100字范文 > 信任性交易 transaction based on trust英语短句 例句大全

信任性交易 transaction based on trust英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-24 19:44:11


信任性交易 transaction based on trust英语短句 例句大全

信任性交易,transaction based on trust

1)transaction based on trust信任性交易

1.And the authors find that there is a kind of transaction,"transaction based on trust",which works well based on the trust but not contracts.引入行为经济学中的"社会偏好"这一概念,可以对主流经济学中个体理性的内涵进行扩展,并通过对个体层面社会资本的分析,揭示现实经济生活中存在的不同于市场交易的资源流动方式——"信任性交易"。

2)transaction trust交易信任

1.Research into dynamic control scheme intransaction trust model in electronic commerce;电子商务交易信任动态控制管理方法


1.Regional Common Market Order: Trust of Trade in Repetitive Gaming;区域共同市场秩序:重复博弈中的交易信任

2.An Empirical Research of Factors Influencing Transac-tional Trust under Online Environment:An Empirical Research from Taiwan;消费者在线交易信任影响因素的实证研究——来自台湾的证据

3.Research on the Trust Aware Resource Transaction Model in Peer-to-Peer Networks;对等网络中信任感知的资源交易模型

4.Research on E-commerce Trust Oriented to the Whole Transaction Processes;面向交易全过程的电子商务信任研究

5.The research of trust value calculating model in the electronic commerce;电子商务交易中信任度计算模型研究

6.Research on the Consumer s Trust Building Mechanism in B to C Transactions;BtoC交易中消费者信任的生成机理研究

7.Middle Trust and Dynamic Transanction:A Case Study;中间信任与动态性交易:一项个案研究

8.Trading LPIP Trust Model Research;交易型物流公共信息平台信任模型研究

9.It is still valuable to establish deals based on trust and mutual friendship.建立在信任和相互友谊基础上的交易也很重要。

10.Trust Management Model Based on Theentire Process of Coal B2B Transactions;基于煤炭B2B交易全过程的信任管理模式研究

11.Trust, Transaction Cost and the Governance Mechanism of China s Family Firms;信任、交易费用与中国家族企业治理机制

12.Trust between Seller and Buyer in C2C Net Transaction;C2C网络交易中买方与卖方信任关系的实证研究

13.The Empirical Analysis for the Role of Third Party Trust Mechanisms in C2C Transactions;C2C交易中第三方信任机制作用的实证分析

14.Research on Trust-aware Resource Trading Mechanism in Grid Market Environments网格市场环境中信任感知的资源交易机制研究

15.Trust Aware Resource Allocation Mechanism in Two-level Market Enviorment两层市场环境中信任感知的资源交易机制

16.Research of Trust Transaction Management Mechanism Based on Online Marketing Coalition基于网络商盟的信任交易管理机制研究

17.Antecedents of Consumer Trust During Lasting Period in C2C Internet-based TransactionC2C网络交易中维持阶段顾客信任前因研究

18.securities transaction responsibility reserve证券交易责任准备金


transaction trust交易信任

1.Research into dynamic control scheme intransaction trust model in electronic commerce;电子商务交易信任动态控制管理方法

3)trust trade信任交易

4)transactional obligation交易责任

1.Based on an empirical analysis on a sample composed of 1022 employees from Chinese state-owned and private enterprises, results supporting both employee s obligations and organization s obligations of Chinese employees psychological contract include three dimensions:transactional obligation,rela.通过对1022名国有企业和民营企业员工的问卷调查证实,中国企业员工心理契约中的员工责任和组织责任均由3维构成:发展责任、交易责任和关系责任。

5)The Probability of Informed Trading信息性交易概率

1.The Probability of Informed Trading in Different Informed Traders and Noise Issue不同类型知情者信息性交易概率及噪声问题

6)informed trading信息交易

1.Research on probability ofinformed trading in order driven market;指令驱动市场中的信息交易概率研究


信任信任trust信任(tr ust)一种交往态度。是在交往中对待他人行为和人格所表现的一种充分肯定和坚信不疑的态度和行为。这种态度是建立在对交往对象具有深刻了解和毫不怀疑其诚意基础上的。信任总是一种充满寄托和期望的真诚态度,是搞好人际关系和激励他人的一种手段。所谓“用人不疑,疑人不用”,就是这个道理。信任他人或信任群众也是一种良好的个性品质。信任与轻信的不同在于它更有理性基础。(孙俊山撰张交审)
