100字范文 > 数值分析 numerical analysis英语短句 例句大全

数值分析 numerical analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-10 05:28:53


数值分析 numerical analysis英语短句 例句大全

数值分析,numerical analysis

1)numerical analysis数值分析

1.Optimization design andnumerical analysis of excavation and yield supporting for unstable surrounding rock;不稳定围岩开挖与让压支护的优化设计及数值分析

2.Thenumerical analysis for the assembly stress in the local short fault of a vessel girth joint;压力容器环焊缝局部短错边装配应力数值分析

3.Numerical Analysis of Effects of Phase Transformation Heat Changes on the Cooling Ability of Partial Die-casting Mould;相变换热对压铸模具局部冷却能力影响的数值分析


1.Barycentric Interpolation Collocation Method for Numerical Analysis of Mechanical Vibrations;机械振动数值分析的重心插值配点法

2.Numerical Analysis on Stress Concentration Factors for Tubular T-JointsT型管节点应力集中系数的数值分析

3.Key Parameters Analysis of Hybrid HEMP Simulator辐射波HEMP模拟器关键参数数值分析

4.Numerical Analysis of Transient Temperature Field with Interval Parameters具有区间参数的瞬态温度场数值分析

5.Hopf Bifurcation and Numerical Analysis of Delay Differential Systems延迟微分系统的Hopf分支及其数值分析

6.Numerical analysis on separation mechanism of oil-water hydrocyclone旋流分离器油水分离机理的数值分析

7.Characteristic and Numerical Analysis on Pressure-dispersive Anti-float Anchor;压力分散型抗浮锚杆特性及数值分析

8.Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Neutral Functional Differential Equations;非线性中立型泛函微分方程数值分析

9.Numerical Analysis and Measuring for the Potential Distribution of 800 kV MOA800 kV MOA电位分布数值分析和测量

10.Numerical Analysis on Deformation and Stress of the Surrounding Rock of Dichotomy Tunnel分岔隧道的围岩应力及变形数值分析

11.Numerical analysis method for predicting droplet size distribution of nozzles农药喷洒雾滴粒径分布数值分析方法

12.Numerical Analysis of One-Leg Methods for a Class of Delay Differential Algebraic Equations;一类延迟微分代数方程的单支方法的数值分析

13.Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Modulation Transfer Function for High-Resolution Aerial Camera高分辨率航空相机动态调制传递函数数值分析

14.Numerical Simulation Analyzing of Rock Bolting Parameter in Coal Road;全煤巷道锚杆支护参数数值模拟分析

15.Parameter analysis in numeric simulation of stochastic resonance system;随机共振系统数值仿真中的参数分析

16.Numerical Simulation and Analysis of SiGe HBT’s Characteristic ParametersSiGe HBT器件特征参数的数值模拟与分析

17.On the Numerical Hopf Bifurcations for Delay Differential Equations;时滞微分方程组的数值Hopf分支分析

18.The Numerical Analysis of Hopf Bifurcation for Delay Differential Equation;延迟微分方程的数值Hopf分支分析


numerical simulation数值分析

1.Numerical Simulation on the Cooling Capacity of Partial Mould under Natural Condition;自然冷却条件下压铸模具局部冷却能力的数值分析

2.Base on the prior period study on thenumerical simulation of Rheo-diecasting mould filling and solidification process of semisolid magnesium alloy about plate model.在前期平板模型流变压铸充型凝固过程数值分析的基础上,利用所建立的数学模型对镁合金压铸件中间轴螺塞进行了数值分析和实验研究,对比分析了零件成形时镁合金牛顿流体与镁合金半固态流体的充型特征及零件中存在缺陷的位置和大小。

3.In order to optimize the manufacturing procedure of the thick 7B04 aluminum alloy,numerical simulation method is employed to analyze the stress field of thick 7B04 aluminum alloy board during manufacturing procedure of quenching, calendaring and stretching.为了优化7B04铝合金厚板生产过程,对7B04铝合金厚板生产过程中淬火、压光、拉伸过程应力场的变化和分布情况进行了数值分析。

3)numeric analysis数值分析

1.By using frondosenumeric analysis of ANSYS software to technics process about pipe bulging and operation condition, pointed out how to choose pipe material and plate material better to solve the problem of bulging-contacting and leakage.通过利用ANSYS软件对胀管工艺过程、运行工况的具体数值分析,指出了选用何种管子材料和管板材料相匹配能较好地解决胀接和密封性问题。

2.From the point of building differential equations of V-notch in homogeneous materials,the problem of elastoplast stress singularity and stress field near the tip of V-notch is not only studied in the way ofnumeric analysis,but also a feasible solution to those equations is presented.从建立单材料V型切口问题的微分方程着手,采用数值分析的方法,研究了切口问题的弹塑性应力奇异性和切口尖端附近应力场,提出了解决该微分方程的可行方法。

3.The article summarized the characteristics and compute procedure of finite element method frequently used in geotechnical engineering, conductednumeric analysis and comparison of the stress and strain in nature and in deformation condition of top slope.简述了在岩土工程中常用的有限元位移法的特点及计算步骤,对边坡分别在天然状态和坡顶均布荷载状态下的应力、应变作数值分析比较,分析结果显示在有荷载作用条件下边坡的塑性区贯通性强,相比天然状态下更易发生失稳破坏。

4)numerical value analysis数值分析

1.The surface vertical and horizontal displacements resulted from the mined-out pit are predicted by use of the FLAC software and the slope and curvature of surface sedimentation at every locus are figured out withnumerical value analysis theory.使用FLAC软件预测出采空区形成后引起的地表垂直和水平位移,然后使用数值分析方法,计算出地表各个沉降点的斜率和曲率,预测结果对矿山建设有参考作用。

2.With the aid of the method ofnumerical value analysis,the node-matrix is used to find solution on a computer,thus providing a practical and reliable method to solve the hydraulics-calculation problem of the branch-shaped pipe-net.用数值分析的方法,采用节点矩阵在计算机上求解,从而为解决支状管网水力计算问题提供了一种实用可靠的方法。

5)numerical method数值分析

1.Anumerical method for determination of multiple stress singularities and corresponding stress intensity coefficients;多重应力奇异性及其强度系数的数值分析方法

2.In this paper,thenumerical method in applied in analyzing the stability of rockmass during the period of open mining to ground minig,and the optimum of stope size is made.利用数值分析方法对铜录山矿露天转地下开采时的矿岩稳定性进行了研究 ,并对地下采场结构尺寸进行了优化 ,为安全高效地回采地下矿产资源提供了保

3.?Anumerical method of calculating of operational characteristic of self - excited induction generator is presented in this paper,it may provide the reference for regulating the voltage of induction generator.以三相异步发电机等效电路为依据,并用数值分析方法求得异步发电机外特性和调节特性,从而为但压控制提供理论依据。

6)Numerical analysis method数值分析法


