100字范文 > 关系演进模型 the evolving model of the relationship英语短句 例句大全

关系演进模型 the evolving model of the relationship英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-06 07:50:11


关系演进模型 the evolving model of the relationship英语短句 例句大全

关系演进模型,the evolving model of the relationship

1)the evolving model of the relationship关系演进模型

2)correlation in evolution演进关系

1.It makes analysis of thecorrelation in evolution between different types and the law of their regional distribution in view of nature,history and culture.在总结以往研究成果的基础上,强调以空间扩展为发展动因,以技术合理性调适为演进的逻辑主线,从技术视角准确地归纳了嘉绒藏区碉房体系的构成类型,并结合自然、历史、文化因素,分析了各类型间的演进关系及其地域性分布规律。


1.Analysis on the Relationship between the Progress of the Urbanization and the Evolution of Industrial Structure;城市化进程与产业结构的演进关系分析

2.Study of the Relation between Mergers and Acquisitions and Industry Endgame in China Based on Industry Endgame Curve基于产业演进曲线理论的我国并购与产业演进关系研究

3.On German and Austria Art Songs Evolution Development Process and Vocal Music Singing;德奥艺术歌曲演进发展过程与声乐演唱关系

4.Research on the Types and Evolution of Procurer Partnership;采购商伙伴关系类型及演进过程研究

5.The Contemporary Textual Evolution of the Relationship between Cities and Women;城市与女性关系在文本中的当代演进

6.On the Devel op ment of the Relati ons bet ween Tax Reven ueLawandAccou nting Sys tem;试论税收法规与会计制度关系的演进

7.On The Evolution Of The Relationship Between Li And Law In Chinese Traditional Legal System;中国传统法律中礼法关系的历史演进

8.An Investigation of the Evolvement and Key Technique of CDMA2000 System;CDMA2000的体系演进及其关键技术

9.Research on the Relationship Between Geometry Patterns and Accounting Dimension;几何范式与会计维度演进的关系剖析

10.Probing the Development of the Relation between Nation and Country Society since theFoundation of the People s Republic of China;建国以来国家与乡村社会关系的演进

11.Pespecting the Development of Human-goegraphy RelationshipThoughts and Ecological Environment;透析人地关系思想的演进与生态环境

12.See the History Changes of Sino-U.S. Relation from "Cold War" Gradual Progress;从“冷战”演进看中美关系的历史变迁

13.Investigation on the evolution of NGN in Fujian power system关于NGN在福建电力系统演进的探讨

14.The Historical Evolution of China-Soviet Union(Russia) Relations and its Significance中苏(俄)关系的历史演进及其当前启示

15.Progress, evolution, and Yan Fu s evolution:a review of the researches about their meaning and relationship;天演、进化、进步的内涵及其关系研究述评

16.Study on the Relationship between the Evolution of Xi an Urban Spatial Morphology and WeiHe River System;西安城市空间形态演进与渭河水系关系研究

17.Analysis of Evolution of Business System Form and the Relationship Between Structure and Function;企业系统形态演进与结构功能关系分析

18.The Persistence of Chinese Culture and the Development of Ethnic Relations in Postwar Southeast Asia战后东南亚华人文化的保持与族群关系的演进


correlation in evolution演进关系

1.It makes analysis of thecorrelation in evolution between different types and the law of their regional distribution in view of nature,history and culture.在总结以往研究成果的基础上,强调以空间扩展为发展动因,以技术合理性调适为演进的逻辑主线,从技术视角准确地归纳了嘉绒藏区碉房体系的构成类型,并结合自然、历史、文化因素,分析了各类型间的演进关系及其地域性分布规律。

3)relationship evolution关系演进

1.This paper points out that analyzing the enterpriserelationship evolution process should consider factor influences from dimensions of relationship exchange, value maximum, transaction cost and relationship investment comprehensively.对企业间关系演进阶段的研究需要同时考虑关系贸易、价值最大化、交易成本以及关系投资 。

4)the evolvement of models模型演进

5)evolving model演进模型

1.Research development of floodevolving model and impact load洪水演进模型及冲击荷载研究进展

6)process relationship model进程关系模型

1.This paper presents an approach to extracting theprocess relationship model based on UML activity diagram.针对UNIX平台上的分布、并发的软件系统,提出了基于UML活动图的进程关系模型恢复方法。


经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关
