100字范文 > 公司所得税 corporate income tax英语短句 例句大全

公司所得税 corporate income tax英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-06 11:31:18


公司所得税 corporate income tax英语短句 例句大全

公司所得税,corporate income tax

1)corporate income tax公司所得税

1.Reflection on the Chinese Reform of Corporate Income Tax;关于中国公司所得税改革的思考

2.The multistate Tax Commission is one of the most important parts ofcorporate income tax coordination mechanisms in US.美国跨州税收委员会(MTC)是美国州际公司所得税协调机制的重要组成部分,考察MTC的成立背景和近40年的协调实践活动,有助于加深对我国企业所得税分配问题的理解,并得出有益的启示。

3.With the deeper of global economic integration,and the more capital liquidity,the more tax competition,OECD nations had to performcorporate income tax reforms.由于国际经济一体化的深入、资本自由流动导致税收竞争加剧,OECD国家正在进行公司所得税制改革,具体方式是降低税率、拓宽税基;鼓励企业技术创新;与个人所得税进行整合等等。


1.Business (profit) tax; corporate income tax [US]; corporation tax [UK]营业(利润)税;公司所得税 [美国];公司税 [英国]

2.International Tax Reform:The Decline of Corporate Income Tax Rates;国际税制改革:公司所得税税率下降趋势

3.A Sensitivity Analysis of Income Tax Rate Changes On Listed Company;上市公司所得税率变化的敏感性分析

4.Research on Influences on Listed Companies" Income Tax Burden of Bringing the New Accounting Standards into Practice新会计准则对上市公司所得税税负影响研究

5.The Practice and Inspiration of Corporate Income Taxation of America;美国公司所得税制的实践及其对我国的启示

6.Current Trends of Global Corporate Income Tax Reforms and Their Implications for China;世界性公司所得税改革趋势及对我国的启示

7.To illustrate, assume that a corporation pays income taxes at a rate of 3% on its taxable income.举例,假设某公司按其应税所得的3%支付所得税。

8.Corporations pay income tax and must account for the income tax expense and income tax payable.公司必须交纳所得税,核算所得税费用和应缴所得税。

9.The income taxes expense accrues as profits are earned.所得税费用在公司获得利润时才发生。

10.When a company has losses, it does not have to pay income tax.公司如有损失,则无需缴付所得税。

11.The Research on Tax Planning for Corporation Income of Hunan JiuZhiTang Group Co.,LTD;九芝堂股份有限公司企业所得税纳税筹划研究

12.The new tax law equalizes the tax rate for foreign-financed companies with Chinese businesses at25 percent.新的企业所得税法将向外国公司征收与中国公司相同的25%税率。

13.Staff members and workers of the joint venture company shall pay individual income tax according to the "Individual Income Tax Law of the People"s Republic of China."合营公司职工按照《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》缴纳个人所得税。

14.Some business use tax shelters in an effort to reduce or defer their income tax.一些公司采取合法减免所得税的手段来减少或迟交所得税。

15.When a company has losses rather than earnings, it does not have to pay income tax.公司如有税前损失,则无需缴付所得税,在合乎税法规定的条件下。

16.Consult, what distinction does the value added tax of a company, business tax, income tax have?请教,一个公司的增值税、营业税、所得税有什么区别?

17."Once again, the use of corporations became popular-once the permanent income laws were passed- because the income-tax rate of the corporation was less than the individual income-tax rates. "一旦所得税法被通过,成立公司就会流行起来了,因为企业所得税率低于个人收入所得税率。

18.This interest expense, however, will reduce taxable income by $10, thus reducing the corporation"s annual income taxes by $30.这项利息费用将使公司的应税所得减少10美元,因而公司的年度所得税也相应减少30美元。


corporation income tax公司所得税

1.Analyzes the concept ofcorporation income tax, which comes from the taxable profits of a corporation, and introduces two different western views on whether to levy taxes on corporation income: One is the independence theory and the other is the combination theory.首先分析了公司所得税的概念,指出公司所得税的税基是公司的可税利润,接着介绍了西方理论界关于是否对公司所得课税的两种观点,一是“独立论”,另一是“结合论”。

2.The Paper concentrates on the investment effects ofcorporation income tax.本文集中分析公司所得税的投资效应。

3)corporation income taxation公司所得税

1.As far ascorporation income taxation is concerned, the main reason of taxation system reforms is the influence of economic unification.就公司所得税而言,税制改革的主要原因是受到经济一体化的影响,各国为了防止本国资本外流和吸引国际资本纷纷降低了公司所得税的税率。

4)income tax [corporations]所得税[公司]

5)corporate income tax system公司所得税制

1.Aiming at the equity and effciency,in light of the basic idea of broadening the tax base and decreasing the tax rate,the western developed countries have reformed thecorporate income tax system extensively and profoundly since the middle of 1980 s,which decided the basic character and the developing tendency of the globalcorporate income tax system.20世纪 80年代中期以来 ,西方发达国家以公平与效率为目标 ,按照“拓宽税基、降低税率”的基本思路 ,对公司所得税制进行了广泛而深刻的改革 ,由此决定了全球企业所得税制的基本特征和发展趋势。

2.Aiming at the equity and efficiency with the basic concept of "broadening the tax base and decreasing the tax rate" , western developed countries have reformed thecorporate income tax system extensively and profoundly since the middle of 1980 s, which decides the basic character and the developing tendency of the globalcorporate income tax system.20世纪80年代中期以来,西方发达国家以公平与效率为目标,按照“拓宽税基、降低税率”的基本逻辑思路,对公司所得税制进行了广泛而深刻的改革,并决定了全球企业所得税制的基本特征和发展趋势。

6)new corporation tax新公司所得税


