100字范文 > 现代建构 modern construction英语短句 例句大全

现代建构 modern construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-01 14:00:08


现代建构 modern construction英语短句 例句大全

现代建构,modern construction

1)modern construction现代建构

1.There are problems inmodern construction of social morality beginning at the early years of the twentieth century.现今,我们需要通过培育公共领域、发展公德教育、建立健全奖惩机制等途径以实现我国社会公德的现代建构。


1.Modern Construction:A Research into the Development of National Culture in the Process of Modernization;现代建构:现代化进程中的民族文化发展研究

2.Modernity and construction of the modern country from a comparactive perspective现代性与现代国家建构——比较视野中的中国现代性与现代国家建构

3.The modern structure of writing--Comments onModern Writing Studies;写作学的现代性建构——《现代写作学》评析

4.The Theory of State-building and State-building in Modern China;国家构建理论与中国的现代国家构建

5.The Construction, Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the History of Modern Chinese Literature;中国现代文学史的建构、解构和重构

6.Construction and deconstruction:the fate of subject in modern and postmodern philosophy;建构与解构:主体在现代、后现代哲学中的命运

7.Marx s Perspective of Modernity and New Modernity Construction in Contemporary China;马克思的现代性视域与当代中国新现代性建构

8.Reason and Modernity: Construction of Chinese Modernity;理性与现代性——兼论当代中国现代性的建构

9.The Construction of Modernized Teaching System on Chinese Ancient Literature;中国古代文学现代化教学机制的建构

10.Women s Prose in the Structure of Modern Culture;现代文化建构中的中国当代女性散文

11.Discussion about Modern Narrative Perspective Destruction-construction Strategy;论现代小说叙事视角解构—建构策略

12.Building a Contemporary Chinese Dictionary on Internal Structure of Compounds现代汉语复合词内部结构词典的构建

13.Strategic Research on Building Shaoxing to be an Outstanding City of Modern Building;绍兴市构建“现代建筑之都”战略研究

14.Construct a Harmonious Societyand Realize the Modernization of Traditional Personality构建和谐社会 实现传统人格的现代化

15.China s Modern Poem and Middle School Student s Construction of the Modern Artistic Temple;中国现代派诗歌与中学生现代艺术观的构建

16.On Modern Construction in Backward Areas from Modernization Process of Northern Jiangsu;从苏北现代化进程看落后地区的现代性构建

17.Modernity Introspected by Marx and Constructing the Chinese New Modernity;马克思对现代性的反省与中国新现代性建构

18.The Construction of Curriculum Studies in the 21~(st) Century: Beyond Modern and Postmodern;建构21世纪的课程研究:超越现代与后现代


modern construction现代构建

1.At the same time, the paper discusses themodern construction of credit system in the fields of constructing credit-mechanism, improving the law,strengthening enterprise self-discipline and enhancing education in ethics.本文面对这一现实,分析了信用危机产生的原因和信用危机造成的危害,并从建立信用机制、完善法律法规、强化企业自律和加强道德教育几个方面论述了信用体系的现代构建。

3)build up in modernity现代性建构

4)modern constructivism现代化建构

1.Wen Yiduo s poetics theory plays an important role in themodern constructivism of the theory of Chinese new verses.在中国现代新诗学理论的现代化建构中,闻一多的诗学理论具有重要的建设性意义。

5)postmodern constructi vism后现代建构主义

6)modern wood structure现代木结构建筑


