100字范文 > 组织机构代码证书 Organization Code digital certificate英语短句 例句大全

组织机构代码证书 Organization Code digital certificate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-11 16:27:16


组织机构代码证书 Organization Code digital certificate英语短句 例句大全

组织机构代码证书,Organization Code digital certificate

1)Organization Code digital certificate组织机构代码证书

1.Organization Code digital certificate is a digital certificate embedded in an electronic copy of Organization Code Certificate,so that an electronic copy of Organization Code Certificate have the dual function of organization code certificate and a digital certificate (CA).组织机构代码数字证书是将数字证书嵌入组织机构代码证电子副本,使组织机构代码证电子副本具有组织机构代码证书和数字证书(CA)的双重功能。


1.The Application of CA Digital Certificate and Organizational Code Certificate;论CA数字证书与组织机构代码证书的协同应用

anization Registration Card should beTreated as the Unit Identification Card;组织机构代码证应准确定位为单位身份证

3.“Organization code certificate” of the acquired Chinese company (1 Xerox).被并购境内公司“组织机构代码证”(复印件1份)。

4.No rent, lend, misuse, transfer, forgery, manufacture, buy and sell.中华人民共和国组织机构代码证》不得出租、借、用、让、造、造、法买卖。

5.Apply for the in the name of the representative office in Guangzhou from the Technique Intendance Bureau in Guangzhou.以广州办事处的名义向广州市技术监督局申请组织机构代码证。

6.Rules of coding for the representation of organizationGB11714-1997全国组织机构代码编制规则

7.Conceits about Creatively Developing Annual Check for Organization Code;创新开展组织机构代码年检工作的构想

8.On Thought of Improving the Information Quality of the Guangxi Organization Constrution Code;提高广西组织机构代码信息质量的思考

9.Study of the Application of Organization Code in the Construction of Good Faith System;组织机构代码在诚信体系建设中的应用研究

10.To Study on Applying of Business Technique of Intelligence in Organization Code;商务智能技术在组织机构代码中的应用研究

11.The specification for machine readable format for china national organization registration code information database(Basic base)GB/T16987-1997全国组织机构代码信息数据库(基本库)机读格式规范

12."Cannot decode Certification Authority name information:"无法解码证书颁发机构名称信息:

13.Technical Safeguard System for the National Network of Information on Codes for Organizations;组织机构代码信息系统全国性网络的技术安全防范体系

14.The construction of quality supervision business information platform of database information sharing based on organization code基于组织机构代码数据库信息共享的质监业务信息平台建设

15.A Comparison and Analysis on C/S mode and B/S mode of Organization Code Management System组织机构代码管理系统C/S模式与B/S模式的比较与分析

munication in Organization Code Electronic Filing Management“沟通”在组织机构代码电子档案信息管理中的应用

17.The certificate or key is not available for export on this machine. Error code: %1该机器上没有能导出的证书或密钥。错误代码: %1

18.A Discussion on How to Evaluate the Data-collection Quality of NOC Application Forms with Six-Sigma Factors;应用六西格玛度量指标量化评估组织机构代码申报表的数据采集质量


Organization Registration Code Certificate组织机构代码证

3)organization code组织机构代码

1.By using an example of the application oforganization code in Hangzhou city s electric government affairs and electric commercial affairs, the application of the code in construction of good faith system was investigated and analyzed, and its future prospects were also discussed.以杭州市组织机构代码在电子政务和电子商务中的应用实例,分析探讨了组织机构代码在诚信体系建设中的应用,并对其发展前景作了展望。

2.This question for discussion mainly expatiates on the first using international advanced phonology management technique on the running of auto-transact certificate and demand system design in theorganization code at home.主要阐述了在国内首先将国际先进的语音处理技术应用于组织机构代码管理中电话自动办证催办、查询系统的设计方案,并对系统主要功能、特点及应用效益等进行了分析、对比。

4)code certificate代码证书

1.Code certificate was put forward in the article to overcome it;code certificate changes the entity from the publisher to code itself.本文提出的代码证书机制改变了传统证书结构的认证主体,使认证主体从发布者变成代码本身,这样可以使得对不同主动协议赋予更加细致的权限。


6)authority certificate机构证书

1.In the PKI architecture system,the security of theauthority certificate is very important.在PKI系统中,机构证书的安全性在整个PKI系统中处于非常重要的地位。


