100字范文 > 养殖场粪便 manure from livestock farm英语短句 例句大全

养殖场粪便 manure from livestock farm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-03 21:46:59


养殖场粪便 manure from livestock farm英语短句 例句大全

养殖场粪便,manure from livestock farm

1)manure from livestock farm养殖场粪便


1.The Analysis of the Capacity in Disposing the Domestic Animals" Manure in Large-scale Breeding Farm and the Secondary Pollution;农田作物处理规模化养殖场粪便的能力及二次污染的分析

2.Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dynamics and Pollution Risk of Potted Rice Treated with Manure from Livestock Farm稻田处理养殖场粪便的氮磷动态效应与污染风险研究

3.Study on Waste Load of Farmland for the Development of Scale Breeding Farm in Chaohu Basin巢湖流域规模化养殖场畜禽粪便污染负荷研究——以居巢区为例

4.What is more, the ditching and drainage systems serving the developed areas appeared to facilitate the discharge of fecal bacteria into nearby waters, including shellfish beds.而且,开发地区的沟渠和排水系统,似乎有助于粪便细菌进入附近的水域,其中包括了贝类养殖场。

5.The Status of Production and Pollution by Animal and Poultry in China中国畜禽养殖及其粪便污染与治理现状

6.Estimation of the amount of livestock manure and its environmental influence of large-scaled culture based on spatial information规模化养殖畜禽粪便量估算及环境影响研究

7.Concentrations of Copper in Swine Feeds and Feces and the Effects of Manure with High Concentration of Copper on Soils;规模化养猪场饲料和粪便中铜含量分析及高铜猪粪对土壤的影响

8.Study on the Efficiency of ASBR-SBR Process for the Dairy Manure Wastewater Treatment at Ambient Temperature;常温ASBR-SBR工艺处理养牛场粪便废水试验研究

9.Research on Reproductive Behavior and Fecal Steroid in Captive Red-crowned Crane (Grus Japonensis);笼养丹顶鹤繁殖期行为与粪便中类固醇激素变化的研究

10.Environmental Pressure of Contamination from Livestock and Poultry and Its Risk Assessment in Shenyang沈阳地区畜禽养殖粪便污染物的环境压力及风险评价

11.Residual Character of Zn in Feeds and Their Feces from Intensive Livestock and Poultry Farms in Beijing北京集约化养殖畜禽饲料Zn含量及粪便Zn残留特征研究

12.Nutrient Substances and Pollutant Elements in Chicken Manure From Intensive Poultry Farms规模化养殖场鸡粪营养物质和污染元素的组成特点

13.Discussion on the Biogas Project of the Livestock and Poultry Farm;畜禽养殖场粪污对农村生态环境的影响及其综合治理

14.Study on Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus culture in multi-layer draw style of recirculating aquaculture system循环水抽屉式立体养殖系统养殖马粪海胆研究

15.Avoid places such as poultry farms and bird markets where live poultry are raised or kept, and avoid handling surfaces contaminated with poultry faeces or excretions.避免去养殖或存放活家禽的家禽场或鸟类市场,避免接触受家禽粪或分泌物污染的表面。

16.Determination of nutrient constituents in the gonad of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus马粪海胆生殖腺营养成分的含量测定

ponent 3 introduces environmentally sound waste management in intensive livestock farming in the pilot regions.专题三,向项目区的集约化养殖场引进有利于环境保护的畜禽粪污管理技术。

18.Humus contains materials taken from dead plants, and the waste matter from animals also falls on it. This gives it its colour.腐殖土含有枯死的植物、动物的粪便,这些决定了腐殖土的颜色。


livestock farm"s manure养殖场粪肥

3)beasts and birds scale cultivation dejection畜禽规模养殖粪便


1.Methods PCR was applied to detect Shigella infection compared tocoproculture.9%;而粪便培养阳性为39份,检出率为11。

5)manure nutrient粪便养分

1.We determined the annualmanure nutrients excreted by each animal species and seasonal nutrients removed by crops to calculate the amounts of different livestock which could be carried by a hectare of cropland, vegetable field and orchard land annually.本研究根据不同畜种平均每头(只)存栏动物每年的粪便养分产生量、每公顷作物每年的养分移走量,计算出每公顷大田作物地、蔬菜地和园地每季所能承载的各种畜禽数量,然后根据各地区的复种指数估算出作物地每年承载的畜禽数量。

6)piggery waste猪场粪便


