—1990年1月14日在重庆市用三轴风速仪所测得的风速资料,计算了小风条件下重庆近地面层的湍流参数、欧拉时间自相关系数、湍流时间积分尺度、湍流强度、摩擦速度、湍流应力等湍流特征量,以了解重庆地区小风条件下的近地面层的湍流场特征。

4)Turbulent scale湍流尺度

1.The results reveal that the power spectrum curve in the inertial subrange for the forest CL can be expressed by a power law, but the power exponential is less than -2/3; turbulent scale in the forest CL tends to decrease; the dissipation coefficient in the upper forest CL is greater than that in the lower forest CL; momentum and momentum flux decrease with the in.使用湍流梯度测试资料,对植物冠层动量交换特征进行了详细研究,结果表明;森林冠层内惯性副区能谱曲线仍可用幂指数描述,但斜率比-2/3更负;森林冠层内湍流尺度有变小的趋势;森林上层的耗散系数比下层大;由植被吸收引起动量及动量通量随冠层深度增加而明显减小;冠层下层的动量通量和耗散系数分别与上层的量有好的正相关;森林冠层内耗散系数和动量通量随大气稳定度有明显变化。


1.Effects of turbulence sizes on the error rate of atmospheric laser communication system湍流尺度对大气激光通信系统误码率的影响

2.Extended Self-Similar Scaling Law of Multi-Scale Eddy Structure in Wall Turbulence壁湍流多尺度湍涡结构推广的自相似标度律



5.Investigation on turbulent flow through porous media based on a pore-network model基于孔隙尺度网络模型的多孔介质内湍流流动

6.There was no explicit relationship between turbulence scale and turbulence intensity along the coast.沿海地区内外尺度与湍流强度均无明显关系。

7.Wavelet Spectrum Analysis on Energy Transfer of Multi-Scale Structures in Wall Turbulence用子波谱分析壁湍流多尺度结构的能量传递

8.Simulation on swirling two-phase flow with particle nonlinear two-scale k_p-ε_p turbulence model旋流流动中的颗粒相非线性双尺度k_p-ε_p湍流模型

9.Meridional heat transfer by large-scale eddies is most significant in the upper troposphere of middle latitude.大尺度湍涡的子午线热输送在纬度对流层上层是最重要的。

10.Dominate time scale characteristics of the turbulence across canopy-atmosphere interface of a mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountains长白山阔叶红松林林冠大气界面湍流主导时间尺度特征(英文)

11.Experimental Investigation of Multi-scale Coherent Structures Influenced by Periodic Blow-Suction Disturbance in Turbulent Boundary Layer;周期性抽吸扰动对湍流边界层多尺度相干结构影响的实验研究

12.Experimental Study on Multi-scale Coherent Structures in Turbulent Boundary Layer Controlled by a Group of Parallel Heating Wires on the Wall;壁面平行加热丝控制湍流边界层多尺度相干结构的实验研究

13.Experimental Investigation of Multi-scale Coherent Structures Controlled by Periodic Blow-Suction Disturbance on Wall Turbulence;周期性抽吸扰动控制壁湍流多尺度相干结构的实验研究

14.The Experimental Investigation on Detection and Control of Multi-scale Structures Intermittency in Turbulent Boundary Layer;湍流边界层多尺度结构间歇性检测和控制的实验研究

15.Experimental Studies on the Scales of Coherent Structures, the Expressions and Characteristic Parameters of SL Scaling Law for Different Statistic Quantities in Open-channel Turbulent Boundary Layer;平板湍流边界层中相干结构的尺度、统计量的SL标度律形式及其参数的实验研究

16.Phase Delay of the Reynolds Stress and Wall Pressure Fluctuations to the Strain Rate of the Large Scale Structures in Wall Shear Flows;湍流边界层雷诺应力和壁面脉动压强相对大尺度结构变形率的相位滞后

17.Investigations of Turbulent Structure and Turbulent Counter-Gradient Transport Characteristics in Stratified Flows;分层流动中湍流结构和湍流逆梯度输运特性研究

18.Zonal flow dynamics in background of ion-temperature-gradient mode turbulence based on minimal freedom model离子温度梯度模湍流的带状流最小自由度模型


turbulent integral time scale湍流积分时间尺度

3)integral time-scale of turbulence湍流时间积分尺度

1.14,1990),the turbulent characteristic vectors including the turbulent parameters, the Eulearian-time correlation, theintegral time-scale of turbulence, the turbulent intensity,the friction velocity and the Reynolds stress in the surface layer have been calculated under winter light wind condition in Chongqing so as to understand the surface-layer turbulent characteristics of the city.利用1989年12月16日—1990年1月14日在重庆市用三轴风速仪所测得的风速资料,计算了小风条件下重庆近地面层的湍流参数、欧拉时间自相关系数、湍流时间积分尺度、湍流强度、摩擦速度、湍流应力等湍流特征量,以了解重庆地区小风条件下的近地面层的湍流场特征。

