100字范文 > 城市文明实践 city civilization practice英语短句 例句大全

城市文明实践 city civilization practice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-09 01:13:23


城市文明实践 city civilization practice英语短句 例句大全

城市文明实践,city civilization practice

1)city civilization practice城市文明实践

1.The City Civilizations: globalization timecity civilization practice scientific theory or principle summon城市文明学:全球化时代城市文明实践的学理呼唤


1.The City Civilizations: globalization time city civilization practice scientific theory or principle summon城市文明学:全球化时代城市文明实践的学理呼唤

2.The Theoretical and Practical Research on Establishing the Civilized and Ecological City;创建生态文明城市的理论及实践研究

3.Green Beijing:new practice of the construction of civilized cities“绿色北京”:文明城市建设的新实践

4.To Use Archives Culture to Consolidate the Foundation of City Civilization Construction;用档案文化夯实城市文明建设的基础

5.The Practice and Reflection of Urban Design of Wenhua Road in Weihai City;面海·融山·筑城——威海市文化路城市设计的实践与反思

6.Research on Practice and Features of the Shaping of Zhangjiagang City s Cultural Brands;张家港塑造城市文化品牌的实践与特色研究

7.Innovative Practice of City Culture on the View of Social Functions of Public Art从公共艺术的社会功能看城市文化的创新实践

8.Public participation in urban eco-civilization construction of Haikou海口市公众参与生态文明建设的实践与思考

9.On The Theory of Building “ Green Civilization”--Hezhou s building a “Civil Oasis in The East Part of Guangxi”;建设绿色文明的理论思考——贺州市建设“桂东文明绿洲”的实践与启示

10.Promoting the civilization of the city, communities and citizens ?加强文明城市、文明社区和文明市民的建设。

11.Town life is the nurse of civilization.城市生活是文明的摇篮。

12.City Spirit, City Policy and the Soft Power of City Culture;城市精神、城市政策与城市文化软实力

13.Implementing Green Project Advocating Green Civilization--Profound Transformation of Green Revolution Practice in Dongfang City;实施绿色工程 倡导绿色文明——东方市绿色革命实践的深刻变革

14.Farmers" doing business and seeking jobs in cities is a practical way to rely on industry to boost agriculture and extend urban civilization to rural areas.农民进城务工经商是工业反哺农业、城市文明辐射农村的现实途径。

15.View to Cultural Complex in China from Two Architectual Practice of "Multi-Pavilions in One";从两次设计实践看我国“多馆合一”类城市公共文化建筑

16.Practice and Exploration of Academic Library Participating in Urban Community Culture Construction;高职院校图书馆参与城市社区文化建设的实践与探索

17.The Value and Practice of National Traditional Physical Culture in the Construction of Urban Community Culture;民族传统体育在城市社区文化建设中的参与价值和实践

18.The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) on Urban Forestry Cooperation and the Practices of European Urban Forestry亚欧城市林业合作与欧洲城市林业实践


civilized practice文明实践

3)the practice of urbanization城市化实践

4)city civilization城市文明

1.City planning and construction is the most important content and token ofcity civilization.城市规划与建设是城市文明的重要内容和表征。

2.This article argued the opposite depiction of the city and native place in Chinese modern literature, analyzing the culture feeling and taste sentiment that the modern writers go for, thinking thecity civilization is a subject of the literature, founding the Chinese modern tasting consciousness.本文通过对中国现代文学中的城乡对立的描写,分析了中国现代作家向往乡村文明的文化心态与审美情趣,认为城市文明应当成为文学创作的基本主题之一,由此建立中国的现代审美意识。

5)civilized city文明城市

1.Buildingcivilized city is the requirement of building harmonious society in a comprehensive way and promoting socialist modernization.分析了唐山市公共图书馆的现状和公共图书馆在文明城市建设的作用,并提出要采取有效措施,积极发展公共图书馆事业,以推动唐山市的文明城市建设。

2.Ancivilized city is such a concept that includes economy, politics, culture, education, science, technology and environment.“文明城市”虽然包含“现代化城市”的要求,但“文明城市”是一个包括经济、政治、文化、教育、科技、环境的综合概念。

3.This paper, by analyzing the urban culture in the eyes of the cultural anthropology, reveals the main characteristics of the urban culture, and also examines the relationship between the multi\|culture blending and the construction ofcivilized city.通过文化人类学对城市文化的分析 ,揭示了城市文化的主要特点 ,分析了多元文化交融与文明城市建设的关系 ,并从城市文化共性与个性相结合的关系出发 ,给出了文明城市的文化个性特

6)urban civilization城市文明

1.Urban Civilization, Urban Function and Urban Spirit;城市文明、城市功能与城市精神

2.The harsh way of the contemporary countryside stepping intourban civilization in the process has been illustrated in Going to the Pond by Sun Huifen with a unique narrative mode.孙惠芬的《上塘书》以一种独特的叙事方式,叙写了当下乡村在走向城市文明的过程中的艰难步履。

3.There are five main social conditions of rule by law,namely pluralist culture,tradition of reason and freedom,popular consciousness,transcendent religion andurban civilization.多元主义文化、理性与自由主义传统、平民主义意识、超验宗教、城市文明五大要件是法治的主要社会条件。


