100字范文 > 种植业系统 planting system英语短句 例句大全

种植业系统 planting system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-20 04:27:28


种植业系统 planting system英语短句 例句大全

种植业系统,planting system

1)planting system种植业系统

1.For better understanding the change in energy input /output since then, it was evaluated and compared with theplanting systems and agricultural systems in other regions by using energy flow and emergy analysis.应用能流分析和能值分析理论与方法 ,对广东省高州市典型龙眼果园永丰果场在开展绿色食品生产示范试点前后的能流能值进行了分析比较 ,并与广东全省种植业系统及发达国家进行比较 。

2.Theplanting system of Guangdong province is evaluated by using energy and emergy analysis theory.应用能值(EMERGY)分析理论和方法,分析广东省种植业生态系统环境资源基础和经济特征,并与发达国家比较,结果表明,广东省种植业系统的发展程度相对较低,应进一步提高种植业的能值投入,重点是提高农业科技含量和可更新资源能值投入及科学管理力度。


1.Analysis of the Planting Industry system Changes of Naiman Banner Based on the Energy Theory;基于能值理论的奈曼旗种植业系统变化分析

2.Study on Water Use and It s Saving Potential for Cropping Systems in the Suburb of Beijing--Case Study in Shunyi County;京郊种植业系统水分利用及节水潜力研究——以北京市顺义区为例

3.Emergy Analysis of Planting System in Typical Farming-Pastoral Zone--A Case Study of Yijinhuoluo County;农牧交错带典型区种植业系统能值分析——以伊金霍洛旗为例

4.Energy Analysis of the Farming System in Hilly Areas in Northern Foot of Yinshan Mountain--A case study of Liufenzi village;阴山北麓丘陵区种植业系统能值分析——以固阳县六分子村为例

5.Analysis on the Change of Structure of the Modern Planting System--A Case Study in Quzhou County,Hebei Province;现代种植业系统结构变化分析——以河北省曲周县为例

6.Study on Oasis Farming System Emergy Analysis and Sustainable Development in Yanqi Basin焉耆盆地绿洲种植业系统能值分析及可持续发展研究

7.Energy Analysis for Level of Panjin Rice Crop Farming System Sustainability Development盘锦市水稻种植业系统持续发展水平的能值分析

8.Research on 4 Agricultural Cultivation Systems in France法国在四种农业种植系统方面的研究

9.Research on Evaluating the Target System of Green Agriculture Economic Development绿色种植业经济发展系统评价指标体系研究

10.An Israeli inventor has developed a revolutionary system of robot-controlled farming,一位以色列发明家开发了一种与传统农业完全不同的种植系统??机器人种植控制系统。

11.Study on Plant and Aquaculture Coupling Agriculture System;海水种植-海水养殖耦合的海水农业系统研究

12.The Grey Relational Identification of Farming Production System in Area of Northeast;东北地区种植业生产经济系统的灰色关联辨识

13.The research of the structure regulating decision-supporting system of crop production in Hebei Province;河北省种植业结构调整决策支持系统研究

14.Optimization of crop structure by applying systematic dynamics;种植业结构优化的系统动力学方法研究


16.Filesystem Transplant On Small Embedded Systems一种小型嵌入式系统的文件系统移植

17.Clinical study on immediate implantation of BLB implants in aesthetic zoneBLB种植系统用于即刻种植修复的临床探讨

18.Multi-mature,Intensive and High Efficient Plantation of Agricultural Eco-economic System in Oases in Xinjiang试论新疆绿洲农业生态经济系统的多熟、集约、高效种植


Farming system种植业系统

1.Emergy analysis of the farming system in the semi-arid area where farming and animal husbandry crisscross ——With Wuchuan county as an example;北方农牧交错带半干旱区种植业系统能值分析——以武川县为例

3)planting ecosystem种植业生态系统

1.In light of the theory of energy analysis,the article has made an investigation into the development status quo and problems of theplanting ecosystem in Zhongshan city on Pearl Delta.应用能值分析理论和方法,研究了中山市种植业生态系统的发展现状及存在问题。

4)cropping system种植系统

1.This paper studiedcropping system of Gaocheng County of Hebei Province located in Front Mountain Plain.以地处山前平原的河北藁城市种植系统为研究对象 ,从能量利用的角度对该系统能量生产力及其效率和变化动态进行分析。

2.Considering the ecological problems of thecropping system of Beijing, we make a study on theecological safety ofcropping system based on the case study in Shunyi On the basis of theevaluation, some key facts of thecropping system are analyzed and predictions are put forward forthe unsafe facts.本论文以生态安全研究进展为背景,以北京市顺义区为典例,对顺义区种植系统的生态安全状况进行了评价。

5)farming production economic system种植业生产经济系统

6)BLB impant SystemBLB种植系统


