100字范文 > 药物引产失败原因 Reason of drug induced failure英语短句 例句大全

药物引产失败原因 Reason of drug induced failure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-24 05:00:27


药物引产失败原因 Reason of drug induced failure英语短句 例句大全

药物引产失败原因,Reason of drug induced failure

1)Reason of drug induced failure药物引产失败原因

2)reason of failure失败原因

1.· RESULTS: Thereason of failure in 22 cases was anastomosis obstruction, and that in the other 9 cases was over small bone foramen and improper location of bone bridge and bone foramen.目的:报告32例鼻腔泪囊吻合术失败原因分析及处理办法,以提高手术的成功率。


1.Reason Analysis of Project Failure and Establishment of Failure Expert System工程失败原因分析及失败专家系统的构建

2.Lack of political identity:A New Research On the Causes of the Failure of the Wuxi Political Reform Movement政治认同缺失:戊戌变法失败原因新探

3.There was no immediate word on the cost of the launch.目前对于失败原因还没有直接消息。

4.He specified the reasons for the failure.他详述失败的原因。

5.It"s difficult to assign any reason for the failure.失败的原因很难确定。

6.It is difficult to assign any reason for the failure.很难确定失败的原因。

7.adduce (analyze) the causes of his failure列举(分析)他失败的原因

8.Rate of IUD failure was 65.09%.避孕失败的原因中有65.09%为宫内节育器失败;

9.Verification of the selected certificate failed for the following reasons在验证选定的证书时失败,其原因如下

10.Vacillation is the cause of his failure.优柔寡断是他失败的原因。

11.Your search failed for an unknown reason. Please try again later.您的搜索失败,原因不明。请稍候再试。

12.It is incorrect to put all the blame on objective causes for our failure.把失败都归咎于客观原因是不正确的。

13.The engineers couldn"t lay their fingers on the reason for the rocket"s failure to orbit.工程师们找不出火箭入轨失败的原因。

14.Code generation for "{0}" failed because of Exception "{1}".“{0}”的代码生成失败,原因是出现异常“{1}”。

15.Lacking experience is main reason to cause failure.缺乏经验是导致失败的主要原因

16.It is impossible to assign any reason for his failure.他的失败不可能说得出原因。

17.A primary cause of Tom"s failure is his laziness.汤姆失败的主要原因是他的懒惰。

18.The reason why he failed was his laziness.他失败的原因就是他懒惰。


reason of failure失败原因

1.· RESULTS: Thereason of failure in 22 cases was anastomosis obstruction, and that in the other 9 cases was over small bone foramen and improper location of bone bridge and bone foramen.目的:报告32例鼻腔泪囊吻合术失败原因分析及处理办法,以提高手术的成功率。

3)cause of failure失败原因

4)failure cause失败原因

1.This paper discusses the war background and the main battles of Burma defensive warfare all-roundly, analyses itsfailure causes objectively.本文全面阐述了缅甸防御战的战争背景和主要战役 ,客观分析了其失败原因。

5)reasons for failure失败原因

1.New Probe to the Reasons for Failure of Hong Rengan s Administrative Policies;洪仁玕“新政”失败原因新探——从权力结构的角度

6)the reason of failure失败原因


