100字范文 > 雌性不育 female sterility英语短句 例句大全

雌性不育 female sterility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-20 02:30:01


雌性不育 female sterility英语短句 例句大全

雌性不育,female sterility

1)female sterility雌性不育

1.Advances of research on plantfemale sterility;植物雌性不育的研究进展

2.RAPD analysis infemale sterility (Clone 28 ) ofPinus tabulaeformisCarr.;油松雌性不育系(28号无性系)的RAPD分析

3.Whether male orfemale sterility is the main cause of the hybrid sterility remains controversial.目前在亚种间杂种不育性遗传上 ,不同研究者的结论不尽一致 ,即使对亚种间杂种不育性主要表现为雄性不育还是雌性不育也存在争论。


1.Studies on Characterization and Inheritance of Female Sterile Mutant FS-M1 (Brassica.napus L.);甘蓝型油菜雌性不育突变体FS-M1生物学特性及雌性不育遗传研究

2.Is the Female Sterility Present in indica-japonica Hybrid Rice?水稻亚种间杂种是否存在雌性不育?

3.The phenomenon of female sterility is common in plant.雌性不育现象在植物界内普遍存在着。

4.First Report About Found and Preliminary Observation of the Female-sterile but Male-fertile Wild Rice雌性不育、雄性可育野生稻的发现和初步观察

5.Primary Study on the Mechanism of Ovule Abortion of Female-sterile Clone in Pinus Tabulaeformis Carr.;油松雌性不育系胚珠败育机制的初步研究

6.Cell Biological Studies on the Female Sterility of Clone 28 of Pinus Tabulaeformis Carr.;油松28号无性系雌性不育的细胞生物学研究

7.Study on a New Female Sterility Mutant in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.ssp.indica);一份新型小稻雌性不育突变体材料的研究

8.Clone28 of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. is a female sterility variation, which was found in the Xingcheng Seed Garden of Liaoning Province.辽宁兴城油松种子园中的28号无性系是雌性不育变异体.

9.Genetic Analysis and Microsatellite Marker of Female Sterile Wheat;小麦雌性不育基因的遗传分析和微卫星分子标记定位

10.Linkage Disequilibrium Analysis of Female Fertility Locus on Chromosome 2DS in Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)小麦染色体2DS雌性育性位点的连锁不平衡分析

parative Studies on the Development of Male and Female Gametophytes Between Fertile Line and Male Sterile Line"s Flowers of Tagetes erecta L.可育与雄性不育万寿菊雌雄配子体发育的比较研究

12.The Studies on Parthenogenesis and Fertility Regulation of Photo-thermo-sensitive Genic Male Sterile Wheat;小麦光温敏雄性不育系孤雌生殖和育性调节研究

13.Morphological and Cytological Studies of Monogerm Male Sterile and Maintenance Sugarbeet Line in Reproductive Period甜菜单胚雄性不育系及保持系雌蕊形态学及细胞学研究

14.Association Analysis between Female Fertility and Molecular Markers in Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)小麦雌性育性与分子标记的关联分析

15.Efficiency strategy for mapping female fertility QTL in wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)小麦雌性育性QTL的高效定位策略

16.Induction of Parthenogenesis in the Hybrids and Sterility Lines of Rice by Chemical;化学诱导水稻杂种及不育系孤雌生殖

17.Effect of the Female Hormone in Cow s Milk on the Steroid Metabolism and Pubertal Development in Young Female Rats;牛奶中雌性激素对雌性幼鼠内分泌代谢及青春期发育的影响

18.Effect of Nilestriol on Sex Change of Ricefield Eel(Monopterus albus Zuiew)尼尔雌醇对产后雌性黄鳝性腺转化及发育的影响


female sterile雌性不育


4)female sterility雌性不育性

5)Female and male sterility雌雄不育性

6)Female sterile clone雌性不育系


育育1.活泼自如貌。 2.生长茂盛貌。
