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能稳定性 stabilization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-05 19:44:19


能稳定性 stabilization英语短句 例句大全



1.Stabilization of Varying Systems in Singular Discrete对于一类广义离散时变系统,通过Lyapunov方程的建立,给出了系统因果且渐近稳定的充分必要条件,基于这一结果,利用对应的Riccati方程进一步研究了系统的能稳定性问题,给出了系统能稳定的充分必要条件。


1.Effect of Zr on High Properties Consistency of NdFeB MagnetsZr对钕铁硼磁体性能稳定性的影响

2.Study on Thermal Stability of Organic Antimony Compound as Heat Stabilizer for PVC;PVC热稳定剂有机锑的热稳定性能研究

3.a temperamental motor.一台性能不稳定的马达

4.The linkages between the stable units must be as near as possible of equal stability.稳定链节之间的键必须有尽可能接近的稳定性。

5.Effects of Ca-Zn/rare-earth compound stabilizer on the thermal stability of PVC钙锌/稀土复合稳定剂对PVC热稳定性能的影响

6.The Evaluation Methods for Heat Stability of PVC Stabilizer聚氯乙烯热稳定剂的热稳定性能评价方法

7.Goal: Stability, Scalability, Performance and Security.目标:稳定性,可扩展性,性能和安全。

8.Test of mechanical properties of furniture-Stability of storage unitsGB/T10357.4-1989家具力学性能试验柜类稳定性

9.Test of mechanical properties of furniture--Stability of tablesGB/T10357.7-1995家具力学性能试验桌类稳定性

10.Mechanical properties and thermal stability of AEMSAEMS的力学性能及热稳定性分析

11.Thermal Stability and Optical Performance of CePO_4 NanowiresCePO_4纳米线的热稳定性及光学性能

12.Stability of water-soluble functional compounds in citrus peel柑橘皮水溶性功能成分的稳定性研究

13.The Stability and Performance of the Acknowledgment-type-ALOHA-CDMA Channels准时隙ALOHA-CDMA信道的性能及稳定性

14.Effect of Heat Treatment to the Stability of Functional Oligosaccharides热处理对功能性低聚糖稳定性的影响

15.economic stability经济稳定;经济稳定;经济稳定性;经济稳定性

16.formation ability尺寸稳定性,形稳性

17.testing methods for dimensional stability of fabrics:free-steam method布料的尺寸稳定性性能测定法:直接蒸汽法

18.testing method for thermal stability of lubricating oils润滑油热稳定性能试验方法



1.Study on thestability of solid chlorine dioxide;固体二氧化氯稳定性能研究

2.The Analysis of Stability of Output Signal about the Sensor in the measuring process of SO2 Gas on Line.;二氧化硫气体在线检测过程中传感器输出信号稳定性能的分析

3.Variational sloping angle of arch rib influenced on thestability of double X-shaped arch bridge斜靠式拱桥拱肋倾角变化对稳定性能的影响

3)stability behavior稳定性能

1.Thestability behavior of truss-arch is investigated from load-displacement curves and main buckling types are foun.在钢管桁架拱形结构失稳模态分析的基础上,利用非线性有限元分析方法,对立体管桁架拱进行了面内整体稳定承载力分析,从结构的荷载-位移全过程曲线考察了桁架拱稳定性能的基本规律,从中找到控制桁架拱设计的主要失稳形式。

2.It can improve thestability behavior of the shell effectively, increase resistance to buckling and make the erection method of suspen-domes easier than cable-domes, so it has a widely practical perspective.弦支穹顶结构是基于单层球面网壳和张拉整体结构的一种新型的混合空间结构体系,它有效地改善了上部网壳结构的稳定性能,提高了结构整体刚度,同时又降低了施工难度,因此应用前景广阔。

3.In order to investigate thestability behavior of channels with inclined simple edge stiffeners under axial compression,a total of 504 examples with two external flange dimensions(B = 55 mm and B = 80 mm),seven stiffener inclined angles(θ equals 30°,45°,60°,90°,120°,135° and 150°,respectively),three different thicknesses(t equals 1.为研究冷弯薄壁斜卷边槽钢轴压构件的稳定性能,选取了两种翼缘外廓尺寸(B=55 mm和B=80 mm)、七种卷边弯起角度(θ分别为30°、45°、60°、90°、120°、135°、150°)、三种板厚(t取为1。

4)property stability性能稳定性

1.The factors influencingproperty stability of Cu-Mo alloyed ADI gears was analyzed,and proper measures was proposed.分析了 Cu-Mo合金奥贝球铁齿轮性能稳定性的影响因素,提出了相应的措施,制定了 Cu-Mo奥贝球铁齿轮质量控制的基本原则。

5)Thermal stability热稳定性能

1.Influences of titanium dioxide on the thermal stability of PVC二氧化钛对聚氯乙烯热稳定性能的影响

2.Study on thermal stability of polyvinyl butyral聚乙烯醇缩丁醛热稳定性能的研究

3.Study on the thermal stability of nano-kaolin纳米高岭土的热稳定性能研究


1.Thermostability of Extruded Titanium Silicalite Catalyst;钛硅分子筛挤条成型催化剂热稳定性能的研究

2.The dispersibility,mechanical properties andthermostability of composites were analyzed.采用熔融共混法和乳液共混法制备了丁苯橡胶/高岭土纳米复合材料,研究了复合材料的分散性能、力学性能和热稳定性能。

3.Thethermostability of TS 1 synthesized by using TPABr as the template, which is expected to be cheaper raw materials in future use, was investigated.廉价原料合成的TS 1具有较好的热稳定性能。


