100字范文 > 消费者保障 Consumer guarantee service英语短句 例句大全

消费者保障 Consumer guarantee service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-27 03:28:12


消费者保障 Consumer guarantee service英语短句 例句大全

消费者保障,Consumer guarantee service

1)Consumer guarantee service消费者保障

2)protection of consumer"s right消费者权益保障


1.Higher Education Individual Comsumer Rights and Interests Safeguard Research in Our Country;我国高等教育个人消费者权益保障研究

2.A Brief Discussion about the Infringement and Safeguard of the University Students Consumers Rights;浅议大学生消费者的权益侵害与保障

3.The state shall take measures to ensure that consumers will exercise their rights in accordance with the law and to protect their legitimate rights and interests.国家采取措施,保障消费者依法行使权利,维护消费者的合法权益。

4.Another area of work relating to consumer empowerment and protection is the council"s complaint and advice service provided through its Advice Centres.消委会透过消费者投诉和咨询服务,促进并保障消费者权益。

5.consumer rights, protection, etc消费者的权利、 保障等.

6.Tourist Contract and Protection of Tourists Consumer Rights;旅游消费者合同及其消费权益的保护

7.The CI is a federation of 273 consumer organisations in 121 countries dedicated to the protection and promotion of consumer interests. The council also maintains regular contacts with its counterparts overseas and in the Mainland.国际消费者联会致力保障和促进消费者权益,成员来自121个国家共273个消费者组织。

8.Consumer protection groups shall set the protection of consumer interests and the promotion of consumer education as their primary purposes.消费者保护团体应以保护消费者权益、推行消费者教育为宗旨。

9.The Characteristics of Insurance Consumption and the Self-prote ction of Rights and Interests of Consumers;保险消费的特点及消费者权益的自我保护

10.Changshu Consumer Rights and Interests Protects Committee (Consumer Association) Research常熟市消费者权益保护委员会(消费者协会)研究

11.On the New Insurance Law to Protect the Rights and Interests of Consumers试论新《保险法》对消费者权益的保护

12.In the area of consumer protection, the Government Laboratory assists the department in enforcing the product safety legislation.在保障消费者权益方面,政府化验所协助海关执行产品安全法例。

13.Consumers enjoy the right to obtain knowledge related to consumption and to the protection of their rights and interests.消费者享有获得有关消费和消费者权益保护方面的知识的权利。

14.Protection for the consumer is laid down by statute.保障消费者利益已在法令里作了规定。

15.Transparent consumption明明白白消费(2000年保护消费者权益主题)

16.The Protection of Consumer s Rights and Interests in the Electronic Funds Transfer;消费性电子资金划拨中的消费者权益保护

17.The Discussion on Service Consumption and the Perfecting of the Law Protecting the Consumer s Rights and Interest of China;论服务消费与我国消费者权益保护法的完善

18.Consumer protection is by no means unique to the postwar period.消费者权益保护并非为二战后特有。


protection of consumer"s right消费者权益保障

3)Commission for Security消费者保障委员会

4)consumer protection消费者保护

1.The International Trade and Consumer Protection under the Condition of WTO;WTO条件下的国际贸易与消费者保护

2.The Comparative Study on Legal Issues Relevant with Consumer Protection Law of China and of Other Countries;中外消费者保护若干法律问题的比较研究

3.From economic law perspective, we should perfect and maintain our food safety system and operation through market ingress custody and self- discipline, market order maintenance and control,consumer protection and redress, and thus construct.从经济法的视野进行研究,在现代食品生产经营社会化的背景下,必须加强市场准入监管与自律、完善市场秩序维护与控制、强化消费者保护和救济,从而构建起严密的食品安全防护网。

5)Consumer protection保护消费者

6)insurance consumers保险消费者

1.The information in the insurance market is naturally asymmetrical, thusinsurance consumers and insurers have fierce conflict of interest due to different recognition of the transaction.天然信息不对称的保险市场中,由于对交易内容认识差距的存在,使保险消费者与保险服务者之间的利益冲突日趋激烈。


