100字范文 > 潜意识理论 subconsciousness theory英语短句 例句大全

潜意识理论 subconsciousness theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-13 15:45:43


潜意识理论 subconsciousness theory英语短句 例句大全

潜意识理论,subconsciousness theory

1)subconsciousness theory潜意识理论

1.The two sides of Freud ssubconsciousness theory: Criticalness and ideologicalness;论弗洛伊德潜意识理论的两面性:批判性与意识形态性


1.The two sides of Freud s subconsciousness theory: Criticalness and ideologicalness;论弗洛伊德潜意识理论的两面性:批判性与意识形态性

2.Theory subconscious acts of violence under the characteristics of athletes潜意识理论视角下的运动员暴力行为特征研究

3.The influence of Freud sigmund s subconsciousness on the stream of consciousness:virinia woolf s “ The mark on the wall”;从《墙上的斑点》谈弗洛伊德潜意识理论对于意识流小说的影响

4.Unconsciousness theory is one of the quintessences of the spiritual analysis theory, and is also the main thread of the development of the spiritul analysis theory.潜意识理论是精神分析学说的精髓之一,是精神分析理论发展的一条主线。

5.On Situational Subconscious Representation--An Analysis of Hubert Dreyfus" Theory of Intelligence without Representation论情境化潜意识表征——评德雷福斯的无表征智能理论

6.Spirit Communication: (I have a theory) The subconscious creates this thought form shell of a person.灵魂交流:(我有一个理论)潜意识创造这种有关一个人的思想形式。

7.From Latent Oppression to Visible Display--On the Ethical Attributive Consciousness of Lao She;由潜抑到彰显——论老舍的民族归属意识

8.Therefore, this kink of latent version is not the only intentional creation of Zhao Shuli, but the product of the latent ideology.然而这种潜文本并不是赵树理有意识的创造而是潜意识的产物。

9.unconscious sense of guilt潜意识罪恶感 潜意识罪恶感

10.The unconscious mind of man sees correctly even when conscious reason is blind and impotent.即使在意识理性盲目无力时,人的潜意识心理仍能正确地理解。

11.Human motives are based on needs, whether consciously or subconsciously felt.无论是有意识或潜意识,人们的动机的基础在于需要。

12.The Development of the Sense of Women Life in the Scene of the Unconscious;论海男《女人传》潜意识场景中女性生命意识的演进

13.A Torrent beneath: On The Little Sea Maid and Andersen s Life Consciousness;潜藏的激流——论《海的女儿》及安徒生的生命意识

14.unconscious intentionality无意识意向性 潜意识意向性

15.On the physical level the superconscious mind and subconscious mind are mostly hidden.在生理的层面上,超意识的心智和潜意识的心智大都是藏而不露的。

16.APPROACH TO POETRV & PERFECTION OF POETRY ── Comments On the Poetry Theory of "Qian Xi Shi Yan;识诗之法门 悟诗之妙处──论《潜溪诗眼》的诗学理论

17.The physicist was aware of the potential danger of nuclear fusion.那位物理学家意识到核融合潜在的危险。

18.Subconscious and literature creation--The criticism of S.Fraud s Literature psychology;潜意识与文学创作——弗洛伊德文艺心理学批判


psychological sub-consciousness心理潜意识

1.Ideological psychology owes its construction to a combination of Li Deshun s philosophic achievements in ideological consciousness and ideological conception with French psychoanalyst Lacan s results from studies of the internal interrelation between language signifier and humanpsychological sub-consciousness.价值心理学的构建以李德顺关于价值意识和价值观念的哲学研究成果,与法国精神分析大师拉康关于能指(象征)语言与人的心理潜意识内在关联的研究成果相结合,旨在探究价值逻辑与心理潜意识(无意识)欲望这两套话语体系之间的契合点,揭示人的心理灵动在不同层面的运演现象及其法则,将人类认识王国的理论成果与人的心理现实对接,实现大脑(思维)向心灵的转换,实现价值心理学对现代人生科学的执导,具有重要的实践意义。

3)subconscious mentality潜意识心理

4)theoretical awareness理论意识

1.The formation of schools signifies the sophistication of research, as an awareness of school is actually a cleartheoretical awareness.流派的形成是研究深化的一个表现 ,流派意识体现了清晰的理论意识。

2.To further develop the comparative studies of Chinese and Japanese Literature, thetheoretical awareness must first be intensified, and the limit imposed by the positivist research methods be broken through, so that the verification of “facts” can be raised to the interpretation of “meaning,”.中日文学比较研究首先必须强化理论意识 ,突破实证研究的终点 ,把一种“事实”的证明上升为“意义”的阐释 ,“事实———异同———原因———模式”研究思路才是文学关系研究的完整过程。

3.Thetheoretical awareness is one of the important qualities of translation teachers for English majors in universities.本文从四个维度审视了翻译教师理论意识和理论素养的必要性和重要性;又从四个方面简述了翻译教师应具备的理论意识和理论素养;文章最后指出教师应具备开放的理论意识,以更好地适应和指引翻译教学实践,同时确保翻译教学的质量和效率。

5)subconscious geography潜意识地理学

1.The former is a research object of behavior geography,while the latter is a research object ofsubconscious geography.前者是行为地理学的研究对象,后者是潜意识地理学的研究对象。

6)unconscious theory无意识理论

1.Hisunconscious theory,being the core of his psychological analysis,brought about other theories such as personality construction theory,psychological motive theory and dream theory.他的精神分析学以无意识理论为核心,从心理结构理论衍生出人格结构学说、心理动力观和梦的理论。

2.Lucian Freud sunconscious theory of deep psychology gets closer to the truth than mechanical materialism does,which shows that human being s mind is not the mirror or the whiteboard,but the innate structure,fully equipped with living organic tissue which was ignored by the mechanical materialism.弗洛伊德的深层心理学的无意识理论较之机械反映论更接近真理,问题的症结在于我们多年来视之为绝对 真理的机械反映论忽视了人类的头脑不是镜子,也不是一块白板,而是一个有先在结构的、功能完备的活的有机组 织,它与外界事物相互作用,不是消极被动地反映外界事物。


焦虑潜意识冲突理论焦虑潜意识冲突理论unconscious conflict theory of anxiety焦虑潜意识冲突理论(uneonsciouseonfliet theory of anxiety)弗洛伊德提出的一种焦虑理论。他将焦虑分成两类一一客观焦虑与神经质焦虑。他认为,神经质焦虑是本我冲动(主要为性冲动和攻击冲动)同由自我和超我所强加的约束间的潜意识冲突的结果。本我的许多冲动对个体形成威胁,因为这些冲动往往与一个人的价值观和社会标准相矛盾。例如,一个小男孩(或女孩)在意识水平上可能不会承认他(或她)对父亲(或母亲)的强烈敌对情感,因为这种情感是与他(或她)的“孩子应当爱父母”的信念相冲突的。如果他(或她)承认了自己的真实情感,那么就会破坏他或她的自我概念,就有可能失去父母的爱和支持。当这个孩子开始对父母感到愤怒时,就会引起焦虑,这种焦虑又是潜伏的危险的信号。于是这个孩子便无意识地借助于自我防御机制以便将诱发焦虑的冲动从意识中排斥出去。参见“客观焦虑”和“神经质焦虑”。(梁宝勇撰牟丈博审)
