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德教 moral education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-27 19:39:25


德教 moral education英语短句 例句大全

德教,moral education

1)moral education德教

1.The process of development,from the virtue theory about the unity of nature and heaven to the generation theory aboutmoral education and moral cultivation and then to the doctrine of benevolence policy that advocates excising benevolent rule through virtue,embodies the main metaphysical links and thinking of Mencian morality.从性、天统一的德性论,到“德教”、“成德”的德性生成论,再到以德行仁的仁政学说,呈现出了孟子道德形上学的基本理路和环节。

2.There exist abundant management thoughts in Confucius’ Analects, among which “benevolence”, “moral education”, and “etiquette- governing” are the essence.孔子论语中蕴含着丰富的管理思想,“仁爱”、“德教”、“礼治”是孔子论语中管理思想的精华。


1.Moral Education,Civic Education,Civic Moral Education;道德教育、公民教育和公民道德教育

2.Moral Education in Ethics:Ethical Regression in School Moralism;道德的道德教育:学校德育的伦理回归

3.Life·Morality·Moral Education--Moral Education in the Life Field of Vision;生命·道德·道德教育——生命视域中的道德教育

4.On Shang Yang’s Moralization Thought about "Good Morals and Cultivation";商鞅“德明教行”的道德教化思想论

5.Encouraging Music for Moral Education--Analysis of Moral-Education Idea of Confucian Music Education;兴乐以育德——儒家乐教道德教化观浅论

6.Psychology is not ethics: a defense of ethical theory;心理教育≠道德教育:一种德育学辩护

7.On Social Moral Education and Subjective Moral Education;论社会性道德教育与主体性道德教育

8.Legal Education Isn t Equal to Moral Education: One Defence of Ethics;法制教育≠道德教育:一种德育学辩护

9.Private Moral Education: Inevitable Content in Modern Moral Education;私德教育:当代道德教育的必然内容

10.Moral Education:Problems and Innovation;道德教育过程问题与道德教育的创新

11.The Tensility in Moral Education--On social background and Moral Education;德育的张力——浅论社会性道德背景与道德教育

12.Strengthen Education of Social Morality, Professional Morality and Family Morality;加强社会公德、职业道德和家庭美德教育

13.the Lutheran Church路德教(信义会、路德会等的总称)

14.The Influence of the Confucianist Moral Outlook on Singaporean Moral Education儒家道德观对新加坡道德教育的影响

15.Morality Development in Modern Society and Morality Education of College Students;当代社会道德变迁与大学生道德教育

16.She mended his clothes and the professor taught her German.她为德国教授缝补衣服,而德国教授则教她德语。

17.Rule of Virtue and Moral Education;德治与治德——论高等学校的“以德治教”

18.From the Question of Whether the Virtue Can be Taught to Study Aristotle Way of Education;由德性是否可教探析亚里士多德德性教化方式


Rule of virtue and moral education德治与德教

3)moral education道德教育

1.Medicalmoral education in teaching medical chemistry;在医用化学教学中贯穿道德教育

2.Considerations on infiltration and life-toward of britishmoral education,the positive reference for chinese higher education;论渗透式生活化的英国道德教育——兼其对我国思想政治教育的启示

3.New perspective of building a well-off society in an all-round way andmoral education of the young;全面建设小康社会与青年道德教育的新视角

4)medical ethics education医德教育

1.Emphatically giving to full play subjectivity of the educated inmedical ethics education;医德教育要重视和发挥受教育者的主体性

2.Enlightenment of Americanmedical ethics education for Chinese medical schools;美国医德教育对我国高校医德教育的启示

3.Medical ethics teaching based onmedical ethics education;医学伦理学教学应以医德教育为主

5)Education of medical ethics医德教育

1.The practice bases are lacking, and the tutors are always preoccupied; therefore, the education of medical ethics for medical trainees, to a great extent, is ignored.医学实习教学基地与实习指导教师疲于应付,因而在很大程度上忽视了实习生医德教育工作。

2.All these will play an important role in education of medical ethics.新世纪之初,卫生改革与发展进入了攻坚阶段,面临城镇职工医疗保险制度改革中的卫生机构的配套改革、卫生监督体制改革,加强医德教育,树立医疗单位良好的社会形象,正确处理医患关系,是每一个医务人员和医德教育工作者必须思考的问题。

6)medical moral education医德教育

1.Enlightening of Kohlberg s moral education theory formedical moral education;科尔伯格道德教育理论对医德教育的启示

2.This Article anayzies the situation of moral thought among present medical students and points out the shortcomings ofmedical moral education in the traditional libraries.分析了当前医学生的思想道德状况,指出了传统图书馆医德教育存在的不足,阐述了现代图书馆如何发挥独特优势,实施医学生医德教育的途径。

3.In this article the author analyses and studies on teaching method of optimization formedical moral education.该文就医德教育的教学方法展开了分析和探讨,目的在于提高医护生医德教育的实效性。


德教1.道德教化。 2.指德育。
