100字范文 > MinD蛋白 MinD protein英语短句 例句大全

MinD蛋白 MinD protein英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-16 04:56:05


MinD蛋白 MinD protein英语短句 例句大全

MinD蛋白,MinD protein

1)MinD proteinMinD蛋白

1.The interacting of MinD and MinC and MinE proteins of Escherichia coli are required for proper placement of the division septum at midcell, TheMinD protein plays a key role in the course of bacterial cell and plant chloroplast division.细胞或质体中部正确分裂位点的选择是MinD蛋白与其他Min蛋白(MinC/E)相互作用的结果,MinD蛋白在原核细胞以及植物叶绿体的分裂过程中发挥着重要的作用。

2)mind and mentalityMind与Mentality

3)Decaf/Mind projectDecaf/Mind项目

1.TheDecaf/Mind project is the major lab-project of this course for the undergraduates in Department of Computer Science and Technology in Tsinghua University.Decaf/Mind项目是近几年清华大学计算机系本科生"编译原理"课程的主体实验项目,在该项目中,学生在实验框架基础上,针对一个简单面向对象语言的实现开展4~5个阶段的编程实验,对理解和巩固理论知识以及提高软件系统的开发能力有较大帮助。


1.Study on the angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor peptides derived fromproteins in China;我国蛋白来源的血管紧张素转换酶抑制肽研究现状

2.Research on separation ofproteins and chitins in silkworm chrysalis;蚕蛹中蛋白质与甲壳分离的研究

3.Research progress on the complex action of polysaccharideprotein;多糖-蛋白复合作用研究进展


1.A nucleoprotein whose protein component is a histone.核组蛋白蛋白成分是组蛋白的核蛋白

2.The albumin of egg white.卵清蛋白,卵白蛋白

3.relating to or containing or resembling albumin.与白蛋白有关的、含白蛋白的或似白蛋白的。

4.Technetium[99mTc] Albumin Aggregated锝[99mTc]聚合白蛋白

5.acute phase protein急性期蛋白,急相蛋白

6.attachment protein吸附蛋白,附着蛋白

7.clathrin associated protein网格蛋白相关蛋白(质)

8.clathrin assembly protein网格蛋白装配蛋白(质)

9.adhesion protein粘着蛋白,吸附蛋白

10.hemoglobin and myoglobin血红蛋白和肌红蛋白

11.nonhistone chromosomal proteins非组蛋白染色体蛋白质

12.capping protein[肌动蛋白]加帽蛋白

13.Histones are basic proteins.组蛋白是碱性蛋白。

posed of or resembling albumin.蛋白似的,蛋白的由蛋白组成的或类似蛋白的

15.The protein that is a constituent of hemoglobin.球蛋白由血红蛋白构成的蛋白

16.Determination of Total Protein, Albumin and Globulin from Serum in Pigs仔猪血清总蛋白、白蛋白和球蛋白含量测定

17.At the same time that albumin and fetoprotein synthesis is extinguished.同时白蛋白和甲胎蛋白的合成被熄灭。

18.The albumin fraction of plasma protein is of the greatest significance.血浆蛋白的白蛋白部分意义最大。


mind and mentalityMind与Mentality

3)Decaf/Mind projectDecaf/Mind项目

1.TheDecaf/Mind project is the major lab-project of this course for the undergraduates in Department of Computer Science and Technology in Tsinghua University.Decaf/Mind项目是近几年清华大学计算机系本科生"编译原理"课程的主体实验项目,在该项目中,学生在实验框架基础上,针对一个简单面向对象语言的实现开展4~5个阶段的编程实验,对理解和巩固理论知识以及提高软件系统的开发能力有较大帮助。


1.Study on the angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor peptides derived fromproteins in China;我国蛋白来源的血管紧张素转换酶抑制肽研究现状

2.Research on separation ofproteins and chitins in silkworm chrysalis;蚕蛹中蛋白质与甲壳分离的研究

3.Research progress on the complex action of polysaccharideprotein;多糖-蛋白复合作用研究进展


1.Factors affecting the stability of polypeptides/proteins in microspheres and methods for resolution;多肽/蛋白类药物在微球中的不稳定因素及解决方法

2.Application of New Physical Techniques and Methods to the Structure and Function of Proteins;生物物理新技术方法在蛋白结构与功能中的应用研究

3.Studies on Proteins Involved in the Silkworm Tissues Against Infection of Densovirus China (Zhenjiang) Strain;家蚕感染浓核病毒中国(镇江)株相关组织蛋白研究

6)protein A蛋白A

1.Preparation and Characterization of Protein A Immobilized on Monolithic Capillary Column for Affinity Chromatography;蛋白A连续床亲和毛细管色谱柱的制备及性能考察

2.Studies of the Piezoelectric Immunosensor for the Detection of Fibrin Using Protein A Oriented Immobilization of Antibody;蛋白A定向固定抗体的纤维蛋白压电免疫传感器的研究

3.A Love wave immunosensor based onprotein A immobilization strategy for staphylococcal enterotoxins B (SEB) is presented.报道了一种基于蛋白A固定技术的新型Love波免疫传感器,可用于检测B型葡萄球菌肠毒素(SEB)。


