100字范文 > 裸眼完井 open hole completion英语短句 例句大全

裸眼完井 open hole completion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-24 09:50:32


裸眼完井 open hole completion英语短句 例句大全

裸眼完井,open hole completion

1)open hole completion裸眼完井

1.A new skin factor model foropen hole completion of horizontal wells under Non-Darcy flow;非达西流下水平井裸眼完井表皮因子研究

2.Study of prediction model for sand production inopen hole completion;裸眼完井出砂预测模型研究

3.Removing technique of oil based mud cake inopen hole completion of horizontal well.;水平井裸眼完井条件下的油基钻井液滤饼解除技术


1.FEM for a type drilling-perforating casing with screw holding in open hole completion裸眼完井螺旋钻孔-射孔套管的有限元分析

2.Horizontal Well Open Hole Gravel Packing Sand Control Completion Technique Used in Zhaodong Block,Dagang Offshore大港滩海赵东区块水平井裸眼砾石充填防砂完井技术

3.multiple zone open hole gravel pack多层裸眼井砾石充填

4.Application of Drilling Fluid Technology in the Long Open Well X92X92井长裸眼井段钻井液技术措施

5.Application of Intermediate Casing Well Cementing Technology for Open Hole Interval in Low Pressure and Lost Circulation Formation低压易漏裸眼井段技术套管固井技术

6.Analysis of Horizontal Open Hole Stability in Tainan Gas Field台南气田水平井裸眼井壁稳定性分析

7.Production Profile Logging Technology Study of Opnehole Fissured Reservoir;裸眼井稠油裂缝性油藏产液剖面测井技术研究

8.Study of the Real Pole s Distribution in Borehole Acoustic Field of Fluid-fluid Model;流体-流体模型裸眼井声场的实极点分布研究

9.Investigation of the pole"s in fluid-solid elastic layer borehole acoustic field流体——固体弹性地层裸眼井声场的极点研究

10.Research and application of open-hole gravel pack sand control technique optimization in horizontal well水平井裸眼砾石充填防砂工艺研究与应用

11.Field Application of Sand Control Technology in Open Hole Horizontal Wells孤岛油田水平井裸眼防砂技术的矿场应用


13.There will be 160 geothermal wells completed in the city by .至,全市共完成地热井160眼。

14.Venus can be seen with [by] the naked eye.金星可用肉眼 [裸眼] 看到。

15.am I to go back, in a blink, in the same stark nakedness?转眼间也将赤裸裸地回去罢?

16.The Naked and the Dead硝烟中的真实——裸眼看《裸者与死者》

17.I have come to this world, stark-naked; am I to go back, in a blink, in the same stark-nakedness?我赤裸裸来到这世界,转眼间也将赤裸裸的回去罢?

18.I have come to the world,stark naked;am I to go back,in a blink,in the same stark nakedness?我赤裸裸来到这世界,转眼间也将赤裸裸地回去罢?


bare hole cave completion裸眼洞穴完井

1.Analysis on the mechanisms ofbare hole cave completion technology in the development of coalbed methane,the stressing states of strata around the cave and some relative formulas are presented,and the valuable application suggestions are advanced.对煤层气开发中所应用的裸眼洞穴完井技术的作用机理进行了分析,给出了洞穴周围地层的应力分布状态,引出了几个相关的公式,对洞穴完井的应用提出了几个有益的建议。

3)openhole cavity completion裸眼洞穴法完井

4)barefoot well裸眼完成的井


1.This paper generalizes and discusses the application of the formation testing techniques inboreholes.本文对裸眼井地层测试技术在油田中的应用做以归纳论述。

2.When the acoustic velocity out of aborehole is lower than the acoustic velocity in theborehole,the existence range of real poles is discussed.以井外流体声波速度小于井内流体声波速度的情况为例,对流体-流体模型裸眼井中声场函数实极点的存在范围进行讨论,计算结果表明只有当轴向波数介于井内流体波数和井外流体波数之间时,声场函数才存在实极点。

6)open hole well裸眼井

1.On Critical Techniques and Countermeasures of Measure Pipe Strings for Open Hole Wells;裸眼井措施管柱关键技术及对策


完井液体系分子式:CAS号:性质:新井从钻开产层至正式投产前,由于作业需要而用于井眼的流体称为完井液。完井液广义上包括了修井液(work-over fluid)。在具体生产过程中,将试油以前所使用的接触油气层的外来液体称为完井液;从投产开始为维持或提高产能而进行的作业中使用的液体统称修井液。目前,习惯将完井液和修井液并提,作为一个统一的名称。包括隔离液、封隔液、射孔液、压裂液二酸化液、砾石填充液、水泥浆等几个类型。
