100字范文 > 社会文化元素 social and cultural components英语短句 例句大全

社会文化元素 social and cultural components英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-31 19:13:02


社会文化元素 social and cultural components英语短句 例句大全

社会文化元素,social and cultural components

1)social and cultural components社会文化元素

1.In the long course of their development, Danzhou folk songs, involving folk songs and verbal dueling, have embodied localsocial and cultural components and have so far advanced tortuously with the cultural connotations of material life.儋州民歌包括山歌和调声,在久远的历史发展进程中,镌刻着社会文化元素,伴随着物质生活的文化内涵,蹉跎发展至今。

2)Multicultural society多元文化社会


1.In the multicultural society, the curriculum of preschool education should embody the multicultural concepts to adapt to the social need.多元文化社会里,学前教育课程内容必须体现多元文化观念以适应社会需要。

2.A Study on the Dilemma Problems in Morality under the Circumstances of Canadian Poly-cultural Society;论加拿大多元文化社会条件下的道德两难问题

3.The Influence of Puritanism on the Mainstream Values of American Multiculturalism美国多元文化社会主流价值观的清教主义缩影

4.Culture and Multi-culture Interaction from the Perspective of Culture-Sociology;文化社会学视野中的文化与多元文化互动

5.Chinese culture in a multi-cultural society多元种族社会里的中华文化

6.Diversified Ethnic Culture And Development Of Socialism Harmonious Culture;论民族多元文化与社会主义和谐文化建设

7.The Cantonese Group in Shanghai and the Multi-culturalism in Modern Shanghai Society;旅沪广帮与近代上海社会文化的多元化

8.The Plural and International Standard for the Evaluation of Humanities and Social Sciences人文社会科学评价的多元化和国际化标准

9.Research of Multiple Cultures Effects on Public Security in the Process of Urbanization城市化进程中多元文化对社会治安的影响

10.On the Plural Culture and Advanced Culture for Social Harmony;和谐社会文化的多元性与先进性关系浅论

11.A Brief Talk on the Inherent Relations among Terrorism Social Movements and Multiculture;谈恐怖主义与社会运动及多元文化的内在联系

12.Enlightenment of Ancient Jin Commerce to the Present Construction of Harmonious Society;兼蓄宇内古今多元文化商贾士儒重建和谐社会

13.Multi-culture Reflected in Educational Reformin the Russian Social Transformation;俄罗斯社会转型期教育改革中多元文化的体现

14.The Inevitability of Cultural Pluralism Under Circumstances of Socialist Marker Ecomomy;社会主义市场经济条件下文化多元的必然性

15.Multicultural Interactions and the Construction of a Harmonious Singaporean Society多元文化互动与新加坡的“和谐社会”建设

16.On Multi-Cultural Marks and Social Functions of Long-Drum Dance of Yao Nationality瑶族长鼓舞的多元文化特征及其社会功能

17.On the Construction of Public Libraries and Muhicultural Services based on Harmonious Society基于和谐社会的公共图书馆多元文化服务构建

18.An Analysis of the Pluralistic Process of American Society during "the Pre-Pluralistic Stages";“前多元时代”美国社会的多元化进程


Multicultural society多元文化社会

3)Social and cultural factors社会文化因素

1.A Study on Social and Cultural Factors in Second Language Learning;二语学习中的社会文化因素探究

2.The evolution of English surnames and the effect of social and cultural factors;英语姓氏的演变与社会文化因素的作用

3.This thesis is to probe how the social and cultural factors affect American euphemism,which include the mid-class culture,women′s liberation movement,racial problem,politics and war.本文将从中产阶级文化、妇女解放运动、种族问题、政治和战争各方面探讨影响美国委婉语的社会文化因素。

4)social cultural factor社会文化因素

1.The Social Cultural Factor Study of Phobic Anxiety Disorder and Its Medical Consultation Behavior in Taiwan;台湾惊恐症及其求医行为的社会文化因素研究

5)social cultural factors社会文化因素

1.This paper expounds the influence ofsocial cultural factors on spoken communication, mainly focusing on the negative effect of Chinese traditional culture as well as pragmatic mistakes caused by the lack of western culture.论述了社会文化因素对口语交际能力的影响,主要指中国的传统文化对口语交际的负面影响以及对于西方文化知识的匮乏而导致的言语交际中的语用失误。

2.In this paper,the relations between second language acquisition and many factors such associal cultural factors,attitudes and motivation,anxiety and age are discussed to provide some references for the second language teachers and learners.本文从社会文化因素、态度与动机、焦虑状态、年龄因素等方面与第二语言习得的关系作了一些初步的探讨,以供第二语言教学和学习者参考。

3.The bicultural identity of the translator makes it impossible for him to ignore completely the targetsocial cultural factors.译者的双重文化身份使他不可能完全忽视译语的社会文化因素 ,相反 ,译语的社会文化因素在一定程度上制约着译者对原文的理解和阐释。

6)social and cultural elements社会文化因素

1.From intercultural point of view, this paper makes a comparison between daily Chinese and English address terms and discusses thesocial and cultural elements behind the differences on the basis of value concept, sense of hierarchy and family structure.从跨文化交际的角度,对日常生活中常用的汉英称谓语进行比较,可以探讨汉英称谓语所蕴涵的社会文化因素。

2.From intercultural point of view,this article makes a comparison between daily English and Chinese address terms and analyses thesocial and cultural elements behind the differences on the basis of family structure,value concept and sense of hierarchy.文章从跨文化的角度,比较英汉社交称谓语的差异,并从价值观念、等级观念等社会文化因素方面探析这些差异。


