100字范文 > 乡土音乐资源 country music resources英语短句 例句大全

乡土音乐资源 country music resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-14 21:43:24


乡土音乐资源 country music resources英语短句 例句大全

乡土音乐资源,country music resources

1)country music resources乡土音乐资源

2)local resources乡土资源

1.Local curriculum resources exploit\"s practice research is composed of four chapters:Firstly,the research starts with the creation and attempt using thelocal resources in the background of the new curriculum reform,and raises the the conception of "the local curriculum resources",and define its inner content from the external to the internal,from the point to the scale.乡土课程资源的实践研究共分四大部分:首先,从新课程改革背景下利用乡土资源进行创新尝试入手,提出了“乡土课程资源”这个概念,在通过由表及里、由点到面的探询中界定“乡土课程资源”这个概念的内涵。


1.Local Resources and School-based Curriculum Development;乡土资源与校本课程开发——基于陇东丰富的乡土资源的思考

2.The Exploitation and Use of the Local Resources of History Curriculum in High School;高中历史课程乡土资源的开发与利用

3.Optimization of the Art Teaching System Using Local Resources;利用乡土资源优化美术教学体系的研究

4.Excavating Local Village Resource and Creating Characteristic Activities in the Rural Area Kindergarten;挖掘乡土资源,创设农村幼儿园特色区域活动

5.Development and Use of Local Resources in History Curriculum in Junior High School;初中历史乡土课程资源的开发与利用

6.Study on Protection and Exploitation of Native Tour Resource in Pengjia Village;彭家寨乡土旅游资源保护和开发研究

7.Study on the Reform of Rural Land System from the Aspect of Resources Allocation of Rural and Urban Area;从城乡资源配置看农村土地制度改革

8.Investigation on Indigenous Trees Resources in Gaoming District of Foshan City,Guangdong Province佛山市高明区乡土树木资源调查研究

9.Current Situation of Guangxi Indigenous Broadleaf Species Resource and Their Development Counter-measures广西乡土阔叶树种资源现状及其发展对策

10.The Construction of Urban and Rural Integrative Land Resource Data Center Management System;城乡一体化国土资源数据中心管理系统的建设

11.Exploitation on Developing and Using LCR(Local Culture Resources) in Moral Education at School;在中学德育中开发利用乡土文化资源的探索

12.Study on the Land Resource Sustainable Use Synthetic Evaluating of Xiangxiang City;湘乡市土地资源可持续利用综合评价研究

13.Exploration on Exploitation of the Local Moral Educational Resources in the Three Gorges Area;三峡地区乡土德育资源开发利用的探索

14.About countryside local human resources development several ponders;关于农村乡土人才资源开发的几点思考

15.Informatization in Township Land and Resources Office of Guizhou Province;贵州省乡镇国土资源电子政务建设方案探讨

16.The distinction construction and the native soil cultural resource exploition of Shen Cong-wen;沈从文的文化区隔构筑与乡土文化资源发掘

17.Reflections on Developing Local Personnel Resources in Ethnic Areas;关于民族地区乡土人才资源开发问题的思考

18.The planing and governing of Huanghuai plain rural settlement and land resourles;黄淮平原乡村聚落土地资源规划与整治


local resources乡土资源

1.Local curriculum resources exploit\"s practice research is composed of four chapters:Firstly,the research starts with the creation and attempt using thelocal resources in the background of the new curriculum reform,and raises the the conception of "the local curriculum resources",and define its inner content from the external to the internal,from the point to the scale.乡土课程资源的实践研究共分四大部分:首先,从新课程改革背景下利用乡土资源进行创新尝试入手,提出了“乡土课程资源”这个概念,在通过由表及里、由点到面的探询中界定“乡土课程资源”这个概念的内涵。

3)music resources音乐资源

1.This paper,from the perspective of music education in colleges and universities,explores how to integrate ethnic and folk music into the teaching system of the colleges of music,to incorporate ethnic music in the school management notion,talent cultivation patterns,and syllabus design so as to contribute to the protection and inheritance ofmusic resources of ethnic minorities.从高校音乐教育角度探讨如何把民族民间音乐纳入音乐学院教学体系,在办学理念、办学思路、人才培养模式、课程体系中融入民族音乐,以期有利于民族音乐资源的保护与传承。

4)country music teaching material乡土音乐教材

5)local country music education乡土音乐教育

6)natural herbage plants乡土草资源


