100字范文 > 世界一流大学建设 the construction of world class universities英语短句 例句大全

世界一流大学建设 the construction of world class universities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-30 06:38:12


世界一流大学建设 the construction of world class universities英语短句 例句大全

世界一流大学建设,the construction of world class universities

1)the construction of world class universities世界一流大学建设

1.Internationalization andthe construction of world class universities:A case study of Tsinghua University高等教育国际化与世界一流大学建设:清华大学的案例


1.Research on the Mode of Management for--First-class University in the World;试论大学管理模式与世界一流大学建设

2.On the school-running ideas and it s operation mechanism: Two keys in the construction of the first-class university in the world;办学理念与运作机制:世界一流大学建设的关键

3.Review on"Exzellenzinitiative"Project of German Universities;卓越计划:世界一流大学建设的德国模式

4.University Rankings and Building of World-Class Universities ---Comments of the First International Conference on "World-Class Universities";大学排名与世界一流大学建设——第一届“世界一流大学”国际研讨会述评

5.The Construction of Scientific Researches & the Realization of the World First-Class University for Nationalities;抓好科研建设 创建世界一流民族大学

6.Major Obstacles to the Constructionof Top World Universities and Their Countermeasures;建设世界一流大学的障碍与基本方略

7.Globalization--the Indispensable Road to World First-class Universities;国际化:建设世界一流大学的必由之路

8.Towards the World First Class University: IT Promotion in Fudan Campus创建世界一流大学--复旦大学校园信息化建设

9.University s Social Functions and Construction of World-class University;论大学的社会职能与世界一流大学的建设

10.Aiming at a World Top-ranking University and Accelerating the Construction of Teaching Laboratories;瞄准世界一流大学目标 加快教学实验室建设

11.Vision and Mode--An Interpretation of Disciplinary Development of World-class Universities理念与模式——关于世界一流大学学科建设的解读

12.Construction of the First Class University:Retrospection of Policy and Analysis of Contradiction;建设世界一流大学:政策回顾与矛盾分析

13.Speeding up the Pace of Constructing World-class University from the National Strategic View;从国家战略高度加快建设世界一流大学

14.Building the World-class University in China: Something Lacks Anything yet;中国建设世界一流大学:有什么还缺什么

15.Innovation of Moral Education & the Construction of the World First-Class University for Nationalities;德育工作创新与建设世界一流民族大学

16.How to Construct the First Standard University in the World While China Facing WTO;面向WTO:中国如何建设自己的世界一流大学

17.Cultural Development: An Important Taskin Building World-class Universities;试论建设世界一流大学的文化发展问题

18.Considerations and prospects for establishing first-rate university of the world in China;对我国建设世界一流大学的若干思考与展望


Building of world class universities建设世界一流大学

3)China"s policy on constructing world first class universities中国建设世界一流大学政策

4)to construct world-class universitie创建世界一流大学

5)World-class universities世界一流大学

1.ON the strategy of constructing the world-class universities;试论世界一流大学的建设方略

2.This paper gives a brief comment on several viewpoints which are raised in the First International Conference on "World-Class Universities" from three aspects, namely, rankings of world-class universities,characteristics of world-c lass universities and building of world-class universities.本文从世界一流大学的排名、世界一流大学的特征、世界一流大学的建设等三个方面,对第一届“世界一流大学”国际研讨会提出的若干观点做了简要的述评,既探讨了世界一流大学排名的方法论问题,也探讨了这类排名对世界一流大学建设的积极与消极影响,提出应该尽可能趋其利而避其弊,以促进我国的世界一流大学建设。

3.The investigation of the understanding on the world-class universities on 515 full-time graduates in Shanghai Jiao Tong University has shown following three major points.对上海交通大学515名全日制研究生进行了"研究生对‘世界一流大学’认识"的调查研究。

6)world first class universities世界一流大学

1.The practice of buildingworld first class universities makes it necessary to research into the top universities in the world.创建世界一流大学的实践需要研究世界一流大学的理论做指导。


建设创立新事业;增加新设施:经济~ㄧ组织~ㄧ~家园ㄧ~现代化强国 ◇思想~。
