100字范文 > 纺纱工艺 spinning technology英语短句 例句大全

纺纱工艺 spinning technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-31 11:10:48


纺纱工艺 spinning technology英语短句 例句大全

纺纱工艺,spinning technology

1)spinning technology纺纱工艺

1.Discussion aboutspinning technology of Nomex/Lenzing Viscose FR blended yarn;Nomex/Lenzing Viscose FR混纺纱工艺探讨

2.Study and analysis of angalaspinning technology;粗纺马海毛纺纱工艺分析

3.8 Tex colour spun knitted yarn is studied from the aspects of cotton assorting,dyeing ways to mix colour fibre,fore-spinning and rotorspinning technology.文章从原棉选配与染色、混色方法、前纺工艺和转杯纺纱工艺等方面,探讨了27。


1.Research on spinning technology of cashmere-PVA blended yarnPVA纤维与羊绒混纺纱的纺纱工艺研究

2.Study on the Spinning Technology and Mechanism of Rotor-spun Composite Yarn;转杯纺复合纱的纺纱工艺及其成纱机理的研究

3.Development and Research on Spinning of the Superfine Conton Yarn;纯棉特细号纱的开发与纺纱工艺研究

4.The final process in ring spinning of single yarn is the spinning operation.利用环锭纺纱工艺纺制单根纱线的最后一个工序是细纱。

5.Study on the Technology and Properties of the Rotor Spun Composite Yarn;转杯纺长丝/短纤复合纱纺纱工艺与纱线性能研究

6.Spinning Technology and Production Development of Viscose/Spandex Wrapped Yarn;粘/氨包覆纱纺纱工艺研究及其产品开发

7.Study on the Technology and the Properties of the Tri-component Sirofil Composite Yarn;三组分Sirofil复合纱线的纺纱工艺与性能研究

8.A Study on the Technology and Yarn Properties of Low-ratio Wool-PET Sirofil Spinning;低比例毛涤Sirofil纺纱工艺及其成纱性能研究

9.Spinning technology study of bamboo/cotton/Coolmax blended combed yarn60/30/10竹浆/棉/Coolmax精梳纱的纺纱工艺探讨

10.Study on the Processing of Rotor Spun Nomex/Flame Retardant Acrylic Blended Yarn;Nomex/阻燃腈纶转杯纺纱工艺的研究

11.Spinning technology study and product development of yak hair with PVA fiberPVA纤维伴纺牦牛绒纺纱工艺研究及产品开发

12.Processing Optimization of Spinning Knitted Yarn on R40 Rotor Spinning MachineR40型转杯纺纱机纺针织纱的工艺优选

13.Study on Sizing Technology of 80N PTT/R/V Blended Yarn80N PTT/R/V混纺纱的浆纱工艺探讨

14.Researches on PTT fiber′s blending performancePTT纤维混纺工艺及混纺纱性能的研究

15.roving [pre-spinning process]粗纺〔纺纱前工序〕

16."Technology and machinery for pneumatic spinning,"气流纺纱的工艺与机械问题

17.The essential steps in open -end spinning include the following.自由端纺纱的主要工艺如下

18.The Study on the Sizing Technology of New Type Fiber Yarns;新型纺织纤维纱线无PVA上浆工艺探讨


spinning process纺纱工艺

1.Designing onspinning process of vinylon-milk fiber;维纶基牛奶蛋白纤维纺纱工艺设计

2.Development and application ofspinning process design system;纺纱工艺设计系统的开发与应用

3.Research on information management system forspinning process;面向纺纱工艺的信息管理系统研究

3)yarn spinning technology纺纱工艺

1.Discussion on Yarn Spinning Technology and Operating Method of Polyurethane Corn-spun Yarn;氨纶包芯纱纺纱工艺和操作方法探讨

4)Spinning Processing纺纱工艺

1.Relation between Cotton Fiber Maturity andSpinning Processing & Yarn Quality;棉纤维成熟度与纺纱工艺及成纱质量的关系


1.Thespinning practice,technological measures and quality level of blended yarn with apocynum and cotton are discussed too.5 tex 30/70罗布麻/棉混纺环锭针织纱的纺纱工艺,详述了罗布麻纤维的性能特点、预处理、与原棉混纺的各工序生产工艺技术措施,以及成品达到的质量水平。

2.By analysis the influence factors of microfiber on the formation yarn neps,The method and measuers were discussed to decrease and control neps inspinning processing.通过对细特纤维影响成纱棉结的因素分析,对纺纱工艺中减少和控制棉结的方法和措施进行了探讨。

3.It introduced the basic characteristics of Tencel fiber,studied the blend ratio of Tencel and wool as well as the influence of products style and wearing performance by thespinning process.介绍了 Tencel纤维特点 ,探讨了 Tencel与羊毛混纺绒线产品的混纺比例及纺纱工艺对产品风格及服用性能的影响 ,并在大量的生产实践基础上 ,制订出了合理的纺纱工艺。

6)spinning technology纺纱工艺学


