100字范文 > 国家级体育精品课程 state-class sports competitive product course英语短句 例句大全

国家级体育精品课程 state-class sports competitive product course英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-19 04:48:17


国家级体育精品课程 state-class sports competitive product course英语短句 例句大全

国家级体育精品课程,state-class sports competitive product course

1)state-class sports competitive product course国家级体育精品课程

2)state-level fine quality course国家级精品课程

1.The paper quantitatively analyzes situational teaching effects of Modern Business Management course,explores the regularity of model and professional curriculum asstate-level fine quality course.以昆明冶专工科专业开设的国家级精品课程"现代企业管理"为研究对象,运用建构学习理论,对"现代企业管理"课程进行了模块化的学习情境设计。


1.Practice of Establishing National Level Quality Course of Engineering Training创建“工程训练”国家级精品课程的实践

2.National Quality Courses Offered by Technical and Vocational Colleges:A Statistical Analysis高职高专类国家级精品课程统计分析

3.TVU English--A National Excellent Course Polished for 30 Years;三十年打磨的国家级精品课程:电大英语

4.A Metrological Study of National Classic Courses (-) of the Higher Vocational Education;“—”年高职高专类国家级精品课程”的计量分析

5.National Classic Course-Electric Equipments in Automobile;谈《汽车电器设备》国家级精品课程的建设

6.Study on the Optimize of Otolaryngology High-quality Curriculum优化耳鼻咽喉科学国家级精品课程的策略研究

7.On Constructing Experience from Fine National-level Course to Establishment of a Top-level Teachers" Team and Its Revelation从国家级精品课程到国家级优秀教学团队的建设经验与启示

8.Opening Education System and Innovative Higher Vocational Curriculum;开放式教育体系 创新的高职课程——国家级精品课程建设的报告

9.View of Construction of National Top Quality Curriculum For Automobile Electron Control;谈“汽车电器与电子控制技术”国家级精品课程的建设

10.Main Factors Affecting the Construction of National Elite Courses in Sports Institutes and Countermeasures影响和制约体育院校建设国家级精品课程的因素及对策

11.The Structual Design of the National Excellent Course of the Ship Power Station Building and Debugging《船舶电站组建与调试》国家级精品课程的结构设计

12.The construction of tridimensional teaching materials in the national excellent course of Fundamental Nursing Techniques国家级精品课程《护理学基本技术》立体化教材的建设与体会

13.Create The National Excellent Courses of Distinct Vocational Features--To build " Pump Fan and Fluid Mechanics " courses as an example;打造职业特色鲜明的国家级精品课程——以建设“流体力学泵与风机”课程为例

14.Analysis of national excellent courses for undergraduates and some ideas over them国家级医学精品课程(本科)现状分析及思考

15.A Study of Classroom Teaching in College English with the titles of the National Quality Course《大学英语》国家级精品课课堂教学研究

16.Construction of National Top Quality Course--“Numerical Control Programs”;国家精品课程——“数控编程”的课程建设

17.Analysis of the Present Information Construction of National,Provincial,and City Sports Design Courses国家级和省市级体育类精品课程网络化建设现状的研究

18.On the "Good Course": the Case Analysis of National Selection for Fine Course;关于“好课程”的思考——兼谈精品课程的国家评选


state-level fine quality course国家级精品课程

1.The paper quantitatively analyzes situational teaching effects of Modern Business Management course,explores the regularity of model and professional curriculum asstate-level fine quality course.以昆明冶专工科专业开设的国家级精品课程"现代企业管理"为研究对象,运用建构学习理论,对"现代企业管理"课程进行了模块化的学习情境设计。

3)National Educational Elaborate Course教育类国家精品课程

4)national quality curriculum国家级精品课

1.Starting from construction of quality curriculum, this article introduces the requirement of settingnational quality curriculum and expounds completely the relationships between curriculum setting and teaching reforms of teachers training, teaching conception improving, construction of teaching system and construction of practical training base.高职院校应当研究国家级精品课建设,掌握国家级精品课的建设要求,并结合院校开展精品课建设实际,正确处理课程建设同教学改革中师资队伍建设、教学理念提升、教学体系建设、实训基地建设之间的相互关系。

2.Based on the case ofnational quality curriculum for example,this paper introduces self-help construction of teachers\" working platform which have function in collaborative business,information sharing and group communication by Google\"s sites,docs,calendar and group.以国家级精品课为例,介绍了运用Google网站提供的协作平台、文件、日历群组等免费服务,"自助式"建设具有协同作业、信息共享与群体交流功能的教师工作平台,从而为最终构建课程展示平台、网络教学平台与教师工作平台在内的"三位一体"精品课程网络体系奠定基础。

5)National Great Course国家精品课程

1.Teaching reform of "Nursing Basic Technique" and construction ofNational Great Course;《护理基本技术》教学改革与国家精品课程建设

2.The main aspects of the national great course Theory of Refrigeration and Cryogenics are introduced, including its evolution history, content system, teaching methods, teaching material, education guarantee, instructor team, as well as considerations for future development.介绍了上海交通大学“制冷与低温原理”国家精品课程建设的主要历史沿革、课程内容体系、教学方法、教材建设、教学保障和教学队伍建设,以及未来发展考虑。

6)MOE content courses国家精品课程

1.In this paper, we discussed the construction and practice of "Digital Signal Processing" course which is one of the first batch ofMOE content courses in UESTC.本文对电子科技大学的国家精品课程“数字信号处理”建设与实践进行了一些分析、探讨和总结。


