100字范文 > 军事新闻 military news英语短句 例句大全

军事新闻 military news英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-21 12:24:30


军事新闻 military news英语短句 例句大全

军事新闻,military news

1)military news军事新闻


1.A Study on the News and Communication in Military Affairs at the Backdrop of the World Revolution in Military Affairs in China;新军事变革背景下的中国军事新闻传播研究

2.The Key Point of Our Army s Military Propaganda in High-tech War;高技术战争中我军军事新闻宣传的着力点

3.Enhancing and Improving Military News Dissemination in the New History Period;加强和改进新时期军事新闻宣传之浅见

4.Requirements on Quality of a Military Journalistin the New Century--Inspired by Characteristics of Jiang Yonghong s Military News Report;跨世纪军事记者的素质要求——从江永红军事新闻写作特色谈起

5.On Establishing the Military Press Spokesman s System of PLA in Informational Condition;创建信息化条件下我军军事新闻发言人制度研究

6.Sept. 11th Terrorist Attacks and Media;“9·11”事件与媒体报道──南京政治学院军事新闻学系研究生研讨纪要

7.When Used as a Weapon: on the War of Iraq and the Dissemination of Military News;当新闻成为武器之后——伊拉克战争与当前军事新闻传播现象的理论思考

8.The official newspaper "Rodong Sinmun" even calls the US-South Korea military exercise "a declaration of war".官方的《劳动新闻》甚至称美韩军事演习是“宣战”。

9.to the serious, which focus on factual news and the analysis of world events.和严肃新闻(事实新闻、世界事件分析)。

10.Political Affairs/Information Officer政治事务/新闻干事

11.The collecting and publishing or broadcasting of news; journalism in general.新闻事业新闻的收集,出版或播送;新闻业的总称

12.Information and Communications Chief新闻和通信事务主任

13.High Commissioner for Human Rights News人权事务高级专员新闻

14.Information Officer/Assistant to the Director新闻干事/司长助理

15.That piece of news have do violence to the truth那则新闻歪曲了事实

16.Direccion Nacional de Communicacion Social国家新闻事业管理局

17.Senior Information Officer (Social mobilization)高级新闻干事(社会动员)

18.The war news is becoming glorious.战事新闻变得令人鼓舞。


military propaganda军事新闻宣传

1.Themilitary propaganda in our army must focus on the integrity confronting of high-tech warfare ,and try to tap its function of adherence;it must focus on the cruel struggle of high-tech warfare ,and tap its function of multi-dimensional confronting;it must focus on the intelligent confrontation ,and strengthen its high-tech containing of its means.我军的军事新闻宣传 ,必须着眼高技术战争的整体性对抗 ,发挥其凝聚作用 ;必须着眼高技术战争的残酷较量 ,发挥其激励作用 ;必须着眼高技术战争的全维性对抗 ,发挥其协调作用 ;必须着眼高技术战争的智能化对抗 ,增加其手段的高技术含量。

3)Chinese Military News中国军事新闻

4)News and Communication in Military Affairs (NCMA)军事新闻传播

5)military press spokesman军事新闻发言人

1.Themilitary press spokesman occupies very key and important status in consensus wars, with the whole strategic position of news and consensus promoting during modern informational wars, he is becoming a very important and influential fighter in such wars and this is also an essential way to turn the political work into power.军事新闻发言人在新闻舆论战中占有非常关键和重要的地位,随着新闻舆论在现代信息化战争中整体战略地位和作用的提升,已经成为信息化战争中地位突出、影响重大的战斗员,是政治工作转化为战斗力的重要途径。

6)Military Science and Technology News (MSTN)军事科技新闻

1.In the sight of the development of international military technology and media industry, the Military Science and Technology News (MSTN) report is playing an important role, especially when the world is peaceful in majority but conflict in minority.从世界军事科技和全球传媒业的发展来看,军事科技新闻传播的作用是巨大的,特别是在整体和平、局部动荡的国际形势下,探讨军事科技新闻传播特点及规律,构建既有中国特色又符合新军事变革需求的军事科技新闻传播模式,是我国军事新闻传播事业发展的当务之急,对促进我国政治、军事、经济和新闻传播事业的发展都有着十分重要的意义。


部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)sectorial or thematic military geographybumen huo zhuanti lunshi diliXue部门或专题军事地理学(sec‘orial orthematie military geography)见军事地理学。
