100字范文 > 行业信用评价 industrial credit evaluation英语短句 例句大全

行业信用评价 industrial credit evaluation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-14 08:09:11


行业信用评价 industrial credit evaluation英语短句 例句大全

行业信用评价,industrial credit evaluation

1)industrial credit evaluation行业信用评价

1.To take grain and oil industry as a foothold to start researching onindustrial credit evaluation model can provide a way for other industries.行业信用评价是我国行业信用体系建设的一项重要工作。


1.Applied Research on the Indicator System for Credit Evaluation in Construction Consulting Industry;建设工程咨询行业信用评价指标体系应用研究

2.The Research on the Credit Assessment of Corporation Borrower of Commercial Bank;商业银行公司信贷客户信用评价研究

3.The Study on Commercial Bank about Credit Appraisal of Loan Enterprise;商业银行对贷款企业的信用评价研究

4.The Research of Theory about Evaluating of Performance of Commercial Bank Credit Management;商业银行信用管理绩效评价理论研究

5.Study on the Evaluation Methods of Credit Risk in Commercial Bank of China;我国商业银行信用风险评价方法研究

6.Study on Credit Evaluation System in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises;中小企业信用评价体系运行模式研究

7.Reference in the Models of Credit Risk Measurement for Commercial Banks商业银行信用评价模型的适应性研究

8.Personal and Impersonal Appraisement and Analysis for Power Industry Customer Credit电力行业客户信用主客观评价与分析

9.The Research and Application on Evaluation and Analysis of Informatization for Regional/Industrial Manufacturing Industry;区域/行业制造业信息化评价分析研究及应用

10.Research on Our Country Commercial Banks Credit Risk Evaluation to Manufacturing Enterprises;我国商业银行对制造企业信用风险评价研究

11.Research on SMEs Credit Risk Evaluation of Commercial Bank Loans商业银行中小企业贷款信用风险评价研究

12.Study of Credit Rating Methods for Real Estate Enterprises of Commercial Bank商业银行对房地产企业信用风险评价研究

13.The Discriminant Analysis Model on Commercial Bank s Customer Credit Appraisal and Its Application;商业银行客户信用评价判别分析模型及其应用

14.Loan Pricing of Commercial Bank Based on the Credit Risk Evaluation;基于信用风险评估的商业银行贷款定价研究

15.Study on the Discrimination and Evaluation of the Credit Risk of Our Country"s Commercial Banks;我国商业银行信用风险的识别与评价研究

16.Study and Practice of Enterprise Environmental Protection Action Credit Rating Evaluation;企业环境保护行为信用等级评价研究与实践

17.Study on Weifang Construction Bank Credit Rating Appraisal System of Private Enterprise;潍坊建行民营企业信用评价体系的研究

18.Research on Loss and Evaluation of Credit of Fujian Travel Agents Industry;福建省旅行社业信用缺失及其评价研究


enterprise credit evaluation企业信用评价

1.Asenterprise credit evaluation is a kind of problem classification influential including many independent variables, fussy consistent matrix and principle component analysis are introduced and an evaluation model is set up based on PCA / FCM.针对我国企业信用评价问题的特点,文章分析了企业信用评价基本原则和主要影响因素,建立了企业信用评价指标体系。

3)custom credit assessment商业信用评价

4)industry evaluation行业评价

5)credit assessment信用评价

1.Power consumercredit assessment based on improved neural networks;基于改进神经网络的用电客户信用评价

2.The existing theories and models ofcredit assessment have been reviewed in this paper firstly.文章分析了国内外信用评价理论和评价模型,并结合质量信用的特征提出了基于产品质量记录的企业质量信用评价模型、指标体系和评价标准。

3.Banks often deny the eligibility of medium-sized and small enterprises for financial loans in the light of theircredit assessment system which is mainly composed by financial indicators.银行通常依据以财务指标为主的信用评价体系将众多的中小企业拒之门外。

6)credit evaluation信用评价

1.Fuzzy-logic basedcredit evaluation model for agent society;基于模糊逻辑的Agent社会信用评价模型

2.Study oncredit evaluation of electric clients and diversified service technology supporting system;电力客户信用评价与差异化服务技术支持系统

3.Personalcredit evaluation of college student loans with support vector machines;基于支持向量机的大学生助学贷款个人信用评价


电力企业岗位劳动评价电力企业岗位劳动评价position performance evaluation for electric power enterprises衰l发、供电企业生产脚位劳动要班、因斑级别及权傲标准衰┌────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────┐│要素│因素│级别│最高分│││├──┬──┬──┬──┬──┼──┬──┤││││││四 │五 │分数│%│├────┼─┬────────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤│劳动贵任│l │肖位贵任│35 │28 │2l │l4 │7│160 │32 ││├─┼────────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤││││2 │安全贵任│35 │28 │2l │l4 │7││││├─┼────────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤││││3 │质t贵任 │35 │28 │2l │l4 │7││││├─┼────────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤││││4 │经济贵任│30 │24 │l8 │l2 │6││││├─┼────────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤││││5 │管理贵任│25 │20 │l5 │l0 │5│││├────┼─┼────────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤│技术要求│6 │作业操作难易程度│40 │32 │24 │l6 │8│1 15│23 ││├─┼────────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤││││7 │工作对象复杂程度│40 │32 │24 │l6 │8││││├─┼────────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤││││8 │技术知识要求│35 │28 │2l │l4 │7│││├────┼─┼────────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤│劳动强度│9 │体力劳动强度│40 │32 │24 │l6 │8│1 10│22 ││├─┼────────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤││││10│脑力劳动强度│40 │32 │24 │l6 │8││││├─┼────────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤││││1l│工时利用率 │30 │24 │l8 │l2 │6│││├────┼─┼────────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤│劳动条件│12│危害程度│25 │20 │l5 │l0 │5│1 15│23 ││├─┼────────┼──┼──┼──┼──┼──┤││││l3│危险程度│30 │24 │l8 │l[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]下一页
