100字范文 > 深俯冲 deep subduction英语短句 例句大全

深俯冲 deep subduction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-01 17:34:56


深俯冲 deep subduction英语短句 例句大全

深俯冲,deep subduction

1)deep subduction深俯冲


1.Deep Subduction Erosion Model for Continent-Continent Collision of the Sulu HP-UHP Metamorphic Terrain苏鲁高压—超高压变质地体的陆—陆碰撞深俯冲剥蚀模式

2.The Fate of Subducted Continental Crust: An Experimental Study大陆地壳岩石深俯冲过程中的命运:高温高压实验研究

3.This session will bring together scientists from many countries who have been studying the geological and geophysical processes responsible for deep subduction and exhumation of continental crustal material.本专题将汇集世界多国研究陆壳物质深俯冲和折返的地质与地球物理过程的科学家。

4.Transformation of Gabbro to Coesite-bearing Eclogite during Deep Subduction in Yangkou Area, North Sulu UHP Terrane;苏鲁仰口地区辉长岩深俯冲过程中的矿物相转变及变质演化P-T-t轨迹

5.Subduction recycling process has a major effect on the dynamics and evolution of the crust and mantle.俯冲再循环过程对地壳、幔的动力学和演化产生深刻影响。

6.If you can"t see the bottom, jump in, don"t dive.如果水深不见底,跳进去时脚先落水,不要俯冲下水。

7.Deep seated earthquakes, often severe in magnitude, generally occur beneath subduction zones, as one plate is forced deep into the mantle beneath another.当一个板块被迫深人另一个板块下面的地幔中时,强烈的深源地震一般会发生在俯冲带的下部。

8.Dive angle (pitch-down angle) high (low). Apply a little back stick.俯冲角(俯角)大(小)了,带点杆。

9.The fighter plane dived on the soldiers.战斗机向士兵俯冲下来。

10.The fighter plane dived on the enemy troops战斗机向敌军俯冲。

11.The aircraft dived steeply and dropped its bombs.那架飞机俯冲投弹。

12.(of an aircraft)make such a dive(指飞机)开油门俯冲.

13.The eagle swooped down on its prey.老鹰向着猎物俯冲下来。

14.The hawk swooped (down) on its prey.那只老鹰俯冲扑向猎物。

15.make a power dive, as of an airplane.如飞机进行动力俯冲。

16.The aircraft dived steeply.那架飞机垂直俯冲。

17.To bomb from an airplane at the end of a steep dive toward the target.俯冲轰炸在向前俯冲结束时从飞机上投弹轰炸

18.Fluids from the Deeply Continental Subduction Zone and the Metamorphic Chemical Geodynamics大陆俯冲带的深部流体及变质化学地球动力学——以苏鲁超高压变质带为例


superdeep subduction超深俯冲

3)continental deep subduction大陆深俯冲

1.Ultrahigh pressure metamorphism andcontinental deep subduction:review on frontiers of geosciences;超高压变质作用及大陆深俯冲——地球科学前沿述评

2.The maximum depth of thecontinental deep subduction:results from numerical simulation.;大陆深俯冲的最大深度——来自数值模拟实验的结果

3.Dynamic mechanism ofcontinental deep subduction:results from observation and simulation.;大陆深俯冲的动力学机制:观测和模拟结果

4)continental subduction大陆深俯冲

1.This paper reviews advances of the physical and numerical experiment modeling study ofcontinental subduction and exhumation of UHPM rocks, main conclusions from experiment modeling and application of slab breakoff model.介绍了大陆深俯冲及超高压变质岩在物理实验模拟和数值实验模拟方面的进展及由实验得出的主要结论和板片断离模式的应用 ;综合各研究成果 ,总结出大陆深俯冲的 3个基本要素是周边板块的推力、洋壳及地幔岩石圈的拉力和大陆岩石圈内发育的主断层 ,3个可能的板片断离过程 ,以及俯冲过程中大陆岩石圈可能的形态变化 ;对实验模拟在该领域的应用研究进行了简要评述及前景展望。


6)deep subduction of crust materials地壳深俯冲


热深厥深热深厥深 热深厥深 病证名。指热厥证的征象。指邪热越深入,四肢厥冷的症状越严重,皆因阳气被遏,邪气内闭所致。属真热假寒证。
