100字范文 > 环境建构 environmental construction英语短句 例句大全

环境建构 environmental construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-29 15:06:52


环境建构 environmental construction英语短句 例句大全

环境建构,environmental construction

1)environmental construction环境建构

2)environment building环境构建

1.Through studying the results of full - time young teachers satisfaction degree in a certain private university,the authoress analyzes the environmental factors that influence the cultivation of young teachers in private universitise, and proposes to strengthenenvironment building with regarding to policies, system, scientific research,teacher training and etc.通过对某民办院校专职青年教师工作满意度调查结果的列举,分析了影响民办院校青年教师成长的一些环境因素,提出在政策、制度、科研、培训等方面加强环境构建,从而促进青年教师将个人的成长融入学院的发展建设之中。


1."Localization" of Design Concept for the Emporium s Environment Structure;“本土化”设计观念的购物中心环境构建

2.The Design of OpenGL-Based Battlefield Environment;基于OpenGL的虚拟战场环境构建

3.The Issues of Environment and the Construction of an Environmental Taxation System in China;环境问题与我国环境税收体系的构建

4.Establishment of China s environment resource property right system and the environmental protection;环境资源产权制度的构建与环境保护

5.Using the Idea of Circular Economy to Construct Environmental-Friendly Society;用循环经济理念构建环境友好型社会

6.Strengthen the Organizational Construction of Environmental Information, Advance the Environmental Management Informationization加强环境信息机构建设 推进环境管理信息化

7.Discussion on the Establishment of the Environmental Administrative Litigation System: From the Aspect of the Public Environmental Right;从公众环境权视角论环境行政诉讼制度构建

8.On the Environmental Reporting of Our Mass Media in Constructing Public Environmental Awareness;试论我国环境报道对受众环境意识的构建

9.On the Construction of Guizhou s Legal System for Environment;构建我省环境法律体系,保障环境立省战略实施

10.Construction of Chinese Eco-Literature--Compared with Eco-Literature of the West中国环境文学的构建——以欧美环境文学为比照

11.Study and Implementation of ODS Construction Technology under Heterogeneous Enviornment;异构环境下ODS构建技术的研究与实现

12.Sincerity and Credibility---the Core of Values for a Company s Success;我国企业“诚信”环境建设的缺损与建构

13.Overall Process Environmental Management System Structure of Construction Project建设项目全程环境管理制度体系构建

14.Implicit Structure,Isomorphism,Heterogeneous:Expression of Environmental Characteristics of Urban Landscape Architectural Forms隐构·同构·异构——城市景观建筑形式的环境性表达

15.Kim, J. "Modernization and the Everyday Built Environment." 1986.现代化与日常建构环境>,1986.

16.On the "Pseudo-Environment" Constructed by the Chinese Mass Media;我国大众传媒建构的“拟态环境”研究

17.The Establishmest of Liability for Environment Damage in China;论我国环境损害赔偿责任制度的构建

18.The Rational Knowledge about Constructing the Environment-friendly Society;关于构建环境友好型社会的理性认识


environment building环境构建

1.Through studying the results of full - time young teachers satisfaction degree in a certain private university,the authoress analyzes the environmental factors that influence the cultivation of young teachers in private universitise, and proposes to strengthenenvironment building with regarding to policies, system, scientific research,teacher training and etc.通过对某民办院校专职青年教师工作满意度调查结果的列举,分析了影响民办院校青年教师成长的一些环境因素,提出在政策、制度、科研、培训等方面加强环境构建,从而促进青年教师将个人的成长融入学院的发展建设之中。

3)environmental constructionism环境建构论

1.Based on the development ofenvironmental constructionism,this paper generalizes the theory from the diverse research paradigms of environmental sociology,the social constructionism of environmental problems and the debates betweenenvironmental constructionism and environmental realism,meanwhile,it makes a prediction about the development trend of environment sociology.环境建构论从20世纪80年代中后期出现以来,获得了持续的发展,成为环境社会学的一个重要理论分支。

4)the construction of ecological environment生态环境构建

1.Finaliy,the author promoted some suggestions onthe construction of ecological environment;①the function of management and supervision should be strengtnened;②the reasonable construction and the comprehensive management of the urban .以大连市甘井子区为例研究了生态城市的特点和功能,指出了甘井子区生态环境构建决定了大连市城市空间必然向外扩展,并提出了生态环境构建的对策与措施:①强化政府的管理、监督职能;②合理构建综合治理城市生态环境;③加强教育,提高公众保护城市环境的参与意识和行动;④城市扩展与环境相协调,走城市可持续发展之路。

5)Material environment construction物质环境建构

6)building up of experiment environment实验环境构建


海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)marine physical geographic environmenthaiyang ziran dili huaniing海洋自然地理环境(marin。phys、calgeograPhic environment)见自然地理环境。
