100字范文 > 数量 quantity英语短句 例句大全

数量 quantity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-06 17:36:22


数量 quantity英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis of the Quantity and the Composition in Construction Waste;建筑施工废料的数量、组成与产生原因分析

2.The Characteristic of Quantity and Spatial Distribution of Snails in the Renshou County;仁寿县钉螺数量和空间分布特点

3.On relation betweenquantity and quanlity in economy growing;关于经济增长数量与质量的关系


1.a quantity that is three times as great as another.数值为另一数量乘三的数量。

2.a quantity that is four times as great as another.数值为另一数量乘四的数量。

3.Expressed or expressible as a quantity.用数量表示的用数量表示的或可表示成数量的

4.We are long on quantity, but short on quality.数量在增加,质量远不足。

5.approximately(a number,weight,price,etc)大约(某数量、重量、价格等)

6.(often followed by `of") a large number or amount or extent.(后常跟of)大量或数量大。

7.The word isoquant means "same quantity".等量的意思是“同一数量”。

8.measures amount of ionizing radiation.测量致电离辐射的数量。

9.An amount consumed.消耗量所消耗的数量

10.limit in quality or quantity.在质量或数量上受限。

11.Quality is even more important than quantity.质量比数量更为重要。

12.Inspection Certificate of Weight or Quantity重量或数量检验证书

13.interaction between quantity and quality质量与数量间相互作用

14.The amount or quantity that such a container can hold.一盒所能盛的量或数量。

15.Quality often matters more than quantity.质量往往比数量更重要。

16.number or amount,esp a large one数目,数量(尤指巨大的)

17.inner quantum number内量子数 -即总量子数

18.array vector数组向量,数组矢量



1.Changes in the Number and Functional Activity of Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease;缺血性心脏病患者外周血中内皮祖细胞数量和功能的变化

2.A method for determining the optimum locations and thenumber of stiffening coupling beams in coupled shear-wall structure;剪力墙结构中强连梁最优位置及数量的确定方法

3.Effect of Calcium Treatment on Weight and Number of Potato Tuber;外源钙处理对马铃薯块茎重量和数量的影响


1.Study on Weight andAmount of Block on Hosepipe of Submarine Stocking and Supplying System;水下储供油系统输油软管压块重力和数量的研究

2.Influence of Blowing-carding on ImpurityAmount;清梳加工过程对杂质数量的影响

3.The Geographical Distribution andAmount Investigation on National Key Protective Wild Plants in Shanxi;山西省国家重点保护野生木本植物地理分布与数量调查


1.Distribution and Abundance of Blue Sheep in Helan Mountains,China;贺兰山岩羊的数量与分布

2.The Species Composition,Abundance and Distribution in Habitat of Geese and Ducks in the Eastern Hongzehu Wetland Natural Reserve;洪泽湖东部湿地自然保护区雁鸭类种类组成、数量及生境分布

3.Change in size andabundance of the yeast-like endosymbiote during the interaction between brown planthopper,Nilaparvata lugens(Stl),and resistant-variety rice;水稻与褐飞虱互作过程中虫体内类酵母共生菌的个体大小及数量变化


1.Effects of oat mixed with common vetch on the microorganismpopulations in rhizosphere soil燕麦与箭筈豌豆不同混作模式对根际土壤微生物数量的影响

2.In order to evaluate the environmental safety of the fungicide to the soil, the effect of different concentrations of tebuconazole, a trizole fungicide, on thepopulation and the respiration of the soil microbes were studied by closed or direct absorption and plate culture count method.采用平板菌落计数法及密闭静置测CO2法,分别研究了三唑类杀菌剂戊唑醇对土壤微生物数量和呼吸强度的影响,以评价其环境生态效应。

3.Population estimates of black crested gibbons in Wuliang Nature Reserve,Jingdong,Yunnan,China,with two techniques,average group density total area and average home rang forest coverage,produced quite similar results.近年来国内外学者虽然对黑长臂猿进行了较多的行为、生态与保护研究, 然而有关该地区黑长臂猿的数量估计却有很大差异(66 ~300 群) 。



数量1.事物的多少和长短。 2.指事物的多少。
