100字范文 > 新纪录运动 the Movement of New Record英语短句 例句大全

新纪录运动 the Movement of New Record英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-10 22:53:12


新纪录运动 the Movement of New Record英语短句 例句大全

新纪录运动,the Movement of New Record

1)the Movement of New Record新纪录运动

1.A Preliminary Study of A Development Course ofthe Movement of New Record In the Northeast China;试述东北新纪录运动的发展历程


1.The Documentary Spirit of Direct Cinema and China"s New Documentary Movement直接电影与中国新纪录运动的纪录精神

2.The German athlete is expected to break the record for the high jumb.那个德国运动员有希望刷新跳高纪录。

3.Johnson set up a new Commonwealth Games in the 10000 meters.约翰逊创英联邦运动会万米赛跑新纪录。

4.1995 Was a Boom year for the pole vault event,producing all together 17 world records outdoor.1995年是撑杆跳运动最欣欣向荣的一年,室外世界纪录共被刷新17次。

5.at the Olympic Games, he created a new world record.奥运会上,他创造了新的世界纪录。

6.an instrument for recording the depth and rapidity of breathing movements.纪录呼吸运动的深度和速度的仪器。

7.Healthy Living into the 21st Century Campaign健康生活新纪元运动

8.Many of the records in the Guinness Book of World Records come from the world of sports.吉尼斯世界纪录中的许多纪录来自于世界体育运动。

9.A New Record of Amphibian in Yunnan Province:Rana latouchii云南省两栖动物一新纪录——阔褶蛙

10.A New Record of Amphibian in Yunnan Province:Paa robertingeri云南省两栖动物一新纪录——合江棘蛙

11.Is there evidence to demonstrate that Calibration Profiles are conducted and that records are up-to-date?有否证据表明标准曲线被运用且其纪录为最新?

12.She has broken the Olympic 5000 metres record.她打破了奥林匹克运动会5000米长跑纪录.

13.The swimmer has set up a new world record for 100-meter-backstroke.这个游泳运动员创造了100米仰泳的世界纪录。

14.The runners got off to a flying start and looked like beating the record.赛跑运动员飞快起跑,好像要破纪录似的。

15.That runner is the holder of the world record for the hundred-yard dash.那位运动员是一百码赛跑世界纪录的保持者。

16.One of the American sprinters holds the world 100m record.一位美国运动员保持着男子100米世界纪录。

17.Relative factors analysis of world outstanding athletes;创世界纪录优秀运动员相关因素的分析

18.Her new record doesn"t come up to her last one.她的新纪录次于上一次的纪录。


China"s new documentary movement中国新纪录运动

3)tiɑnjing yundong jilu田径运动纪录

4)New record新纪录

1.Original Ateas of the New Species and Distrbution Rante of the New Records on Gamasid Mites in Qinghia Province;青海省革螨新种及新纪录模式产地分布

2.A new record of bird species in GuangxiTyto alba;广西鸟类新纪录——仓鸮

5)new records新纪录

1.Twonew records of Tardigrades from Anhui province;安徽省缓步动物两新纪录种记述

2.Oryzae from rice (Oryza sativa) roots and rhizosphere soil were described asnew records for Hongkong.1889) Luc& Goodey, 1963],它们均为香港地区新纪录种。

3.coffeaewere described asnew records of Hongkong.coffeae),它们均为香港地区新纪录。

6)new record species新纪录种

1.Anew record species of Gobiidae,Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus was found by the comparison of the morphological characters and mitodondrial cytochrome b gene sequences.通过形态特征的测量和线粒体DNAcytb基因序列分析,发现了弹涂鱼属的1个中国新纪录种,大鳍弹涂鱼Periophthal musmagnuspinnatus。

2.In this paper anew record species collected from the lower Heilongjiang River basin,Thymallus tugarinae is described.10~11月,在黑龙江水系(中国境内)的乌苏里江、呼玛河、额木尔河等河流采集到茴鱼属鱼类标本,经鉴定为中国1新纪录种---下游黑龙江茴鱼Thymallus tugarinae。

3.Anew record species named as megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios Taylor, Compagno et Struhsaker, 1983) is described in this paper.经鉴定为大口鲨Megachasma pelagios Taylor,Compagno et Struhsaker,1983,为我国大陆沿海鲨鱼1新纪录种。