4)Turbulent scale湍流尺度

1.The results reveal that the power spectrum curve in the inertial subrange for the forest CL can be expressed by a power law, but the power exponential is less than -2/3; turbulent scale in the forest CL tends to decrease; the dissipation coefficient in the upper forest CL is greater than that in the lower forest CL; momentum and momentum flux decrease with the in.使用湍流梯度测试资料,对植物冠层动量交换特征进行了详细研究,结果表明;森林冠层内惯性副区能谱曲线仍可用幂指数描述,但斜率比-2/3更负;森林冠层内湍流尺度有变小的趋势;森林上层的耗散系数比下层大;由植被吸收引起动量及动量通量随冠层深度增加而明显减小;冠层下层的动量通量和耗散系数分别与上层的量有好的正相关;森林冠层内耗散系数和动量通量随大气稳定度有明显变化。

5)turbulent scales湍流尺度

1.Effects of theturbulent scales on aperture averaging of a Gaussian-Schell beam propagation in a turbulent atmosphere;湍流尺度对高斯谢尔光束闪烁孔径平滑的影响

6)turbulence integral length湍流积分长度

bining the relevant regulation in Chinese,American and Australian load code,the turbulence intensity of wind turbulence,turbulence integral length and turbulence spectra of wind turbulence were compared.结合中国、美国、澳大利亚三国规范中的相关规定,对脉动风湍流强度、湍流积分长度以及脉动风速功率谱进行了比较。

2.The measured wind data are analyzed in this paper to obtain wind mean wind velocity and direction, gust factor, turbulence intensity,turbulence integral length, friction velocity and turbulence pow.经过对实测风速数据的分析,得到了平均风速和风向、阵风因子、湍流度、湍流积分长度、摩阻速度以及湍流功率谱密度函数等强风特性,分析结果表明,近地强风的湍流度和阵风因子较高,湍流积分长度约在80米左右,水平(纵向和横向)湍流功率谱密度函数与Simiu谱基本一致,但垂直湍流功率谱与Panofsky谱相差较大。


层流和湍流流体流动时,如果流体质点的轨迹(一般说随初始空间坐标x、y、z和时间t而变)是有规则的光滑曲线(最简单的情形是直线),这种流动叫层流。没有这种性质的流动叫湍流。1959年J.欣策曾对湍流下过这样的定义:湍流是流体的不规则运动,流场中各种量随时间和空间坐标发生紊乱的变化,然而从统计意义上说,可以得到它们的准确的平均值。在直径为d 的直管中,若流体的平均流速为v,由流体运动粘度v组成的雷诺数 有一个临界值(大约为2300~2800)Recr,若ReRecr,层流就不可能存在了,一旦有小扰动,扰动会增长而转变成湍流。O.雷诺在1883年用玻璃管做试验,区别出发生层流或湍流的条件。把试验的流体染色,可以看到染上颜色的质点在层流时都走直线。当雷诺数超过临界值Recr时,可以看到质点有随机性的混合,在对时间和空间来说都有脉动时,就是湍流。不用统计、概率论的方法引进某种量的平均值就难于描述这一流动。除直管中湍流外还有多种多样各具特点的湍流,虽经大量实验和理论研究,但至今对湍流尚未建立起一套统一而完整的理论。大多数学者认为应该从纳维-斯托克斯方程出发研究湍流。湍流对很多重大科技问题极为重要,因此,近几十年所采取的做法是针对具体一类现象建立适合它特点的具体的力学模型。例如,只适用于附体流的湍流模型;只适用于简单脱体然后又附体的流动;只适用于翼剖面尾迹的或者只适用于激波和边界层相互作用的湍流模型等等。湍流这个困难而又基本的问题,近年来日益受到了物理学界的重视。参考书目J.O.Hinze,Turbulence, An Introduction to Its Mechanism and Theory,McGraw-Hill,New York,1959.J.P. Eckmann, Roads to Turbulence in Dissipat-ive Dynamical Systems, Review of Modern Physics, Vol. 53, No.4, pp. 643~654, 1981.
