100字范文 > 修复与强化 repairing&strengthening英语短句 例句大全

修复与强化 repairing&strengthening英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-02 14:38:36


修复与强化 repairing&strengthening英语短句 例句大全




1.Restore and Strengthen Research of Electric Brush Plating of Armored Car Gas-jar装甲车气缸套电刷镀修复与强化研究

2.Failure of Roller and Laser Hardening and Repairing Technology轧辊的失效及其激光修复与强化技术

3.Remediation of the Combined Polluted Soil by Growing Ryegrass Enhanced by EDDS/rhamnolipid鼠李糖脂与EDDS强化黑麦草修复重金属复合污染土壤

4.Surfactant/chelator-enhanced Phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated Soil;表面活性剂与螯合剂强化植物修复镉污染土壤的研究

5.Improvement in electrokinetic remediation of chromium contaminated soil with polarity exchange technique交换电极法强化电动修复铬污染土壤

6.A preliminary study on enhanced remediation of an ammonia polluted river by nitrifying bacteria硝化菌群强化修复氨氮污染河流水体研究

7.The More Stress"and "the Weaker Stress" of Thinking Moral Training in Teaching;思想道德修养课教学中的“强化”与“弱化”

8.Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Polluted Soil Assisted by Microorganisms;微生物强化重金属污染土壤植物修复的研究

9.Experimental Study on Bioaugmentation Degradation of Oil-contaminated Soil in North Shann"xi;强化微生物修复陕北石油污染土壤实验研究

10.Phytoremediation and Its EDTA-Enhanced Techniques for Mined Lands Contamination with Lead by Typha Orientalis Presl;矿山尾矿铅污染植物修复及EDTA强化技术研究

11.The Study of Strengthening Bioremediation of Petroleum Polluted Sediment;强化微生物修复石油污染沉积物实验研究

12.Reductive Reactivity of Iron-Bearing Minerals in Soil Remediation;含铁矿物还原特性及强化土壤修复研究

13.Enhanced in Situ Bioremediation of Chlorophenols-Contaminated Groundwater;氯酚污染地下水的强化原位生物修复技术

14.Elsholtzia Splendens Remediation of Copper Contaminated Soil Assisted by Trichoderma铜污染土壤的木霉强化海州香薷修复研究

15.The Enhancement Effects of Earthworms on Phytoremediation of PAHs-polluted Soils蚯蚓对PAHs污染土壤植物修复的强化效应研究

16.Plant Enhanced Microbial Degradation of Phenanthrene and Pyrene in Spiked Soils植物强化微生物修复多环芳烃污染土壤研究

17.Orthogonal Experiment for Remediating Diesel Contaminated Soil by Enhancing Bioventing强化生物通风修复柴油污染土壤的正交实验

18.Rhizosphere Enhanced Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soil植物根际强化修复石油污染土壤的研究


restoration and strengthening修复强化

3)enhanced bioremediation微生物强化修复

4)surface repairing and strengthening表面修复及强化

5)Oxidative damage and repair氧化损伤与修复

6)Repair strength修复强度


