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学业拖沓 Academic Procrastination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-16 22:56:17


学业拖沓 Academic Procrastination英语短句 例句大全

学业拖沓,Academic Procrastination

1)Academic Procrastination学业拖沓

1.Construct onAcademic Procrastination and Its Effect Factors Model;大学生学业拖沓及其影响因素模型的初步建构

2.Questionnaire is designed to focus on the following three questions:general features of academic procrastination;the relationship between time perspective,self-determined motivation and academic procrastination;the impact of self-determined motivation on time perspective and academic procrastination.学业拖沓是指学生在学习活动中,没有充分合理的理由而将一件必须要完成的工作推迟延后的行为倾向。


1.Construct on Academic Procrastination and Its Effect Factors Model;大学生学业拖沓及其影响因素模型的初步建构

2.The relationship study on the relationship between procrastination behaviors and bad personality disposition;大学生拖沓行为与不良人格倾向的关系

3.Their skirts dragged.他们的服饰很拖沓。

4.To drag(the body, for example) wearily or heavily.拖沓而行疲惫地或沉重地拖动(如身体)

5.Anxiety should be considered as the presage factor of procrastination,but the emotional reaction after procrastination should also be emphasized.既要考虑情绪作为拖沓的前置因素,也应重视拖沓后的情绪反应。

6.was booted for being habitually tardy;由于拖沓的习惯而被解雇;

7.At Potsdam, he was tardy again and quick to tell journalists that he intended to leave early.在波茨坦,他依然拖沓并且很快就告诉记者们他要早走。

8.I believe procrastination is born out of an excessive drive to perfectionism.我相信拖沓就是由过度的完美主义驱动力孕育而生。

9.Over time, we build the habit of procrastination and end up paralyzed by inertia.长期下来,我们就养成了一个拖沓的习惯,最终就被惰性而麻痹。

10.On Sundays he was a man of misty views, rather given to postponing, and hampered by his best clothes and umbrella.可一到星期日,他就迷糊了,行动拖沓,他那身上最好的衣服和雨伞弄得他狼狈不堪。

11.I will admit to feeling that the ending was laid on a bit to thickly, but it will appeal to the older, more conservative leaders writing the checks.我必须承认片子末尾略有拖沓,但是它会吸引那些年长,(想)保守的影评家们买电影的帐。

12.The lagging of an effect behind its cause, as when the change in magnetism of a body lags behind changes in the magnetic field.滞后现象一个结果在原因之后拖沓,比如一个物体的磁化变化要比一个磁场变化慢

13.The Correlation Research between Procrastination and Personality, Academic Performance of Undergraduates;大学生拖延与人格、学业成绩的相关研究

14.A Study on Academic Procrastination of Middle School Students and the Influence of Class Environments on It中学生学业拖延及班级环境对其的影响

15.Type Comparison and Intervention Study on Academic Procrastination of College Students大学生学业拖延的类型比较及干预研究

16.Undergraduates’ Academic Procrastination and Predictive Variables大学生学业拖延行为及其预测变量分析

17.The practice and exploring of students discipling in the task of stage “1”;汽拖专业“1”阶段学生管理工作的探索与实践

18.Shanghai Electricity Meter Works bought the meter shop of Shanghai Electric Meter Works.晟虾5缍缺沓?展荷虾5绫沓У缍缺沓导洹



1.Procrastination and Big Five Personality Factors.;拖沓心理与大五人格因素

2.Based on overviews of former researches and interviews with psychological experts, this study advanced the theoretical hypothesis of procrastination.本研究在文献综述和心理学专家访谈的基础上,提出了拖沓的理论构想,并据此通过开放式问卷调查、学生访谈等方法编制了大学生拖沓的初测问卷,经过初测并修订最后形成正式问卷。

3)to be deliberately slow or ineffective故意拖沓或怠工

4)academic procrastination学业拖延

1.A Research on Academic Procrastination and Its Related Factors of Senior High Students;高中生学业拖延及相关因素研究

2.Previous research onacademic procrastination focused on undergraduates, however, not enough attention has been paid to postgraduates.学业拖延是指学生在学习活动中,没有充分合理的理由而将一件必须要完成的工作推迟延后的行为倾向。

3.The present study investigated the relationship between goal orientations, task-value, self-efficacy andacademic procrastination by the method of SEM.学业拖延是指学习者知道自己应该,也愿意,却没有在预定的时期内完成学习任务或学习者最终要完成,却不必要地推迟学习任务的行为。

5)Relationship between procrastination and emotion拖沓与情绪的关系

6)delaying school work behavior学业拖延行为


