100字范文 > 罚函数 penalty function英语短句 例句大全

罚函数 penalty function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-07 17:41:05


罚函数 penalty function英语短句 例句大全

罚函数,penalty function

1)penalty function罚函数

1.According to the work condition of one 1450 five-stand tandem cold mill,reduction distribution as decision variable,thepenalty function was established,in which rolling pressure distribution ratio was as objective function and the constraint condition of reduction distribution was as penalty term.根据某1450五机架冷连轧机生产工况,以压下量分配为自变量,以轧制力成比例分配为目标函数,将压下量分配的约束条件作为惩罚项,建立惩罚函数。

2.Thepenalty function algorithm is utilized to meet the requirements of essential boundary conditions because the shape function of EFGM fails to satisfy conditions.将一种新的数值方法无网格伽辽金法(EFGM)用于刚塑性可压缩材料稳态轧制过程的模拟,由于形函数不满足插值条件,采用罚函数法满足本质边界条件;为提高精度,选用矩形影响域的张量积核函数;利用有限元背景网格作为积分单元,对求解域内和边界上采用不同的高斯积分方案·数值计算结果与刚塑性有限元的计算结果和文献中的实验数据吻合较好,说明无网格伽辽金法用于刚塑性可压缩材料轧制过程的可行性和正确性

3.Thepenalty function is adopted to impose the essential boundary condition, the tensor product weight function with a rectangular influence domain is chosen, and the finite element background cell is considered as the integration unit.将无网格再生核质点法(RKPM)用于刚塑性可压缩材料轧制过程的模拟,采用罚函数满足本质边界条件,选用矩形影响域的张量积核函数,利用有限元网格作为积分单元,对求解域内和边界上采用不同的高斯积分方案。


1.The Penalty Function and Filled Function Methods in Nonlinear Programming;非线性规划中的罚函数及填充函数方法

2.The Penalty Function of Sparre Andersen Model with a Threshold Dividend Strategy;带分红的Sparre Andersen模型的期望折扣罚函数

3.A Modified Penalty Functions Method for Inequality Constraints Minimization;不等式约束的一种修改的罚函数方法

4.Smooth Exact Penalty Functions for Constrained Optimization;约束最优化问题中的光滑精确罚函数

5.Penalty Function Algorithm for Solving the Constrained Optimal Control Problem约束最优控制问题的磨光罚函数算法

6.Study on Nonlinear Neural Networks Based on Exact Penalty Function with Two-parameter;双参数精确罚函数非线性神经网络的研究

7.Expected Discounted Penalty of Mixed Exponential Renewal Process;混合指数更新模型下平均折现惩罚函数

8.By introducing penalty function terms,the problems,which would arise in the case of pure Lagrange multiplier method or penalty function method.通过附加惩罚函数项,克服了单纯使用拉格朗日乘子法或惩罚函数法时存在的问题。

9.Solution of Optimal Power Flow by Applying Multiplier Penalty Function and Hessian Matrix用乘子罚函数和海森矩阵计算最佳潮流

10.Penlty Function Algorithm of Nonlinear Programming;非线性优化问题的精确罚函数算法研究

11.The Dynamic Object Path Planning Based on Penalty Function Niche Pareto Genetic Algorithm;基于惩罚函数NPGA的足球机器人动态目标规划

12.Expected Discounted Penalty Functions with Dividend under Random Premiun Income;随机保费下带红利的期望贴现惩罚函数

13.A Global Convergent Method for Linear Bilevel Programs Based on Penalty Function;用罚函数求解线性双层规划的全局优化方法

14.The Application of Internal Penalty Function Method on the Optimized Design of V Belt Transmission;内点惩罚函数法在V带传动优化设计中应用

15.An Exact Penalty Function Method for Nonlinear Constrained Optimization Problem求解非线性约束优化问题的精确罚函数方法

16.The optimal settings of furnace temperature based on genetic algorithm and penalty function基于遗传算法和罚函数法的炉温优化设定

17.Application of Penalty Function Combined with Genetic Algorithm in Engineering Economy惩罚函数结合遗传算法在工程经济中的应用

18.New Penalty Model for Constrained Optimization Problems解约束优化问题的一种新的罚函数模型


penalty functions罚函数

1.Non-differentiable accuratepenalty functions were chosen in treating the constraint equation and the advantages of simulated annealing algorithm was used for reference in determining penalty param.使用罚函数法对优化模型所包含的约束方程进行转化和处理,使之适用于遗传算法。

2.By use ofpenalty functions,an optimization problem with constraints is converted to non-constraint one to establish the combined optimal monitoring model for dam safety.大坝安全的组合优化监控模型实际上为一带约束的优化问题,将DNA遗传算法应用于大坝安全监控领域中,用罚函数法将有约束的优化问题转换为无约束的优化问题,建立了大坝安全监控的组合优化模型。

bined withpenalty functions,the strategy can guarantee the particles to search in or around the feasible solutions area.该算法以粒子群算法为基础,提出了新的修补策略对违反各种约束条件的粒子进行积极的修正,并与罚函数技术相结合,使粒子尽可能地在可行解区域或尽量接近可行解的区域内寻优。

3)punishment function罚函数

1.A numerical procedure on optimization of minimal time,180 deg reversal of the velocity vector maneuver is then established,in which apunishment function is defined to handle the constraints,and the conjugate gradient method is employed .用罚函数处理约束条件 ,用共轭梯度法对飞机的最短时间 1 80°航向转弯进行了寻优计算 ,优化结果接近于六自由度仿真结

2.This model with complex constraints is transformed into that with simple constraints bypunishment function.考虑应急设施选址时的成本和应急时间因素,给出了多目标应急设施选址问题的模型,通过设置罚函数将该多约束问题转化成易于计算机求解的简单约束模型,进而在初始解的选取、温度参数的控制、可行解的迭代策略和算法终止条件等方面为之设计了模拟退火算法,并通过仿真证明了该算法的有效性。


1.This paper adoptSUMT,set the mill′s relatively use of power as the optimization goal.本文运用罚函数法,以冷连轧机组轧制时电机功率的等相对负荷为目标函数,并用单纯形法进行了加速,所得的轧制规程能够充分地利用现有轧机的生产能力,提高轧机的利用率,为该类型轧机设计提供参考。

5)penalty function惩罚函数

1.Research on multi-modal smooth transition strategy based onpenalty function;基于惩罚函数的多模态平稳过渡策略研究

2.The Multi-object Path Planning Based on Penalty Function NPGA;基于惩罚函数NPGA的多目标路径规划

3.The Dynamic Object Path Planning Based on Penalty Function Niche Pareto Genetic Algorithm;基于惩罚函数NPGA的足球机器人动态目标规划

6)penalty method罚函数法

1.Halfpenalty method and optimism design of ten connecting bar mechanism of plungerslide in double action drawing press;半惩罚函数法与内滑块十杆机构的优化设计

2.The essential boundary condition is imposed by employing apenalty method.将选择施加在"虚结构"控制点上的虚载荷作为形状优化的设计变量,并将它与无网格Galerkin法相结合来开展结构形状优化研究,采用罚函数法来施加边界条件,通过直接微分法建立了结构形状优化的离散型灵敏度分析算法,利用无网格法研究了节点坐标关于设计变量导数的计算。

3.By usingpenalty method,Sobolev space,variational approach,partial differential equations,and function analysis theory,the optimal problem and the existence of the solution of the optimal regularized problem are obtained.首先给出近似解定义,利用罚函数法和Sobolev空间、变分法、偏微分方程、泛函分析等理论得出最优正则化问题解的存在性,并且以变分不等式的形式给出最优化成立的必要条件。


