100字范文 > 满清与朝鲜 Qing-Korea英语短句 例句大全

满清与朝鲜 Qing-Korea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-31 13:04:17


满清与朝鲜 Qing-Korea英语短句 例句大全



1.From 1592 to 1638,Qing-Korea relation changes more frequently than before, which exhibited great variation in the 17th century.中朝藩属政治关系自唐代一直延续到清朝,伴随着中国封建王朝的兴衰更迭,中朝政治关系也经历了一个不断变化的过程,明末清初即十七世纪前后是中朝政治关系变化较为错综复杂的一个时代,尤其1592-1638年间,是满清与朝鲜政治关系变化非常剧烈的一个历史阶段。


1.Evolvement of Qing-Korea Political Relation from 1592 to 16381592-1638年间满清与朝鲜的政治关系

2.The Formation and Establishment of Suzerainty-Feudatory Relationship between the Qing Dynasty and Korea;论清朝与朝鲜宗藩关系的形成与确立

3.On the Relations between Korea, Ming, Later Jin and Qing Dynasty in the Last Stage of Ming to the Early Period of Qing Dynasty;明末清初朝鲜与明、后金及清的关系

4.Before the Jiawu War, the suzerain vassal relationship existed between Qing Dynasty and Korea.在甲午战争之前 ,清朝与朝鲜存有宗藩关系。

5.On the Frontier Trade between Qing Dynasty and Korea in the Yalu River Area清朝与朝鲜在鸭绿江地区的边境贸易述论

6.The dispute between China and Japan over the right of communication in Korea and the switch of foreign policy of the Qing government;中日朝鲜通讯权之争与清朝外交政策的转变

7.On the Evolution of the Relationship Between Qing and Korea before Qing s Entry into the Central Plains;试论入关前清与朝鲜关系的演变历程

8.The Evolution of the Relationship between the Later Jin Dynasty(Qing) and Korea during the Period from 1627 to 1636;1627—1636年间后金(清)与朝鲜关系演变新探

9.The Early Period of Kangxi (1662-1683) the Relation of Qing and Korea康熙前期(1662-1683年)清与朝鲜的关系探析

10.Social Effects of Border Trade between Later Jin Dynasty and Korea;试论后金(清)与朝鲜开设互市边贸的社会效果

11.The “Manchoukuo” Puppet Regime s “Nationality Law”: Its Failure and Koreans Nationality in Northeast China;伪满洲国《国籍法》的难产与在满朝鲜人的国籍问题

12.Qing-Korean Relationship after the Qing Forces Entering Shan Hai Guan;论清兵入关后大清与朝鲜的关系——兼与韩国全海宗教授商榷

13.Huang Zunxian s Chaoxian Celue and the Opening of Modern Korea;黄遵宪《朝鲜策略》与近代朝鲜的开放

14.The Origin and Development of Chinese-poetry in Korean Peninsula & the Influence from the Qing Dynastic Poetry to Korean Poets;朝鲜汉诗渊源及清诗对朝鲜诗人的影响

15.After entering central plains, Qing Dynasty carried out a moralization policy over Korea in order to clear up the cultural hostility of Korea.清入关以后,为了消除朝鲜内在文化心态上的敌意与憎恨,故而推行德化政策,施恩于朝鲜。

16.The Theoretic Bases for Chosen Korea to Revere the Ming and to Depreciate the Qing试论朝鲜王朝尊明贬清的理论基础

17.The Symbolic Meaning of the Divine Deer in the Folk Stories of Manchu-Altaic and Korean Ethnic Groups;满—通古斯诸民族与朝鲜民族民间叙事文学中神鹿的象征意蕴

18.Wei Man is a Chinese, not a Korean;论卫满是中国人而非朝鲜人——与韩国学者金贞培商榷


Korea and Japan朝鲜与日本

3)the diplomatic relationships among Ch ing Dynasty Japan and Korea清、日、朝鲜关系

4)Chongjin(Seishin)清律 朝鲜 亚洲

5)Subject:ming-qing danasty fiction in Cho sun danasty明清小说在朝鲜

6)divaricator between US and Korea朝鲜与美国分歧


