100字范文 > 有效配置 efficient allocation英语短句 例句大全

有效配置 efficient allocation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-27 02:37:56


有效配置 efficient allocation英语短句 例句大全

有效配置,efficient allocation

1)efficient allocation有效配置

1.On theefficient allocation of regional innovation resources;区域创新资源有效配置研究

2.Theefficient allocation of surface water requires water transfers,and,as depletable resource,theefficient allocation of ground water should consider the user cost.地表水的有效配置要求水资源的用水权是可转让的 ;地下水的有效配置则要求考虑使用者成本。


1.Allocate Humen Resources Effectively Drive Enterprise to Develop Highly Active;有效配置人力资源 推动企业高效发展

2.On the Formation and Effective Disposition of File Information Resources;论档案信息资源的形成及其有效配置

3.A Cycling Model of Key Regources in Enterprises;企业关键资源有效配置的循环型模式

4.The Analysis on the Chinese Network Resources Allocation and Effective Allocation我国网络信息资源配置的现状分析及其有效配置

5.Study on the Model and the Demonstration of Effective Allocating Marketing Resources;市场营销资源有效配置模型与实证研究

6."The profile you selected is not a valid color profile."选择的配置文件不是有效的颜色配置文件。

7.Information Revelation and Capital Market Efficiency:Information Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency;信息揭示与资本市场效率——信息有效与配置有效

8.The specified user does not have a valid profile.指定的用户没有一个有效的配置文件。

9.There is no valid configuration for these connected parts to run in.没有为运行这些连接的组件设置有效的配置。

10.Bad keyword in proxy automatic configuration XX.代理自动配置中有无效的关键字XX。

11."%d" is not a valid value for configuration option "%s".""%1!"" 不是配置选项 ""%2!"" 的有效值。

12.The new configuration do not take effect until you restart netmeeting新的配置在你重新启动NetMeeting后才有效

13.Collect Higher Education Resources Rationally Promote Higher Education Equality Effectively;合理配置高教资源,有效促进教育公平

14.Equilibrium analysis of boundary supplied by government and market;政府与市场资源配置有效性边界分析

15.Optimizing the disposition of educational resources to make education supple more effective;优化教育资源配置 形成教育有效供给

16.Relative Validity Evaluation of Allocation Efficiency of Local University Resource in Shaanxi Province;陕西地方高校资源配置效率的相对有效性评价

17."The currently selected device has no configuration options available.\0"当前选择的设备没有有效的配置选项。\0

18.There is no valid encryption recovery policy configured for this system.这个系统没有有效的加密恢复策略配置。


Effective configuration有效配置

1.It is important to study the effective configuration of main geological factors.文章对常规煤层气可采性研究方法进行了研究,分析了各种方法适用的条件以及存在的问题,指出煤层气的可采性需要在地质因素综合分析的基础上,研究主要控制性地质因素及其有效配置。

2.The main object is to introduce how to enhance the safety of Windows Server by effective configuration.主要介绍数字图书馆中如何通过有效配置,使WindowsServer安全性进一步加强,为微软新一代操作系统WindowsServer中文版的维护提供了一种较全面、完善的方法。

3)effective distribution有效配置

1.This paper synthesizely analyzedeffective distribution of the existing information resources,and set up series of indicators and evaluation methods which fit for effective distrihution evalution of the real information resources.在综合分析现有信息资源有效配置状况的基础上,初步建立了一套适合实际的信息资源有效配置评价的指标体系和评价方法;给出了信息资源有效配置模糊综合评价方法和评价实例。

4)effective allocation有效配置

1.According to the labor value theory,it made a metrological analysis of theeffective allocation of competitive sports resources and established a metrological model for effectively allocating this kind of resources,which provided a way to quantitatively analyze the effective disposition of competitive sports resources.根据劳动价值理论,对竞技体育资源的有效配置进行了度量分析,建立了竞技体育资源有效配置的度量模型,为定量分析竞技体育资源的有效配置提供方法。

5)effective configuration zone有效配置区

1.Parapolic equation method and split-step Fourier method were used to model electromagnetic wave propagation loss, communication zone evaluation model was used to calculate maximal communication zone, the methods to calculateeffective configuration zone of communication receiver and communication jamming suppressive zone were used in this paper.表面波导使电磁波产生异常传播,其对通信设备具有显著的影响,本文采用抛物型方程理论及算法模拟电磁波的传播损耗,利用通信距离评估模式计算通信设备的最大通信区,利用通信接收机有效配置区的计算方法给出通信接收机有效配置区和通信干扰压制区,分析了表面波导对超短波通信对抗的影响。

6)validity of distribution配置有效性

1.This paper studies thevalidity of distribution of agricultural water resources under the frame of welfare economics.文章在福利经济学框架下研究农业水资源配置有效性问题。


