100字范文 > 开发建设项目 development and construction project英语短句 例句大全

开发建设项目 development and construction project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-18 04:27:21


开发建设项目 development and construction project英语短句 例句大全

开发建设项目,development and construction project

1)development and construction project开发建设项目

1.Analysis of soil conservation monitoring method for Xinjiangdevelopment and construction projects新疆开发建设项目水土保持监测方法浅析——以库玛拉克河吐木秀克水电站工程为例

2.0×105 t/a bamboo-pulp paper production project in Chishui City, Guizhou Province, China for an example, soil and water conservation and ecological reconstruction of thedevelopment and construction project in the low mountain and hill region are discussed.以位于贵州省赤水市的"黔北20万吨/年竹浆林纸一体化工程项目"为例,研究了低山丘陵区开发建设项目中的水土保持和生态建设问题。

3.This paper discusses the demands for tasks and data of soil and water conservation monitoring indevelopment and construction projects, puts forward an indicator system for soil and water loss monitoring, and designs an information system based on 3S techniques (remote sensing, geographic information system, and global positioning system).在全面分析开发建设项目水土保持监测的业务和数据需求的基础上,提出了统一的监测指标体系,构建了基于3S技术的开发建设项目水土保持监测信息系统。


1.Analysis on Benefit and Loss of Soil and Water Conservation for Construction Projects;开发建设项目水土保持损益分析研究


3.An Economic Post evaluation on Certain Oil Field Developmental Construction Project;某油田开发建设项目后评估经济评价

4.Discussion on Vegetation Restoration Measures of Linetype Development Project浅议线型开发建设项目植被恢复措施

5.An Analysis on the Monitor Layout of Water and Soil Loss in Development and Construction Projects;开发建设项目水土流失监测点布设研究

6.Project Environmental Appraisal for Block A of Dagang Oilfield;大港油田A区块开发建设项目环境影响评价研究

7.A Study of Soil Erosion Newly Arising from the Development and Construction Projects in the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River;黄河中游地区开发建设项目新增水土流失研究

8.Evaluation on Management System of Soil and Water Conservation in the Project for Exploitation and Construction;开发建设项目水土保持管理指标体系研究

9.Research on Ground Monitoring Methods of Soil and Water Conservation of Communication Projects;交通开发建设项目水土保持地面监测方法研究

10.Study on Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring Information System of Development and Construction Projects;开发建设项目水土保持监测信息系统研究

11.Traffic Impact Evaluating Methods and Applications for Comprehensive Development and Construction Project;综合开发建设项目交通影响评价方法及应用

12.The Real Estate Development Project of Qin an Beitan Zone Feasibility Study;秦安北坛小区开发建设项目可行性研究

13.Monitoring and Evaluation of Soil and Water Conversation on Construction Projects;开发建设项目水土保持监测与评价研究

14.The Management and the Risks in Real Estate Exploitation;从某工程项目的开发建设中论建设项目开发经营与风险

15.Construction of Management Information System for Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Projects;土地开发整理项目管理信息系统建设

16.Development of Project Management and Greater Progress for Ertan Construction Consultation;开发项目管理,做强做大二滩建设咨询

17.Investment Control of Construction Project in Strengthening the West Development;加强西部开发中建设项目的投资控制

18.Developing and Application of Construction Project Management Information System;建设项目管理信息系统的开发和应用


development and construction projects开发建设项目

1.Advances on soil loss monitoring techniques fordevelopment and construction projects in China;我国开发建设项目水土流失监测技术进展

2.Arrangement of soil and water conservation monitoring points ofdevelopment and construction projects开发建设项目水土保持监测点布局

3.Usually the surface would be hardened in a large area after completion ofdevelopment and construction projects.开发建设项目建成后往往使地表大面积硬化,从而改变项目区入渗、蒸发、地表径流量和特性。

3)construction project开发建设项目

1.Problems and suggestions about the botanic measure design ofconstruction project;开发建设项目水土保持植物措施设计的问题与建议

2.The proposedconstruction project should not be approved or needed to revise if it not complies with the standards.7月1日起《开发建设项目水土流失防治标准》《开发建设项目水土保持技术规范》两部国家标准的正式实施,我国开发建设项目的选线选址、工程设计、施工组织、施工方式和工艺、工程管理等有了水土保持的限制性规定,不符合国家标准的建设项目将予以否决或修正。

3.How to predict water erosion inconstruction projects is important for the control of new erosion.开发建设项目中水蚀量的预测方法研究对于防治新的水土流失具有十分重要的意义。

4)development project开发建设项目

1.It introduces the application of remote sensing technique to the working process and key steps of soil and water conservation monitoring ofdevelopment projects by taking Hongjiadu Hydro-Power Station as an example.以洪家渡水电站为例介绍了遥感技术在开发建设项目水土保持监测中应用的工作流程和关键步骤。

2.Adopting the law of measure coefficient,soil and water loss amounts of plasticity geography duringdevelopment project is calculated,the veracity of prediction of soil and water loss in the stage is increased greatly,the theoretic basis is offered for the working-out of soil and water conservation scheme of the construction project.采用实测系数法,推算出开发建设项目施工期各类再塑地貌产生的水土流失量,大大提高了该阶段水土流失预测的准确性,为开发建设项目水土保持方案防治措施的制订,提供了可靠的理论依据。

5)exploitation and construction project开发建设项目

1.For theexploitation and construction projects, soil and water loss is usually not thought to occur in winter because of ceased construction work, less stage disturbance, snowfall dominated precipitation, and seasonally disappeared runoff.对开发建设项目来说,冬季由于施工停止,阶段扰动量小,降水以降雪为主,没有地表径流,往往认为不存在水土流失。

2.A profound analysis to the purpose and significance of soil and water conservation monitoring inexploitation and construction projects is made at first.开发建设项目水土保持监测是准确掌握建设项目水土流失动态变化和水土保持措施实施效果的重要手段与基础性工作。

6)tourism development construction project旅游开发建设项目

1.The environment impact assessment oftourism development construction project in there,it should be according to the special nature and social environment condition,completely and note emphasis to analyse and forecast the environment impact oftourism development construction project,then contrapose the impact and give the feasible and effectual environment protect measure.风景名胜区旅游资源必须实行保护性开发,在风景名胜区内的旅游开发建设项目环境影响评价工作,应根据风景名胜区较为独特的自然和社会环境状况,全面并有重点地对旅游开发建设项目所带来的环境影响进行分析预测,有针对性地提出切实可行并行之有效的环境保护措施。


