100字范文 > 墒情 soil moisture英语短句 例句大全

墒情 soil moisture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-05 15:43:33


墒情 soil moisture英语短句 例句大全

墒情,soil moisture

1)soil moisture墒情

1.On information system ofsoil moisture measuring and forecast and drought extent for north of the Huaihe River in Anhui province;安徽淮北地区墒情监测预报和抗旱决策信息系统研究

2.Sampling method forsoil moisture monitoring;墒情监测取样方法的研究

3.This article introduces the function , configuration and specification of the automatic monitoring and measuring system forsoil moisture, and discusses the moisture sensors , data communication and application software.从需求用途、设备配置、系统功能、技术指标等方面介绍了墒情监测自动化系统的设计。


1.Study on the Mothod of Monitoring and Forecasting Soil Moisture Content (Drought);墒情(旱情)监测与预测预报方法研究

2.Forecast Soil Moisture Constent Based on GA-BP基于GA-BP算法的土壤墒情预测

3.Soil Moisture Computing System Based on Excel基于Excel的土壤墒情计算系统

4.Study on the Field Soil Moisture Monitoring System Based on SMS technology基于短消息的农田墒情监测系统研究

5.Study on the MODIS Remote Sensing Data Applied to the Soil Moisture Extraction;将MODIS遥感数据应用于墒情信息提取的研究

6.The Study and Development on the System of Soil Moisture Automatic Monitoring and Forecasting;土壤墒情自动监测预报系统的开发与研究

7.Pilot Study of the Forecasting Cropland Soil Moisture Content of Fenhe District in Shanxi Province;山西省汾河灌区农田土壤墒情预报的初步研究

8.Analysis of the variety of soil moisture in the cropland of Fenhe Irrigation District and countermeasures of using agricultural water;汾河灌区农田土壤墒情变化及用水对策分析

9.Development of Monitoring System and Study on Forecasting Model for Soil Moisture土壤墒情监测系统开发与预报模型研究

10.Assessment and Prediction of Soil Moisture in Songshan District of Chifeng City and Wengniute Banner赤峰市松山区、翁牛特旗土壤墒情评估与预测

11.Real-time Estimation of Soil Moisture Content Based on Precipitation of Automatic Weather Station利用自动站逐日降水量实时估测土壤墒情

12.Soil Moisture Monitoring System in Agricultural Areas(Shallow Dry Land) in Qinghai青海省农业区(浅山旱地)土壤墒情监测系统

13.Dynamic Evaluation of Agricultural Drought Based on Soil Moisture Simulation基于土壤墒情模拟的农业干旱动态评估


15.Construction of Remote Sensing Monitoring Model for Spring Soil Moisture in Shandong Province山东省春季土壤墒情遥感监测模型构建

16.Soil Moisture Forecast Model Based on Meteorological Factors in Jinhua City基于气象因子的金华市土壤墒情预测模型

17.Research on regional farmland soil moisture monitoring and precision irrigation technology区域农田土壤墒情监测与精量灌溉技术研究

18.By using this system the soil moisture content in Beijing can be monitored and the distribution map and the isoline chart of soil moisture content can be plotted in time.同时,系统还可利用增退墒模型、人工神经网络模型和时间序列模型进行土壤墒情预测和预报。


soil moisture content墒情

1.Design and realization of the information system for the monitorofsoil moisture content and drought relief and disasteralleviation in North Huai River of Anhui;安徽淮北墒情监控与抗旱减灾信息系统设计与实现

2.The timely and precise technology ofsoil moisture content forecast has the important societal and the economical significance in saving agricultural water.适时精准的土壤墒情预报技术,对于农业节水具有重要的社会和经济意义,为此,在了解20世纪70年代以来国内外土壤墒情预报模型研究进展的基础上,归纳分析了国内外土壤墒情预报模型的研究进程及其特点,比较分析了国内土壤墒情预报模型研究与国外的差距,由此初步认为,今后国内土壤墒情预报模型研究的主要方向为:侧重土壤墒情预报模型的非均匀性、随机性和区域性的研究,注重其信息网络化、综合化和实用化的全面深入研究。

3.The experiments ofsoil moisture content in different fields have been done by soil moisture fast-measurement instrument.使用土壤水分快速测量装置,在北京郊区进行了不同面积、大样本的田间墒情测量。

3)soil water墒情

1.An analysis was made of thesoil water data from the Henan Provincialsoil water database from July 1997 to June , and the variation regularities of soils water for various types of soils are discussed.分析河南省台站土壤墒情数据库1997年10月至6月资料,找出不同土壤类型的墒情变化规律。

4)soil moisture土壤墒情

1.Analysis for thesoil moisture in the middle and west of Jilin Province;吉林省中西部土壤墒情分析

2.Equilibrium model of water quantity in soil applying tosoil moisture forecast;土层水量平衡模型在土壤墒情预报中的应用

3.Preliminary design of supporting sys tem forsoil moisture measuring and drought resisting policy decision in Liaoning province;辽宁省土壤墒情测报与抗旱决策支持系统初步设计

5)Soil moisture monitoring墒情监测

6)moisture content monitoring-forecasting墒情测报

1.On questions about farmland soilmoisture content monitoring-forecasting;农田土壤墒情测报应注意的问题


