100字范文 > 金融支配积累体制 finance-dominated accumulation system英语短句 例句大全

金融支配积累体制 finance-dominated accumulation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-19 08:08:41


金融支配积累体制 finance-dominated accumulation system英语短句 例句大全

金融支配积累体制,finance-dominated accumulation system

1)finance-dominated accumulation system金融支配积累体制

1.Then,features of diversity and dynamic instability of thefinance-dominated accumulation system in its evolutionary process is discussed.通过沟通微观定价和宏观效应、货币金融与实体经济、短期和长期均衡分析,后凯恩斯主义考察了金融化对分配和总需求的效应,尤其是对利润率、投资率、产能利用率三个衡量实体经济运行状况的均衡值的影响,揭示了金融支配积累体制的多元性和不稳定的动态演化过程。

2)funded scheme基金积累制


1.The Problem and the Outlet in the Transition from Pay-as-you-go System to Accumulation Pension System;由现收现付制向部分基金积累制转轨的问题与出路

2.The Feasibility of Application of Funded fully-Individual Account System to System Social Endowment Insurance at Chinese New Rural基金积累制应用于新型农村社会养老保险制度的可行性研究

3.The common tendency in the international pension system reform is to establish personal accounts and transform to accumulation pension system.国际养老保险制度改革的共同取向就是建立个人账户和向基金积累制转化。

4.Especially from 1990s, a majority of Western countries’ pension systemsbegan fully or partially to introduce funded systems.特别是 90 年代以来,很多国家养老保险制度都开始部分或者全部引入基金积累制。

5.Accumulating a fund by increments.积累稳步增长的基金

6.Research on the Rate of Pension Replacement Based on the Partial ly Funded System;基于部分积累制的养老金替代率水平研究

7.We should try various channels to raise and accumulate social security funds.多渠道筹集和积累社会保障基金。

8.The Pensions and Accumulation of Obligations: the Choices faced by China;养老基金和责任积累:中国面临的选择

9.To place in a fund for accumulation.积累,积聚为积累而放入的资金

10.A national social security fund was established, and it has already accumulated 124.2 billion Yuan of capital.建立了全国社会保障基金,已积累资金1242亿元。

11.Knowledge accumulation method of a support vector machine directed by classification information基于分类信息制导的SVM知识积累方法

12.Recognition of Digital Modulation Signals Based on High-Order Cumulants and Support Vector Machines基于累积量和SVM的数字调制识别

13.On the Basic Countermeasures against Durability, Stability and Accumulation of the Endowment Insurance Funds;论持续、稳定积累养老保险基金的基本对策

14.When the repayment fund has accumulated to a certain sum, the rate shall be reduced or suspended.积欠工资垫偿基金,累积至规定金额后,应降低费率或暂停收缴。

15.Study on the manufacture sub-micron metal materials by severe deformation of ARB process累积叠轧焊强加工制备亚微米金属材料的研究

16.Partially Funded Public Pension, Two-Sided Altruism And Endogenous Growth;部分积累制公共年金、双向利他与内生增长

17.The World Accumulation System and the Origin of the Instability of World Financial System;国际积累制度与国际金融体系不稳定性的根源

18.a fund accumulated regularly in a separate account and used to redeem debt securities.定期分离出并积累起来的用于还债的基金。


funded scheme基金积累制

3)financial system金融体制

1.Analysis on the Progress and the Tendency of the Financial System Reform in China;中国金融体制改革进展与趋势分析

2.The AllFinanz——The characteristic features of the Germanfinancial system;全能金融——德国金融体制的特点

3.On China s Financial System Reforms(1985-1991);1985~1991年中国金融体制改革探析

4)financial regime金融体制

1.The disputes are concerned with the development degree of China’s rural financial market, ruralfinancial regime and the width and depth of its reformation, relationship between ruralfinancial regime reform and external environment, relevant policies, etc.长期以来 ,理论界和实务界对我国农村金融市场的改革和发展存在着诸多理论争议 ,其内容涉及农村金融市场的发育程度、农村金融体制及其改革的广度和深度、农村金融体制改革与外部环境及相关政策的关系等 ,深入探讨这些问题 ,将有助于人们正视当前我国农村金融体制演进中存在的问题 ,更好地推进农村金融体制改

2.With vigorous financial innovation,financial regime is changing from segregation of business to blending of business, and financial holding companies are an important organizational form to realize blending of financial operation.随着金融创新的层出不穷 ,金融体制正在由分业经营走向混业经营 ,金融控股公司成了这一进程中实现混业经营的重要组织形态。

5)total funds accumulation system完全基金积累制

1.In this paper, the author has examined advantages and disadvantages of three kinds of social pensions insurance funds raising modes: present input and output system,total funds accumulation system and part funds accumulation system in foreign countries.文章由养老基金入手,考察了国外现收现付制、完全基金积累制和部分基金积累制三种社会养老保险资金筹集模式的优势和缺陷,阐述了我国现阶段"统账结合"型养老保险资金筹集模式的选择和特点,分析了该模式运行中存在的问题,提出了完善的对策。

6)part funds accumulation system部分基金积累制

1.In this paper, the author has examined advantages and disadvantages of three kinds of social pensions insurance funds raising modes: present input and output system, total funds accumulation system andpart funds accumulation system in foreign countries.文章由养老基金入手,考察了国外现收现付制、完全基金积累制和部分基金积累制三种社会养老保险资金筹集模式的优势和缺陷,阐述了我国现阶段"统账结合"型养老保险资金筹集模式的选择和特点,分析了该模式运行中存在的问题,提出了完善的对策。


