100字范文 > 耗水规律 water consumption law英语短句 例句大全

耗水规律 water consumption law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-16 23:47:39


耗水规律 water consumption law英语短句 例句大全

耗水规律,water consumption law

1)water consumption law耗水规律

1.Experimental research of the sugar beetwater consumption law in the west semi-arid area半干旱区甜菜耗水规律试验研究

2.Through irrigation tests,this paper reveals thewater consumption law of maize in Fenhe River Irrigation Area,probes into the relationship between the water consumption and the yield,and advances the optimized water-saving irrigation system in the test year.通过灌溉试验揭示了玉米在汾河灌区的耗水规律,探讨了耗水量与产量的关系,提出了试验年的优化节水灌溉制度。

3.It has an important scientific value and productive meanning to studying the maizewater consumption law and the distribution of water-nitrigen in farmland under film hole irrigation as the development of water-saving agriculture and the obvious problem of groundwater contamination.随着节水农业发展的需求和由于施用氮肥而引起的地下水环境污染问题的日益突出,研究膜孔灌玉米的耗水规律和农田氮素的分布特性具有十分重要的科学价值和生产实践意义。



2.Study on Water Requirment and Regulated DeficitIrrigation Patterns of Pear-Jujube Tree;梨枣树耗水规律与调亏灌溉模式研究

3.Preliminary probe to the transpiration water-consumption regularity of Populus euphraticu and Populus pruinosa in Tarim Basin胡杨、灰叶胡杨蒸腾耗水规律初步研究

4.The Study on the Water Consumes by Water Conservation Forest in Miyun Reservoir Watershed;北京密云水库集水区水源涵养林耗水规律研究

5.Effects of Irrigation on Rules of Field Water Consumption and WUE of Winter Wheat;灌溉对冬小麦耗水规律和水分利用效率的影响

6.Experimental study on the law of water consumption and water-saving irrigation system for peanut花生耗水规律及其节水灌溉制度试验研究

7.The Primary Studies on Water Consumption and Water-Consuming Law of Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.) in Hexi Corridor;河西走廊紫花苜蓿耗水量与耗水规律的初步研究

8.Studies on Evapotranspiration Water Consumption of Tetraploidy Black Locust in Loess Area of West Shanxi Province;晋西黄土区四倍体刺槐蒸散耗水规律研究

9.Study on Water Consumption Law and Irrigation Scheduling of Turfgrass in Tianjin Seashore Region;天津滨海地区草坪耗水规律及灌溉制度研究

10.Studies on Water Consumption of Two Major Landscape Tree Species in Beijing: Pinus Tabulaeformis and Platycladus Orientalis;北京市主要绿化树种油松侧柏耗水规律研究

11.Study on Relationship between Water Depletion Regulation and Yield and Quality of Soybean;大豆耗水规律与产量和品质关系的研究

12.Research on Water Consumption and Irrigation Scheduling of Mini Cucumber in Solar Greenhouse日光温室迷你黄瓜耗水规律及灌溉制度研究

13.Selection of wheat varieties with high WUE and study on laws of their water consumption小麦高WUE品种筛选和田间耗水规律研究

14.Water consumption of green space and gardens in the Summer Palace of Beijing颐和园园林绿地复合系统耗水规律初步研究

15.Water consumption of the crops in the northwestern Shandong plain and comparisons of lysimeter and eddy covariance technique鲁西北平原农田耗水规律与测定方法比较

16.Effect of Irrigation and Nitrogen on Water Transportation and Water Consumption of Fruit Seedling;灌水和施氮对果树幼苗水分传输和耗水规律的影响

17.Water Consumption and Growth of Desert Vegetable under Water Stress;水分胁迫下荒漠植被的耗水规律与生长过程的研究

18.Study on Field Water Consumption Law and Irrigation Effect of Winter Wheat and Summer Corn Continuous Cropping in the Irrigation Area of North of Henan Province;豫北灌区冬小麦—夏玉米一体化农田耗水规律与灌水效应研究


water consumption耗水规律

1.The effects of planting patterns on rules ofwater consumption based on precision irrigation system were studied respectively in Yucheng ecological experiment station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and experimental plot of Shandong Agricultural University in 2002-.本试验于2002- 年在中国科学院禹城生态试验站和山东农业大学试验田完成,通过对冬小麦-夏玉米两熟、秸秆覆盖、沟播、垄作和“20+40”畦播五种种植方式的土壤水分状况变化特点及水分利用效率的分析,研究了精准灌溉条件下种植方式对作物耗水规律的影响,旨在寻找适合精准灌溉的种植方式,结果如下: 1 种植方式对土壤水分及作物水分利用效率的影响不同种植方式下,灌水处理间的表土层土壤水分变化幅度均较大,且随土壤层次增深,其变化幅度越来越少。

3)water consumption pattern耗水规律

4)water consumption rule耗水规律

1.The varying mles of Waerchestnut s water consumption in the whole planing period under nonnal irrigaion condi-tion, the waterchestnut swater consumption rules under different moisture conditions, the relationship between Waterchest-nut s waer consumption and meteorology, the relationship bebeen waer-chestnut s water consumption and its yield, are ex-plored by experimental researches.在4年的试验研究成果基础上,探求了马蹄的耗水规律,对正常灌溉条件下马蹄耗水量在全生育期内的变化规律、不同水分条件下马蹄的耗水规律、马蹄耗水量与气象的关系、马蹄耗水量与产量的关系等4个方面进行了实验研究,并由此提出了马蹄的合理灌溉模式,为马蹄的节水灌溉和高产优质提供了基本依据。

2.Through the test of supplementary irrigation by using small pipe flow,soil moisture andwater consumption rule for local fruit trees were analyzed.通过对宁夏西吉县聂家河流域果树小管出流补灌试验,分析和探讨了该地区主要果树的土壤水分和耗水规律,在此基础上制订了几种果树小管出流补灌制度,为该地区果园水分合理管理提供依据,也为当地水资源合理利用提供参考。

5)water-consuming law耗水规律

1.Water consumption andwater-consuming law of alfalfa in Hexi corridor;河西地区紫花苜蓿的耗水量与耗水规律初探

2.A study is made on thewater-consuming law and yield of spring maize under treatments of different irrigation quota on each application and frequcency.研究了不同灌水定额和灌水次数处理下覆膜玉米的耗水规律和产量,试验结果表明:灌溉定额相同时,灌水次数的变化对产量有较大影响;灌溉次数较多的处理土壤平均含水率波动幅度较小,土壤水分能保持在一个比较稳定的范围。

6)field water consumption law田间耗水规律


矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)law of contradictionmQOCun gu】j口、矛盾规律(lawof eon‘radietion)统一规律。见叶主
