100字范文 > 美育策略 aesthetic education strategies英语短句 例句大全

美育策略 aesthetic education strategies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-03 22:58:46


美育策略 aesthetic education strategies英语短句 例句大全

美育策略,aesthetic education strategies

1)aesthetic education strategies美育策略


1.On Aesthetic Education in College Physics Teaching;论大学物理教育的美育作用和美育策略

parative Research of Aesthetic Education Strategy in Junior and Senior Middle School s Classic Poetry Teaching;初、高中古诗词教学美育策略比较研究

3.Aesthetic Education Tactics of Poem Language in Chinese of Senior Middle School;试论高中语文诗歌语言教学的美育策略

4.A Probe into the Aesthetic Education Strategies Aiming at Cultivating College Students" Personality以大学生人格养成为旨归的美育策略探析

5.The State of Atr Education in the Rural the Strategy of Its Reforming and Deve Loping农村美术教育现状及改革、发展策略

6.A Study on Moral Education Strategy of Harmonizing the Beauty and Kindness in Middle Art School;中等艺术学校美善相谐德育策略研究

7.Review on the Guidance Strat egies of Educational Practice in America Preservice Teacher Education;美国职前教师教育实习指导策略述评

8.The Development,Implementation Strategies and Challenges of Inclusive Education in the United States;美国全纳教育的发展、实施策略及问题

munication strategy of sports media in America from NBA;从NBA看美国体育媒介的传播策略

10.Distance Education in the United States: Development, Challenges and Strategies;美国远程教育的发展现状、挑战及策略

11.Three Kinds of Strategies On Elementary Education Reform in America Nowadays;当代美国基础教育改革中的三种策略

12.The Characteristics of the Aesthetic Psychological Development of Children and the Aesthetic Education Strategies幼儿审美心理发展的特点与教育策略

13.On the realistic meaning and enforcement strategy of esthetic education美术教学中审美教育的现实意义与实施策略

14.A Teaching Strategy in Art Education--Integration of Instruction and Games;“教育与游戏”的巧妙结合——美术教育教学策略初探

15.The Situation and Answering Tactics of the Aesthetic Education of Chinese in Secondary Vocational Schools;中等职业学校语文美育的现状与应对策略

16.The Study of Beauty-appreciation Education Content and Strategy of Goals Accomplishment in High School Geography Education;高中地理学科的美育内容及目标达成策略研究

17.Research into Strategy of the National Education Association s Advancing Teachers Professionalization of the USA;全美教育协会推动教师专业化的策略研究

18.Main Strategies on Improving Great Benefit to Courses of Physical Fitness in Sport Institutes;提高高校体育院系健美操课程效益的主要策略


The beauty-pursuing tactics求美策略

1.The beauty-pursuing tactics of colloquial language mainly expresses .口语和书面语一样是讲究修辞的,二者固然有着不少相同点,但毕竟是两种语言形式,有着各自的审美优势和不足,因而它们必然有着不同的审美追求和求美策略。

3)device of beautification"美化"策略

4)Aesthetic strategy美学策略

5)conservation strategy保育策略

1.The nutrition condition of endangered mechanism andconservation strategy of rare plants;珍稀植物濒危机制及保育策略中的营养条件

2.Understanding the genetic differentiation of quantitative traits and local adaptation of the remnant populations should provide insight into the adaptation of different populations to their local environment and useful information for formulating appropriateconservation strategy.研究残存居群的数量性状分化及其地方适应性有助于了解不同居群对环境的适应性并制定相应的保育策略。

6)educational strategies教育策略

1.It explores the training objective , curriculum system,educational strategies of the mode.对高等职业教育人才培养模式的培养目标、课程体系、教育策略等进行了探讨。

2.It also presents someeducational strategies to cope with the phenomenon.本文分析了学生考试作弊心理、原因及危害性 ,反思了教育教学及管理中存在的问题 ,提出了防范考生作弊的对策和对被处分的作弊学生的治病救人的教育策


