100字范文 > 人的全面发展理论 human beings all-round development theory英语短句 例句大全

人的全面发展理论 human beings all-round development theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-10 22:37:34


人的全面发展理论 human beings all-round development theory英语短句 例句大全

人的全面发展理论,human beings" all-round development theory

1)human beings" all-round development theory人的全面发展理论

1.On the innovation inhuman beings" all-round development theory since the founding of PRC试论建国以来人的全面发展理论的创新


1.The Theories of Modernization and Overall Development of Human Being;人的现代化理论与人的全面发展理论

2.Human All-Round Development Theory--A Creation in Social Development;社会发展对人的全面发展理论的创新

3.On the Education and the Theory of Human-being Overall Development;关于人的全面发展理论与育人的思考

4.The Three Generations of CPC Leaders and the Views on Comprehensive Development of Humans;中共三代领导人与人的全面发展理论

5.The Contemporary Study on the People s Full Development of Marxism;马克思人的全面发展理论的当代解读

6.The innovative course of the theory of overall development of human being in China;人的全面发展理论在中国的创新历程

7.Enlightenment of the Theory of Human s Comprehensive Development on Contemporary Education;人的全面发展理论对当代教育的启示

8.Epochal Characters of Marxist Theory on Human General Development;马克思人的全面发展理论的时代特质

9.Marxism Human Overall Development Theory & Its Contemporary Significance;马克思人的全面发展理论及当代意义

10.Marx s Theory about All-round Development of Individuals and Contemporary China;马克思人的全面发展理论与当代中国

11.Marx Doctrine of Man s Development in an All-round Way and Its Chinesization;马克思人的全面发展理论及其中国化

12.The new stage of all-round human development theory --On Jiang Zemin s idea of all-round human development;人的全面发展理论的新阶段——江泽民人的全面发展思想浅析

13.The Theory of All-round Development of Humans of Marxist in China s Development and Practice;马克思人的全面发展理论在中国的发展与实践

14.The Development of Marx s Theory on People s All-round Development in China;马克思人的全面发展理论在中国的发展

15.The practical meaningfullness of Marx s "mankind s au-aspected development theory";论马克思人的全面发展理论的现实意义

16.Jiang Ze-min s Contribution to "Human s Full Scale Development" Theory;江泽民对“人的全面发展”理论的新发展

17.On the Theoretical Boundary between Sustainable Development and Overall Development of Human Beings;论人的可持续发展与全面发展的理论分野

18.The Thinking of the Individual s All-round Development During the Total Construction of the Well-off Society;全面建设小康社会中“人的全面发展”的理论视角


the Theory of the Human"s Free and Comprehensive Development人的自由全面发展理论

3)On All-Round Development of People论人的全面发展

4)a person"s overall development theory with Chinese characters有中国特色的人的全面发展理论

5)theory of fully personal development个人全面发展理论

6)Marx"s mankind"s au-aspected development theory马克思人的全面发展理论


