100字范文 > 冶金废弃物 Metallurgical waste material英语短句 例句大全

冶金废弃物 Metallurgical waste material英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-11 21:31:12


冶金废弃物 Metallurgical waste material英语短句 例句大全

冶金废弃物,Metallurgical waste material

1)Metallurgical waste material冶金废弃物

1.Recent years Angang s sintering production made use of the heat of annular cooler、Metallurgical waste material、 the new type of ignition furnace and the sintering technology of high layer of material,Not only the quantity and quality of sinter became better,but also the energy got decrease.近年来鞍钢烧结生产通过对环冷机废气的余热利用,冶金废弃物的综合利用,新型点火炉及厚料层烧结技术的推广使用,不仅使烧结矿产、质量指标得到改善,同时也取得了较好的节能效果。

2)heavy metal waste含重金属废弃物


1.The Solidify Performance and Effect Mechanism of Waste Containing Heavy Metals含重金属废弃物的水泥固化性能及作用机理

2.Heavy-metal Contents and Absorption Characteristics of Plants In the Soil of Xiangtan Manganese Mine Wasteland湘潭锰矿业废弃地土壤重金属含量及植物吸收特征

3.Study on Solidification Characteristics of Heavy Metals for Incineration of Hazardous Waste;危险废弃物焚烧重金属固化特性的研究

4.The Study on Transfer and Control Mechanism of Heavy Metals in Hazardous Waste Incineration;危险废弃物重金属迁移和控制机理研究

5.Treatment of Heavy Metal Ions Using Agricultural Waste as Absorbent利用农业废弃物作为吸附剂处理重金属离子

6.Screening and Evaluation of the Plants for the Restoration of Heavy Metal Pollution in Abandoned Land重金属污染废弃地修复植物种类的筛选与评价

7.Advances in Research on Treatment of Heavy Metal Ions Wastewater by Agricultural Waste利用农业废弃物处理重金属离子废水的研究进展

8.Relationship between Enzyme Activities and Heavy Metal Contents in Soils of Deserted Land in Xiangtan Manganese Mine湘潭锰矿废弃地土壤酶活性与重金属含量的关系

9.Content Variations of Heavy Metals Recorded by Tree Rings from a Displaced Steel Works in the Eastern Xi"an City西安东郊某废弃钢铁厂油松年轮记录的重金属含量变化过程

10.Study on the Disposal Technology of Hazardous Wastes Containing Heavy Metal with Cement Industry;水泥工业处理含重金属的危险废物的技术研究

11.Treatment of Wastewater Containing Heavy Metal Ions by Electro-Biofilm Technique in Packed Column;电—生物膜填料塔处理含重金属离子的废水

12.Treatment of Plating Wastewater with Heavy Metal Ions by Micro-eletrolysis and Biofilm Process;微电解—生物膜方法处理含重金属离子电镀废水

13.Treatment of Wastewater Contanting Heavy Metal Ions by Microelectro-Embedbiology Technique;微电解—生物包埋工艺处理含重金属离子废水

14.The Study of the Microbial Disposal Technology and Mechanism for the Chromium Wastewater Treatment;含铬重金属废水微生物处理技术与机理研究

15.Assessment of heavy metals pollution in abandoned lead-zinc mine tailings in Huize of Yunnan Province云南会泽废弃铅锌矿重金属污染评价

16.Waste materials such as glass, paper, and metal can be recycled.像玻璃,纸,金属等废弃物可以再回收.

17.Treatment of Wastewater Containing Heavy Metal Ions and Difficult Biodegradation Organic Matter by Electro-microbe Coupling Technics;电—微生物技术处理含重金属离子及难降解有机物废水

18.Investigation on the Soil Heavy Metal Contamination of a Abandoned Tailing Land and Its Soil Remediation某尾矿废弃地土壤重金属污染调查与治理研究


heavy metal waste含重金属废弃物

3)Solid waste containing gold含金固体废弃物

4)Dust powders containing ZnO冶金工业废弃粉尘

5)waste metallurgical refractory冶金废弃的耐火材料

6)metallurgical waste slag冶金弃渣

1.This paper presents the sources,classification,composition and present situation of themetallurgical waste slag.介绍了冶金弃渣的来源、分类、物质组成以及产出现状,概括了国内外冶金弃渣综合利用方法的新进展,并分析了这些方法的优点与局限,提出了以后的研究方向。


包装废弃物回收处理包装废弃物回收处理reclaim for waste package materials饮扣Zhua叩feiqiwlJ huishou eh以i包装废弃物回收处理(I’eclaim for waste Packa-罗materials)包装物用后处里或再生利用的活动。它是解决世界性环境污染的重要课题。按包装材料的材质分类,包装废弃物一般可分为纸质、塑料、玻璃、金属4大类。包装废弃物回收处理的分类如下:①纸包装废弃物回收处理。将废纸或纸板用于再造纸,将废纸或纸板通过制浆、除杂、模塑成型、干燥等工艺制成各种形状、尺寸的纸浆模塑包装制品。②塑料包装废弃物回收处理。卫生城埋—由于此法没有从根本上减少环境污染,相反给子孙后代留下污染源,因此不可取。焚烧—此法可使废弃物体积、重量大为减少,且可回收热能,但焚烧过程造成的重金属、多核芳烃、二氧化碳等物质会对空气、土壤产生二次污染。热解—塑料包装废弃物经热解处理可得到化工原料、燃料油和可嫩性气体,如中国科研人员发明用废塑料回收生产ABS树脂及废聚苯乙烯裂解还原为苯乙烯单体的技术。再生利用—如软质聚抓乙烯经过挑选、清洗、晾干后粉碎,再加人适量助剂重新塑化造粒成型,加人新料中使用。以废治废—如废聚氨醋泡沫塑料经简单机械处理后在一定条件下可有效吸附废水中的苯胺、苯酸及乳化油。③玻璃包装废弃物回收处理。包括旧玻璃瓶罐回收复用;碎下脚料重熔再制瓶罐。采用玻璃上色新技术,使玻璃表面的有色涂料遇热后消失变成原有无色透明玻璃,省却有色玻璃分拣工作。采用薄壁轻瓶技术使玻璃瓶雄轻量化,从减少废弃玻璃数量角度处理玻璃包装废弃物。④金属包装废弃物回收处理。金属包装废弃物的主要代表是铝质易拉雄(俗称二片罐),主要回收方法为铝罐重熔。与从铝钒土冶炼铝材相比,该法可节约大量能源和冶炼用配料并减少排放氟化铝造成的大气污染。(陆关新)
