100字范文 > 女性文学史 the history of female writers英语短句 例句大全

女性文学史 the history of female writers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-10 01:53:59


女性文学史 the history of female writers英语短句 例句大全

女性文学史,the history of female writers

1)the history of female writers女性文学史


1.Historic Context,Gender Politics and Text Study:Rethinking Contemporary Writing Pattern of "History of Female Literature";历史语境、性别政治与文本研究——对当代“女性文学史”写作格局的反思

2.Wu Zao s Ci:its Characters and her Position in Female Ci History;论吴藻词曲特质及其在女性文学史上的地位

3.Retrospection and Reflection on the Compilation of Modern Chinese Women Literary History;关于中国现代女性文学史编撰的回顾与思考

4.The Study of Images of Han Women in the Historical Biography Literature Works in the Han Dynasty两汉史传文学中的汉代女性形象研究

5.The Meaning and Cause of Literature History About Theme of Female Revenge Literature in Wei Jin Dynasty;魏晋女性复仇文学主题的文学史意义及成因

6.Women·Histories·Writings--About Historical Connotations & Literature Performances of Women Writers Clan Narrative;女性·历史·书写——当代女性家族叙事的历史内涵与文学表征

7.The Historical Significance of the Female Character Development in Fiction of Song Dynasty Written in Classical Chinese;论宋代文言小说中女性形象演变的文学史意义

8.BinXin is a woman writer who has conspicuous female consciousness in the history of contemporary Chinese literature.冰心是中国现代文学史上女性意识鲜明的作家。

9.The Historic Breakthrough from"Human"to"Woman"--Reappraising the Significance of Noah s Ark by Zhang Jie in Literary History;从“人”到“女人”的历史性突围——重评张洁《方舟》的文学史意义

10.The Transformation of Chinese Women"s Literature in the First 20 Years of the Twentieth Century and the Significance of Its History20世纪初叶中国女性文学的转型及其文学史意义

11.The Literary History of Jin Dynasty and Nuzhen Nationality Revisited;金代文学与女真族文学历史发展新探

12.A Cultural Analysis of the Historical Survival of Chinese Female and Western Female伦理——性政治与性政治——伦理——中西方女性历史生存的文化学分析

13.The Ethical Irrationality in the Historical Rationality--Cultural Reasons for the Loss of Female Subjective Position in Chinese Literature;历史合理性中的伦理不合理性——中国文学女性历史主体位置失落的文化原因

14.The Study on Female in China from the View of the Development of Female History;他史?她史?它史——从妇女史学发展看我国女性/性别研究

15.On the Historical Development of Feminist Literary Criticism of the New Age;论新时期女性主义文学批评发展衍变的历史轨迹

16.Rethinking and reconstruction--Comments emerges the historical surface-China modern feminine literature research;反思与重构——评《浮出历史地表——中国现代女性文学研究》

17.Growing out of History:Thoughts on the State of Feminist Literary Critique;浮出历史地表之后——对女性文学批评当下境遇的思考

18.They Walk out Historical Depth--Three Subjects on Western Feministic Literature Criticism;她们从历史深处走来——西方女性主义文学批评三题


feminist literature女性文学

1.Recovery Sex-the Developing Track of Feminist Awareness in Feminist Literature;复苏的性别──浅谈新时期女性文学女性意识的发展轨迹

2.Thinking on the loss and gains of thefeminist literature after the New Era;关于新时期以后女性文学得与失的思考

3.The Defects of “Body Narrative” in Feminist Literature;论女性文学中“身体叙事”的缺失

3)feminine literature女性文学

1.From harmony to alienation to revolt——reflections on the mother-daughter relations in Chinese modern and contemporaryfeminine literature从和谐到疏离与反叛——对中国现当代女性文学中母女关系书写的观照

2.Critics often interpreted Sun Huifen s creation in the "local culture",but this article thinks there is a brand-new feminism in Sun Huifen s novels and attempts to prove the value and contribution of Sun Huifen s creation to thefeminine literature since new period.东北女作家孙惠芬近年来显示出越来越强的创作势头,评论界对她的小说常从“乡土文化”的角度进行阐释,文章认为:其小说更多地体现了全新的女性主义色彩,对新时期以来的女性文学发展具有重要意义。

4)female literature女性文学

1.Description of female life in a different aspect——A newly-interpret of Shanghaifemale literature theme in the enemy-occupied period;女性生存的另类书写——对上海沦陷期女性文学主题的再阐释

2.Realistic trends offemale literature since the 1990s;20世纪90年代以来女性文学的写实走向

5)women literature女性文学

1.On the Crankiness of Chinese Contemporary Woman Literature——Viewing Chinese Contemporary Women Literature through the Korean Play "Dea Jang Geam";偏执的女性表达——从《大长今》看中国当代女性文学

2.In the context of enlightened 1980s, the humanist didacticism presented in thewomen literature and the efforts of rebuilding subjectivity of women could not meet the inner requests of women s self-development, and the expressions of human subjectivity of neo-didacticism could not naturally agree to the goals of women subjectivity.在20世纪80年代的启蒙语境中,女性文学创作始终不渝遵循的人道启蒙以及重建个人自主性的努力,与女性自身发展的内在要求并不完全一致;新启蒙主义关于“人”的主体性的知识表达与建立女性主体的目标并非天然契合。

3.Chinese contemporarywomen literature has been receiving much concerns all the time, and has played a suitable role to the social development.中国当代女性文学一直备受关注,对社会发展起到了一定的作用。

6)literary women文学女性

1.In the Ming Dynasty,there is a common trait that denotes a respect forliterary women.在这一文化风气中,家中极富藏书、文化氛围浓郁的祁彪佳和文学女性的交往及文化生活有可研究之处。




