100字范文 > 减排增量成本 incremental cost for emission reduction英语短句 例句大全

减排增量成本 incremental cost for emission reduction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-24 12:56:27


减排增量成本 incremental cost for emission reduction英语短句 例句大全

减排增量成本,incremental cost for emission reduction

1)incremental cost for emission reduction减排增量成本

2)mitigation cost减排成本

1.In the case of biomass gasification power generation technologies in Guangdong province as CDM project,for example,based on the three baseline determined in this research and applying the incremental cost analysis approach,the unit carbon-mitigation cost of middle-size biomass gasification power generation was calculated,and the sensitivity was also analyed at same time.以广东省生物质气化发电技术应用为清洁发展机制(CDM)项目案例,基于3个基准线,应用增量成本分析方法,计算了中型生物质气化发电作为CDM项目的单位碳减排成本,并对其进行了敏感性分析。

2.In this research,the application of the co-combustion technology of biomass with coal for power generation in Guangdong is used as a Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) case to reveal themitigation cost per unit carbon for the power generation by co-combustion under different proportions of fuel.以广东省生物质与煤共燃发电技术应用为清洁发展机制(CDM)项目案例,基于三个基准线,应用增量成本分析方法,计算了不同燃料比例时,生物质与煤共燃发电的单位碳减排成本,并对其进行了敏感性分析。


1.Marginal reduction cost analysis for wind power CDM project;风力发电CDM项目边际减排成本分析

2.Integrated resource planning models considering emission-reduction costs and related empirical research考虑减排成本的综合资源规划模型与实证研究

3.Thermoeconomic Cost Analysis and Optimization Based on Conventional Pulverized Coal-fired Power Plants and CO_2 Emission Control Systems;传统燃煤发电系统及CO_2减排系统的热经济学成本分析和优化

4.Report on fishery industry energy conservation and emissions reduction research in China;我国渔业节能减排基本情况研究报告

5.Brief Discussion on the Measures for Energy Saving and Emission Reducing and Cost Reducing and Efficiency Increasing浅谈淮海公司节能减排降本增效措施

6.The cost of food has been halved.食品成本缩减了一半。

7.departmental cost reduction committee部门成本减省委员会

8.The cost of the production greatly diminished.生产成本大大减少了。

9.They slash the costs of transactions.网络削减交易成本。

10.Forecasts covers and revenues and then schedules staff accordingly covering outlet opening hours, whilst controlling labor costs and minimizing overtime payment.预算来客数及收入以有效安排员工班次,节约人工成本及减少加班费用。

11.New Model Of Cost Management Under the Market Economy--Cost Reduction;论市场经济成本管理新模式——成本抑减

12.The book is cast in the from of an autobiography这本书编排成自传形式。

13.Cast-up: To calculate the cost of composition.排版计价:计算排版的成本。

14.Members will receive credit for emissions reductions above 4%.排放量减少高于4%的成员将收到信用证,


16.Energy-saving and emission reduction effects of PA and SA plants in Three Circles Company三环分公司磷酸、硫酸装置节能减排成果

17.Attach Great Importance and Spare No Effort to Ensure Completion of Emission Reduction Targets of Shanxi Province齐抓共管确保山西省污染减排任务的完成

18.Difficulties,Causes and Countermeasures in Saving Energy and Reducing Emission in China我国节能减排困境、成因及应对策略分析


mitigation cost减排成本

1.In the case of biomass gasification power generation technologies in Guangdong province as CDM project,for example,based on the three baseline determined in this research and applying the incremental cost analysis approach,the unit carbon-mitigation cost of middle-size biomass gasification power generation was calculated,and the sensitivity was also analyed at same time.以广东省生物质气化发电技术应用为清洁发展机制(CDM)项目案例,基于3个基准线,应用增量成本分析方法,计算了中型生物质气化发电作为CDM项目的单位碳减排成本,并对其进行了敏感性分析。

2.In this research,the application of the co-combustion technology of biomass with coal for power generation in Guangdong is used as a Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) case to reveal themitigation cost per unit carbon for the power generation by co-combustion under different proportions of fuel.以广东省生物质与煤共燃发电技术应用为清洁发展机制(CDM)项目案例,基于三个基准线,应用增量成本分析方法,计算了不同燃料比例时,生物质与煤共燃发电的单位碳减排成本,并对其进行了敏感性分析。

3)Carbon-mitigation Cost碳减排成本

4)Incremental cost增量成本

1.Study on Incremental Cost and Economy of Water Saving and Reuse System in Green Building District;绿色建筑节水与水资源化利用增量成本及其经济性研究

2.As to the common problem reflected by society that the cost of building energy-saving is too much expensive,this paper discussed the influence of building shape coefficient on incremental cost of building energy-saving through typical design cases for low building,multilayer building and high-rise building,and proposed some suggestions and measures for the building sharp coefficient control.本文针对社会普遍反映建筑节能成本过高的问题,结合低层、多层、高层建筑的典型设计案例,探讨了建筑体形系数对建筑节能增量成本的影响,并提出了建筑体形系数控制的措施及建议。

3.The incremental cost as a result of energy-saving or ecological technology for green buildings will lead to the fluctuation and change of the cost of real estate market.绿色建筑因其节能或生态技术应用带来的增量成本,必然引发房产市场成本的波动和变化。

5)increment cost增量成本

1.According to the theory of agile manufacturing,the paper discusses two methods of solving historical cost:one is establishing virtual enterprise to decrease the accumulation of historical cost,and the other uses historical cost instead ofincrement cost by adopting the flexible manufacturing technology.分析了产品转换过程中历史成本积淀的原因,依据敏捷制造的原理,探讨了两种化解历史成本的方式:用动态联盟减少历史成本的积淀;通过应用柔性制造技术,用历史成本替代增量成本。

6)marginal abatement cost边际减排成本


CO_2减排技术CO_2减排技术technology for reduction of CO_2 emissionCOZJ一onPo一J一shuCO:减排技术(teehnology for reduetion ofCOZ emission)用化学、物理、生态等方法从烟气或煤气中分离、回收利用或处理CO:,以减少或分离化石燃料燃烧生成的C02或分离煤气或天然气中C02的技术。也称碳整合技术(earbon sequestration)。此项技术当前尚处于可行性研究或试验阶段,主要有:①分离回收技术:以氛系为吸收液的化学吸收法,用类似于沸石等固体吸附剂的物理吸收法和利用高分子膜对不同气体的不同渗透速度将C02从烟气中分离出来的膜分离法等。②利用技术:液化COZ已广泛地用于焊接、冷却、生产碳酸盐和尿素及饮料等领域,但大t地利用C02的技术,如C02与HZ在高温高压和催化剂条件下合成甲醇、甲烷,与乙醇、环氧化物及不饱和碳化氢合成各种含氧有机化合物等则正在研究之中。③储存技术:将分离出来的C02液化后存放在地下蓄水层或废弃的油井、气井中,或储存于深海等。④加强自然界的补偿:大气与海洋、森林生物圈之间的COZ交换,与人为的CO:排放相比是非常巨大的,只要稍徽增加全球碳循环中CO:的吸收量,就会对大气中温室气体浓度的降低起显著作用,为此要禁止砍伐森林,扩大森林种植和复种面积,增加CO:在现有森林中的存储t。庞大的回收、处理设备需要大量的建设资金和运行费用。据估算,对于一座500 MW的火电厂,如采用化学吸收法从烟气中吸收CO:,液化后储存在soom深的海底,燃用天然气时发电成本要增加50写~7。%,嫩用煤炭时发电成本要增加130%~190%。目前实施这些减排技术,困难很大,尚需进一步研究。
